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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/17 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    you would be mad to not buy it straight away for 2.5k for a manual e30. Only thing I would check for is rust and if it checks out okay then you worry about all the other problems later
  2. 3 points
    hard a-starboard!
  3. 2 points
    Long shot, but does anyone know of, or can recommend, a building inspector? We're looking at a house. Older, probably 60s, fibre cement clad, on piles. Looks and feels good to our uneducated eyes, but obviously best to get a professional inspection done. It's a small place and we would be looking to extend in about 6 months to a year. This is a part of the attraction (for me) but I really am not letting it be the only reason for buying it!
  4. 2 points
    Hiya Hyden - Wellington Car Carriers start at $65 +GST. I'm gonna use them to transport a parts car from Wellington to my place in Waikanae shortly. Wish I could help you myself but the tow bar on my 528 wagon is only rated to 1200kg - but let me know if you need an extra pair of hands or whatever.
  5. 1 point
    People who list SMG, DSG, ETC or what ever other transmissions on Trade-Me as Manual.
  6. 1 point
    Finally got around to putting the wheels on the E39
  7. 1 point
    You know its going to need work, save the cost of the inspection and spend it fixing it up. Just my 2 cents.
  8. 1 point
    From a e34 m5 5 speed Gearbox is known as a getrag 280 it's a sleightly beefier version of the getrag 260 Gearbox will bolt up to M30 s38 m88 s14 and m10 type engines Full kit from the 3.8L m5 Flywheel Clutch kit fairly new looking Clutch master and Slave cylinders also newish Clutch lines Gear lever , boot and knob ,shifter surround Driveshaft Will fit e34 535i 530i m30 type Also e32 730i and 735i m30 type $2500 021433600 [email protected]
  9. 1 point
    I have a crank pistons and rods for sale if that helps.
  10. 1 point
    When the vending machine at work was filled up and all the drinks are warm and you didn't know When you put you warm vending machine drink in the work fridge to cool down and someone drinks it before you get back. One more cyclist poke. Why would you put yourself and your family at risk on NZ's roads knowing full well how poorly skilled and highly distracted a large majority of drivers are? Get a mountain bike and hit some trails. Better to hit a tree and fall off than to be hit and dragged under a truck.
  11. 1 point
    I must ask then, do the spandex bandits not understand this fact? If they did, surely that would stop trying to be a statistic. Im of the opinion that anyone wearing spandex can GTFO as the ratio of a**hole:good cyclist when it comes to spandex is 100:0, whilst the ratio for cyclists that arent wearing spandex is about 30:70.
  12. 1 point
    Missing the point much.... I have negative attitude to cyclists, but that doesn't mean that I go around trying to knock them off their bikes. Quite the opposite in fact, I give them a wide, wide berth - as they wobble all over the road and I really don't want to deal with their guilt tripping on me. I do ride a bike quite often, and if you're worried about a motorist, try cycling to work along a narrow open road with stock trucks on the way to the sale yards sqeezing past. I'm sure I got licked by the cows on more than one occaision. The BIG difference is that I realize that being on the moral high ground doesn't help in an accident, so I think about when and where I ride (to keep out of the way basically) and ride defensively, not in some kind of angry vigilante attack mode. Only last week I had a wonderful interaction with a cyclist in Napier - wobbling his way down a narrow street with cars parked both sides, and traffic in both directions. No helmet and trying to shield his younger son (also no helmet) from the traffic, causing him to swerve all across the road. Realising what an accident waiting to happen this guy was I made sure I got nowhere near him so that it wouldn't be me that he finally managed to throw himself into. When I came across the same two guys later in town and I suggested he should be setting a better example and wearing his helmet the response was "those rules dont apply, I am my own god"! The words on his T-shirt "I am unstoppable". I really hope he has a DNR notice on him when he is taken into A&E. There needs to be much better education of cyclists (and more emphasis on policing them, rather than making money from speeding fines) any idiot can jump on a bike and pedal off along the road - whether they are a driver and know the road rules or not.
  13. 1 point
    When I look for cars on trademe and it gives you the option to choose manual or automatic, and I choose manual. I would like to assume everyone thinks as I do. That by choosing that option, the vehicles that will appear will have a clutch pedal and a gearstick in which I will choose to use in conjunction with the aforementioned clutch pedal. We all know this is not the case, and I do appreciate others opinions on what they consider to be a 'manual' vehicle. I think most of us would agree that there is some interpretational license going on here when selling cars. What I cannot stand though, and what I am only assuming to be going on are people putting 'manual' on their adverts in the knowledge they will be getting appeal to their cars more so than if they had correctly advertised their car as an automatic. rant over.
  14. 1 point
    All I can say is thank goodness for awesome brakes... and second to third gear power pulls with no mufflers past the f**kers. WHHHHHHHHSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BANG! Eat my flames!! And, why do you all shave your legs? And wear lycra, especially the fat blokes, and thats a lot of you. You know what will make you faster?? Less f**king food, you look like a bald sausage. Motor Cyclists are not much better on back roads, the amount of fast on the straights and then slow on the corners riders is phenomenal. News flash, you can't corner, so get out my way, speeding up every straight so I can't pass you is stupid and you look like a pussy who can't use your toy. Drop a knee, be a man... actually, apply that to most motorists in fast cars also. I think I just need a more powerful car. Yep, that my problem.
  15. 1 point
    9/10 cyclists I see are being c**ts, compared to the 1/10 cars I see being c**ts, and there is a lot more cars on the road than cyclists.
  16. 1 point
    I have a negative attitude towards road cyclists I admit. But I can honestly say MOST cyclists I see are not following our road rules in one way or another. Just like MOST motorcyclists I see are not following our road rules. It is not a minority ruining it for the majority in my opinion.
  17. 1 point
    Cyclists.. Get all righteous with drivers, but ignore all the bloody road rules. Run red lights, go over pedestrian crossings, cycle on the footpath (one guy on his mobile), pull straight out into traffic, wobble all over the road, don't wear helmets... No wonder so many get knocked off their bikes. Being a smug git isn't going to help when your flesh hits a metal car you twats!
  18. 1 point
    probably more this #thuglife
  19. 1 point
    Wisdom teeth pain Rain when you've just hung laundry out in sunshine half an hour before. Speed bumps Uneven road surfaces Stupid 100 kph speed limit. Stupid people who have their head so far up their posterior extremity that they are always supposedly right. Steriods Drugs Unsafe firearm use Drunk drivers
  20. 1 point
    ^^ beer snob detected.
  21. 1 point
    What do you mean by this?
  22. 1 point
    I pronounce words like jalapeno, pterodactyl etc incorrectly on purpose to rark people up.
  23. 1 point
    The auto/manual debate. It seems to rear it's ugly head in 95% of threads. Just give it a rest already. Other people's opinions. Organised religion. Cults. People that abuse/hurt children... Actually, people that hurt and abuse anyone really (see cults and organised religion) Skype... We have 85mbps and you still never f*cking work properly. The speed at which I can burn fuel in the V12. Scary.
  24. 1 point
    I don't care what anyone says, if its does not have a third pedal its not a manual transmission.
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