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Southerner last won the day on May 22 2022

Southerner had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

153 Excellent

1 Follower

About Southerner

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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  • Car
    1988 BMW E30 318i Slushy
  • Car 2
    1977 Triumph TC 2500

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  1. Unfortunately hasn't had alot of attention the past it appears 24months, time flies! I've half done the exhaust along with alot of other "half dones". Ill get cracking this winter and get into it as I'd like it done for summer which rolls around awfully quickly! Even the one day has collected dust on the screen! Thanks for the hurry up, watching @elias hooking into his and a couple of local lads spurring me on as of late I've got no excuses
  2. In terms of the ECU mounting location, I mounted mine in the passenger side as it seemed counterproductive to wire it all back across the engine. Maybe have a look into that as an option? Otherwise is looking good, you'll have yours on the road before mine!
  3. I'll have/know of one that will be for sale. Located lower south island but can sort that out I'm sure. Let me know if interested and can get more details. Thanks
  4. Southerner

    WTB: E30

    Nothing better than a red M52 swap Hopefully yours is a quicker turn around than mine with my other life "priorities"
  5. Southerner

    WTB: E30

    That's pretty good for a coupe on the road. What are your plans to build if your after rolling body?
  6. 17inch OZ Futura 17x8 et32 17x9 et32 5x120 Fully rebuilt and purchased from Europe couple years ago. New lips bolts etc Very good fitment for 3 series (and probably others). Bang on for stock body e30, e36, e46 etc $5500 Located Dunedin. Happy to ship at buyers cost
  7. Theres been four rolling sedans for sale the past 24hours, is there something going on we dont know about?!
  8. The way I potentially see it. If it costs an extra few thousand when your potentially borrowing money at a lower interest rate, it doesn't make alot of difference at the time to ensure you get the purchase. As a percentage when your spending larger sums of money to add on the extra "tax" people are trending to do it. Overall bang for buck the e30/36 chassis is still pretty good compared to other desirable vehicles. I certainly won't be selling mine anytime soon, I'd have to finish it first 😂
  9. Don't get me wrong I'm all for the things I own to improve in value. However I also struggle to believe a vehicle I brought has skyrocketed in "value" in less than two years. It's not like in that time half them fell off the road or got written off so they got rarer. I believe it's to do with "hype" combined with what was low interest rates over that period and essentially "free interest" lended money. This is confirmed when in the last 3 months the car values are dropping 20% atleast from a year ago and appear to be sitting on trademe from the auctions I follow across all sorts of vehicles
  10. Do you have a link to it? Cant seem to find it!
  11. Back into this thing and is progressing. Working through driveshaft hoops at the moment. Along with exhaust, will put some photos up next day or so in regards to that. Have an adrenalin r twin 2" back box, and a pair of 2" torque chambers, will be a full twin 2" system stainless. Here's a couple of photos of a pair of shoes I tried on today Bit over tired at the moment, was more to try on fitment wise if I manage to stumble across a set for myself.
  12. Posts like these encourage me to get a wriggle on! Good job on all the above, looks tidy and a good package!
  13. Well this is an awesome combination https://www.trademe.co.nz/3607526890 Side note....anyone want to buy an e30 coupe in project state....
  14. It will be part no 25117527252 ? Is also on my next import list for mine
  15. Bit of late night last night with @euroriffic. Tidied up the wiring alot, none really visable which i wanted to achieve. Will work on headers and driveshaft hoops next to then waterblast/scrub the engine bay to then install the radiator. Injector/fuel rail cover will get slightly adjusted to sit better.
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