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Everything posted by 320guy

  1. The 318 will probally dissapoint and then you will be in the mindset all BMW's are slow.
  2. Got it all sorted, right hand rear bleeder was full of crap so it wouldnt bleed out of there. Its driveable, ill just have to get the rear left sorted at some point.
  3. Trying to get my car a warrant today, and I need to bleed the brakes, but the bloody rear left bleeder snapped off. 1.) Anyone around here with a caliper I can have / buy cheap? (mosens is closed) 2.) Anyone keen to give me a hand? No ones home and wont be home for a few days, its the only car I have access to atm. And im out of brake fluid. ( I have beers )
  4. Which makes top gear funny and entertaining.
  5. Yeah, but only to people driving sweet cars, if its a rice burner - then nah I dont bother.
  6. 320guy

    day got made :)

    Did he offer you candy?
  7. Just stop ragging on the police, they are just enforcing the law, it might be a stupid law, but its the law. They are just doing their job. Instead of crying about it on forums, try and get the law changed.
  8. WAAA WAA WAA I BROKE THE LAW AND GOT CAUGHT All you people going around saying FTP get what you deserve.
  9. Err they do have a valid point, the easiest way to hide a stolen car is to change the plates. Personalised plates are sh*t anway.
  10. Yep, I made a similar tool to the same thing, it takes awhile to tighten it up and pull the lollipop on, but it is 500 times easier then trying to muscle it on (like some people told me you could do). Also, to cut the old one off I cut through the rubber with some stainless steel wire (cuts very quickly once it gets hot).
  11. Howd you manage to f**k up the ring gear? Getting the injector plugs mixed up shouldnt make much (if at all) difference, they are fired in batches, the fuel will just sit there until the valve opens. Also BMW use brown wires for ground, so yes, all those brown wires are ground. Not sure where they go, but make sure they are all connected. Also check your chassis grounds, from chassis to engine. Theres one from the left chassis rail to the oil pan, make sure you have it connected and that it is in good shape! It can cause engine problems.
  12. If you arent good at diagnosing electronics, just take it to a auto sparky.
  13. My speedo stopped working and it was a fuse that had gone, some other stuff also stopped working, cant remember what though. Try checking fuse 12 and 10.
  14. Yep, replace the old engine loom with the new one, install a new front crank wheel (one with teeth on it), crank angle sensor, the fuel injector harness part is a bit different and dosent quite fit because they have different fuel rails, but you can just cut a bit of the plastic out on the fuel injector harness thing. With the new loom, the bigger ECU plug wont fit through the firewall, you can pull the plastic off the plug, and then fit it thru and put the plastic back on. The oil level sensor has a different plug, you can cut the plug off the old loom and wire it on to the new one, or just change the oil level sensor to the newer one. You wont notice any difference between the two ECU's apart from idling will be alot better, and so will cold starting. Also there are alot more chips around for the 1.3 ECU's. Also im guessing you have 1.0 and not 1.1, 1.1 and 1.3 both have a crank angle sensor and 3 row ECU plugs, to convert from 1.1 to 1.3, all you need to do is swap the ECU's over. - If your ECU plug is only 2 row, it should be 1.0.
  15. No the plugs are all the same (except for oil level sensor), and the water level tank switch isnt part of the engine loom.
  16. Found out my mate recently blew up 2nd gear
  17. 320guy

    Reving Porblems

    Sounds like its time for a manual swap
  18. It was $24 from the BMW dealer !?!?
  19. The ECU should adjust within a few minutes. It shouldnt be so bad that its stalling though. Checked for vacuum leaks?
  20. New waterpump and thermostat and its sweet, which is mean as. I was expecting it to be f**ked.
  21. Yeah, it dosent really matter what gear it is in, as parts in the gearbox are still moving, as long as its not in park, or it wont move We towed it for less than 1km, and only doing about 30kph. BMW manual says it is safe to tow at 100kph for 100km.
  22. Yeah, what else you gonna tow it in? Park?
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