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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Have to thin the fleet so time to move Tim on. An E46 compact motor transplant, exterior and interior work. Have a search well documented on here. Asking 5,990
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    It's been a bit iffy for some time. Perhaps a couple of years? Didn't appear during WoF time, so that's been OK. I'll pull the passenger seat and see if there's damp underneath - the previous issue with the evil demons that possessed the dash seem to have been moisture related, so oxidisation is a possibility.
  4. 1 point
    I use Ados F38 High Temperature contact adhesive because it can withstand 176 degrees C for Z3 leather dash repairs. How hot will it be under the bonnet? Look at the your selected glue spec sheet to see its temp rating.
  5. 1 point
    Misuse of words... Torque specs are critical and rely on all parts not being worn
  6. 1 point
    I was going to suggest SIMSON 7003 or other glazing adhesive, built to take the heat
  7. 1 point
    3M90 or 77 would be my guess, 90s probably overkill.
  8. 1 point
    I am after a passenger side window regulator for a E38 2000 728i. Please email me if available I have taken the door apart, if someone can install this for me also that would be great! Thanks In Auckland, Mt wellington [email protected]
  9. 1 point
    Starting to make some visible progress again !! Got the seam sealer on (3M polyurethane) all of the welded areas along with some aerosol rubberised underseal ... should have gone with a more hard core 2k product or just used more seam sealer but oh well. Next up I decided I wanted to water blast the under body and wheel arches before cleaning and painting. I made a dam around the car with some left over PEF rod, timber and a bunch of heavy things so water would be contained and eventually flow out the door. Also adapted the water blaster lance to be a 'sawn off' so it shot straight from the trigger Worked well enough all things considered. FINALLY could get some paint on the underbody and make things look a little tidier !! Two coats of 2k grey for the under body and black for the arches. Its basically full gloss and not satin as it should have been due to rolling it instead of spraying, easy to clean I guess πŸ‘ The 2k paint was a solvent for the rubberised undercoat so didn't roll over it too much ... time will tell if its ultimately a good combination.
  10. 1 point
    Kayne is amazing. Always supported me whilst I was racing in the BMW series. If he is unable build the engine he will point you in the right direction. He has built a number of gearboxes and diffs for me over the years. As for your M30. I would recommend upgraded valve springs and some locking collars. Also convert the oil pump sprocket nut to a bolt. You won't get significant gains from the motor. It is a bit of lazy lump. Most of us go down the turbo route. There is still some good parts available from VAC Motorsports. https://store.vacmotorsports.com/categories.aspx?keyword=m30 However the only reason I have upgraded at all was because I was going down the turbo hole. Otherwise I would not have bothered. I never had any issues at all whilst racing my stock M30 with some headers, an intake and a conversion to MAP with a piggyback MAPECU2. Gearbox syncros were a nightmare though. I inherited some worn syncros when I purchased the car. Kayne can help you here though.
  11. 1 point
    Instructions unclear. Popped disk, shat pants.
  12. 1 point
    It’s a rod bearing support group.
  13. 1 point
    There have been at least 2 meets this big... πŸ˜‰
  14. 1 point
    Was that NZ's biggest ever E61 M5 meet???
  15. 1 point
    Last update of this year I'm picking. Not too much to report. The wheels have arrived back from painters looking good... they will go on in the new year, along with the new Dunlops. I've started work on the spare bumpers, gunna have a crack at painting those myself although expectations are not high... The dash is all good, even the single line of missing pixels seems to have sorted itself out. I had my spare parcel shelf retrimmed with suitable material. It now looks a lot better than the old fading and lifting one. Thought I had an issue with my spare electric blind, but it's all working good. And just today I took care of an annoying feature the Japan market has, I do not need to be told that I have selected reverse, one plug removed and the gong is gone. Merry Christmas All...
  16. 1 point
    Take two Much better! I think some people got yelled at. Looks new now, did a sh*t hot job the second time around.
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