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///MPROVD last won the day on December 11 2016

///MPROVD had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

131 Excellent

About ///MPROVD

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 10/05/1994

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  • Location
    West Auckland
  • Car
    E61 535d
  • Car 2
    E92 M3 DCT
  • Car 3
    E36 M62 drift hack

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  1. Working e9x ccc idrive unit $300
  2. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cp-M4o8g1nm/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  3. Hey guys im after 1x or a pair of 18x9 style 5s. I had a set, till we assume someone stole one wheel out of the trailer. I know its not likely ill find one but worth a go. Cheers
  4. I have one if your interested $200 in Auckland.
  5. E9x cic retrofit $600 Comes with: Screen, headunit, controller, screen cable, trim and screen power connector w/tails. Pick up in west auckland. I can assist with coding etc but i wont do it for you so please do your research. Thanks
  6. hui,  dont really sell sets as im in the uk, 

     ( post would be high for seats to your country?)

     but i have many different skins, frames, etc,,


      the only set comes to mind right now is a comfort grey houndstooth from a sedan , but the upper part of the fronts are missing, 

     front lowers,headrests& rear seat are all good,

     also  i got a set of doorcards  fom the same car , £150 & postage

  7. Recently wrecked a e89 for a drift build and selling off some parts i thought worth selling. Feel free to make me an offer on any of it. Cheers. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/search?member_listing=3451678
  8. Have you considered the oem logic 7 amp and speakers? Has the benefit of oem intergration so equaliser control from the idrive etc They are semi hard to find but if you can find a set at a local wrecker etc its well worth it. Ive done 2x now that ive paid around $400 for the whole setup and the sound is fantastic.
  9. I have cic conversion if your looking for a better option https://www.trademe.co.nz/3455299137
  10. Sold pretty quick and forgot to update. However the new owner maybe prepared to sell it on. If your seriously interested pm and ill pass on the contact. Cheers.
  11. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/search?member_listing=3451678 Just thought id chuck these bits up after cleaning up in lock down. Have a few electric bits if you need something 2006-2010 audio related feel free to ask.
  12. Hey micheal, great work on a very slick looking car. Stoked your back in a bmw haha. I also have m6x timing tools your welcome to borrow if you do timing chains.
  13. Never really agreed with this form of scare mongering. They know this wouldnt be effective if it was some everyday shitbox. Why can't they order destruction via recycling and either have the funds go to police or returned to owners/insurers of the stolen cars? Very wasteful. why pay 5c for coke can when they cant recycle something worth 100x more, just to prove a point? Either way the crim looses their car, But at least it benefits others/ the environment.
  14. Selling a e9x m3 cic conversion if anybody is interested. Pm me https://www.trademe.co.nz/3152856034
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