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francoisv last won the day on April 27 2020

francoisv had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

466 Excellent

About francoisv

  • Rank
    4th Gear
  • Birthday 04/10/1986

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  • Car
    Harley Vrod
  • Car 2
    E87 X1
  • Race Car
    V6 Pajero

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  • Interests
    BMWs and Track racing

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  1. Sis you do the hidden Sports Menu unlock trick too?
  2. They are very identical actually, Its the Paddles and Clock Spring mostly. Also, it may just be me, but the M3 feels slightly lighter than MSport. Clean dash BTW!
  3. In decent condition overall. Good Upgrade for a 330, or E39 FL. Includes Clock Spring, Wheel and AirBag $1500, but open to offers Pick up from Highland Park, Auckland, or I can ship
  4. Last we checked, was around 1350kg including engine
  5. Hey Mate,


    you mentioned you may have an m3 bumber?




  6. I may have one. Drop me a PM with your contact details
  7. Having to downsize the fleet. Looking for "valuators" for my 1991 FL E30 318i convertible. Completely stock, apart from alarm and stereo. 215,000km new roof few little bumps and bruises but in decent condition overall.
  8. After a set of the above. Preferably with ET 30 - 40 only need the rims, not tyres Auckland
  9. As long as the welds look strong enough, an not like a rocky road chocolate show, the certified will sign off. That being said, certifiers often think it’s a plus to have the welding done by a qualified fabricator. We haven’t needed that yet.
  10. Hahaha being bald makes you look that much better in a vert. Plus, it helps with aerodynamics. but good luck with your hunt, hopefully something comes up
  11. Ive just recently made a set for my mate. RedLine has 2 sets of BCs left Im told. Feel free to get in touch if you need them welded up
  12. Whats your thoughts on a FL Convertible? Completely bone stoke apart from the head unit and alarm
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