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Everything posted by Palazzo

  1. Can someone who knows tell me if I’m on the right track with some wheel fitment numbers? I have staggered M contours on the car, et41 according to the net (cant be arsed jacking it up to confirm, so let’s assume), 7.5 fronts and 8.5 rears. If I want to fit 8” fronts with an et47 and 8.5 rears et50, in my theorising, a 10mm spacer should do the trick? Or have I got this completely arse about face? If I haven’t, where’s a good place to get them from?
  2. Been here 3 years, has 170km on it, no history and 4 owners in those 3 years, what's that ringing sound in my ears?
  3. Yip. They’d also ripped off the steering column surround, but left the wheel which worked out ok.
  4. I was there twice last week, first time with no tools for some side indicators, went back the next day and someone had tried to get the window reg out and failed, plus smashed glass all over the seat. And then I missed a Boston green msport front bumper with splitter by 10 min, doh!
  5. Might want to pick the glass off first then!
  6. All good, seen people fall into that one before.
  7. If there are, they won't fit your convertible if that's what they are for.
  8. Palazzo

    Quick rant thread.

    Will the bearings wear out quicker on 91? ?
  9. Mt Albert or the city. I’ll have to find it, it’s in the garage somewhere.
  10. I have an original one an engineering shop could copy.
  11. Isn’t this Julian’s old car? Forgotten user name, Jooles? Looking sad now. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-1645176291.htm?rsqid=0c98ffa464ad44a18e35556660872069
  12. What about the harness in the for sale section? M50-52 parts?
  13. Yeah, I thought the same thing, but you never know.
  14. Bet the dealer was stoked with that. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/wrecked-cars/auction-1634535616.htm?rsqid=ee2ff0b2a4e9476ba276a097d3321a37
  15. We just had one done. He left less than the usual amount of detritus, turned up on time and did a good job. Can pm you his details if you want.
  16. From memory put into a wall at a track day, not hard but pretty sure it was this car.
  17. Incl gst is still $60 cheaper, just whether or not $60/unit is a comfortable saving for you.
  18. It's not perfect on top, but not bad either, could easily be restored I would think if you wanted it perfect, or just condition/clean and use as is.
  19. What are the spectator stats for Western Springs, the actual subject?
  20. Palazzo

    BMW Recall

    Also covered are the 2007-2011 328i xDrive, 335i xDrive and 335is, and the 2009-2011 335d. What does d stand for again? Although it’s possibly still a bit of a stretch to link them.
  21. Yes, will check condition when I’m back.
  22. Which one? Picture? If it’s what I’m thinking, yes.
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