OK its on!
Did you know the three Holden's I now own are, and will be, appreciating faster (regardless of how ugly they are) than an EV? Did you know that one in particular has 'appreciated' by over 3x its purchase price in the 18 months and is not slowing down? And that's just one of them!
Not only that but...
How many times have you driven your - sorry your wife driven her - Leaf and other drivers pull along side, wind down their window and yell out things like - "Sweat ride!', 'Niiiiice!', 'sounds mean bro!', 'Is it for sale?!'"?
How many times do you - sorry, your wife - get approached by enthusiasts wanting to know more about your - sorry, her - Leaf?
I think we mutually agree that I drive an ugly thing. However, I'd never make my wife drive something fugly. Like a Leaf .
Some friendly advice - just buy what ever you feel like, e65, e39, Tesla, Prius or whatever (actually it really doesn't matter what you fancy), and your wife will drive it. Eventually. It is probably better than the alternative!
Of course this reply is totally in jest and no offence is intended!