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richard last won the day on April 9 2020

richard had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

384 Excellent

About richard

  • Rank
    4th Gear
  • Birthday 12/03/1964

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Richard Batcheler
  • Location
  • Car
    93 , e36
  • Mods List
    front to back
  • Race Car
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Renovating houses , racecars , fishing , BAITING race competitors on Bimmersport , partying with friends , you know , all the good stuff .

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6924 profile views
  1. the words are in English but this is a foreign language.
  2. age 11 on and off at school of all places, full time when I started work at the age of 15 , 72cents a pac. about 14 years.
  3. I gave up on the 9/9/1989 at 9am
  4. richard

    Quick rant thread.

    just takes one a**hole to confirm the stereotype. Parked across my drive this morning.
  5. richard

    Quick rant thread.

    are you saying new Zealand citizens should be flightless, like our native birds.
  6. look at $200-$250 per square meter. Plus.............. floor, power, water, etc.
  7. richard

    Shed fit outs

    I wish id put in floor lighting
  8. because he said BMW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBKJ12YyG5g
  9. I see, budget for about $12k
  10. what's your intension with/for the engine Race, show. etc
  11. Lockdown... Not music or vids. But spent the morning working on the car transporter. I was just going to replace the master cylinder with a new one but when I started to get in to it "things didn't go as planned" (there a song there somewhere) my shopping list for after the lockdown grows.
  12. richard

    e36 racecar

    update on maintenance. I've been having problems with the front headlight delete, Its been coming lose from the front nose cone. left-hand side. So over the lockdown I pulled it off and made some tabs that I fiberglassed on to fit screws.. Pics...................
  13. richard

    not BMW

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