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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/07/21 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Ordered a new gen bmw hvac panel with button set. There was a label warning to not use the panel, just use the individual buttons...lol... The old panel had broken plastic around the heating buttons, so even new ones wouldn’t stay in. All went pretty smoothly once I worked out how to snap in the circuit board without disturbing the fiddly little spring bushes. At the same time I vacuumed out all the dust around the air sampling fan.
  2. 3 points
    I went full yokel/redneck/retard: Full temp control 😄 Bacon:
  3. 2 points
    Hey guys, Thought I would share a recent experience with Fibrenew when it comes to repairs. Basically as I have commented on a couple of other threads my M-Sport wheel was looking a bit worse for wear. I also have the standard light wear on the bolster of the drivers seat. Anyway, my wheel I think is a combination of sun, previous owner’s hand cream perhaps and my own love of sanitiser during lockdown which are away the finish. Emailed the local Fibrenew franchise after seeing some good videos on YouTube and reading their Google reviews. I’m sure this is the same/similar as the ColourLock system and others but I wanted someone to do the application. It was a total of $140 for both seat and bolster and I have to say I’m pretty happy with it. There are a couple of things which I’ll detail below. I guess it really depends if you are expecting the wheel to be “as new” or not and having priced a variety of options I think for the cost this is pretty good. I had this done yesterday and am interested to see how it wears, it’s a little shiny but I don’t know if that’s the finish itself or because it’s just been done. I am going to wait a week and give it a very light clean with Autoglym. That being said, my experience is after cleaning wheels are shiny again in about a week. The only other complaint is that the surface is a tiny bit rough. I have a feeling this might be just how it is but when you have a seat done the grain of the leather means you don’t notice and it’s not a high-contact area for your hands like a wheel is. I hope this will wear and smooth overtime but certainly superior to the feeling of the worn areas beforehand. Apologies for the crappy pics it was a bit dark in my carport with the overcast morning.
  4. 1 point
    Have to thin the fleet so time to move Tim on. An E46 compact motor transplant, exterior and interior work. Have a search well documented on here. Asking 5,990
  5. 1 point
    Hi all, I am looking for V8 engines to go on E30, E36, E46 (3.0 L, 3.5 L...manual) I would also need loom and ECU if possible. Cheers
  6. 1 point
    Fark no do not see myself driving a people mover any time soon
  7. 1 point
    lol - maybe my $150 (sans airbag and slipring) was a little optimistic 😂 but I think $450 is a bit rich for something that will otherwise sit on a shelf collecting dust and decreasing in value, they're hardly in high demand. Let's say $250. 😁 Regardless, good luck with your search and imminent purchase... as long as you realise that your wife might be so happy that you end up with another kid. 😉
  8. 1 point
    It should be cross compatible with f30 at least. The newer wheel is much nicer but are way more expensive. Probably around $800. its a shame because i would recommend a fake alcantara wrap but being msport it will make it way too fat. It was a perfect “upgrade” on my sports model with the thinner wheel. yes engine is noisy but only from outside and especially with bonnet up. Inside it should be all good. radio conversion should be cheap. Gps maybe a bit more. Should manage okay with google maps and spotify via bluetooth? try negotiate the price to account for rotos and pads at least and get it. Service history etc is the big one and if mechanically its sound then it will be the best one to get.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Looks to be this steering wheel: https://www.realoem.com/bmw/enUS/partxref?q=32307845877 You should be able to find one, sans airbag and slipring (reuse your existing ones), for pretty cheap if you can find somebody with a wreck of one of the models listed in the link above. I wouldn't pay more than $150 for a mint one from a wreck. The question is, if it's the right car for you, how long can you tolerate the existing wheel before a replacement pops up? 🤔
  11. 1 point
    new part can be ordered in factory colour https://www.google.com/search?q=51110033763&rlz=1C1GIWA_enNZ599NZ599&oq=51110033763&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 or in primer grey https://www.google.com/search?q=51117837429&source=lmns&bih=791&biw=1627&rlz=1C1GIWA_enNZ599NZ599&safe=off&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjv_arV6ojuAhXbFrcAHYikB1wQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Compared to previous progress things are happening fast now ... final bit of seam welding done in the rear seat, only showing the welds painted with epoxy primer as they don't look great naked Made a custom socket for the subframe mounting studs so I could avoid trying to locate a cheap 30mm crows foot. Worked a treat !! Fuel filler neck, fuel tank and subframe now installed ... will clean the factory wax off the tank which I missed, don't worry
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I don’t know why FB hasn’t capitalised on this and set up their own type of user pays eBay/TM as an aside like messenger. Account already linked etc. Current FB market place is a mess and seems to be more ferals and dredges of society active on it, selling their sh*t with minimal info or no asking price ‘seeing what it’s worth’. Not to mention most new posts get bumped down the page and can be hard to find quickly. I gave up on selling stuff on FB, currently copping TMs excessive success fees.
  17. 1 point
    Xmas makeover Gate to Hellbm.
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