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E30 325i Rag-Top

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Everything posted by E30 325i Rag-Top

  1. Need a price - either for whole car, or parts. As per forum rules please.
  2. Take weight out of the car, forget to take weight off the driver....
  3. They need a massive kick up the arse, the whole lot of them, bloody embarassing. Yes Black Caps are good, and played at the top of their game, but England had no clues and no fight.
  4. It's amazing how much heavier the modern cars are than the older models. Even with all the "weight saving" materials, the gizmos and safety system add more weight.
  5. Got loads of trim here, pretty sure I've got a full set.
  6. He has probably just realised he's not good enough to get into the Ireland team so will have to slum it with England!
  7. Yeah, such glaringly obvious design failures, totally ruined my enjoyment and overall experience when I drove the i8..
  8. In order to have no obligation they would have to clearly state the terms of shipping, wouldn't they? If they organise the shipping from their end, does that not make the goods "Free Into Stock (F.I.S.)" and the sellers responsibility until delivered rather than Free On-Board?
  9. Check on the NZTA web-site, there are certain sizes that are allowed only with a cert, and some sizes / types that are not allowed at all. Some sellers don't inform you of this when you buy them.
  10. Not sure that is the case. In the instances where I have had issues with non-delivery, both domestic and international, I have been told that I cannot do anything about it and only the sender can contact the postal services involved. There is an "international agreement" that covers it. I got bored reading it on about the 15th page of blah. Might not be the senders responsibility as it has transferred to the postal service, but it is still with them to pursue the non-delivery.
  11. Pretty much every insurance company that offers "Cheap" insurance in the UK cherry pick their customers. They won't touch any "high risk" vehicles in the higher insurance groups or any high risk drivers, young, bad record, convictions, etc. That way they have only low-risk customers - and can offer them cheaper insurance. The downside for anyone that wants a high risk car insured is that the premiums are very steep as they cannot be off-set against any lower risk policies. Any modified car - even down to after-market rims, will get put in the high risk basket, even if you have a million alarms and immobilisers fitted. Insuring an E36 with those mods in the UK would be very hard, and very expensive. When I came to NZ the first car we bought was a Scooby Legacy GT Turbo - full comprehensive insurance on that was cheaper than third party on my 10 year old Peugeot diesel in the UK! The lady in the AA said "ooh its a bit expensive as its a high risk car" told me how much and I laughed at how cheap it was, she was very confused. That is why older "performance" cars are so cheap (look at E36 M3 'verts for example) - no-one wants one because the insurance is more than the price of the car.
  12. Aussie were the better team in all areas of the game.. Didn't help that England had an absolute shocker. Can't seem them beating the Black Caps either the form they are in. Time to change the old passport maybe??
  13. Whacked the snot out of the petrol tank on the race car, trying to get the dent out of the bottom of it. Piece of wood through the pump/filler hole in the top, seemed to work a bit. Those fumes though...
  14. Basic animal reaction, back someone into a corner by making it obvious they are in the wrong and it's fight or flight time. A few will back down, like the guy who does back up the path, but most will rear up, like the guy with the gun.Even a rat will grow a pair when it is cornered.. Hence the reason direct action like this can go wrong, the reaction is very often irrational and unpredictable.
  15. Made rarer by the fact that most of those coupes have either rusted or busted many years ago. The 70s was not a good time for build quality at Jaguar, thanks to both BL and the Unions.
  16. Hmm, whilst I can agree with their good intentions, there is only one place this is going to end up - especially in Russia! Direct action is always a very debatable area, if you ain't a cop (or similar) then don't try and enforce the law. Take a photo, send it to whoever needs it, but don't try and be a vigilante hero - those films aren't real, the good guys don't always win.
  17. Great, your car is nearly finished Dan! You kept that quiet.
  18. You're just biased Jooles! Plus you would have to wait until 2019 to drive the thing on the road in NZ - just think of the price of fuel by then!
  19. A well known car from the UK from my boy-hood, saw it in the flesh a few times, almost got to see it on the track. 205 GTi + Dimma Widebody + Cossie Turbo + 4 x 4 = Awesome!
  20. I'm pretty sure you need more parts than just the E30 M3 hubs to change over to the 5-stud pattern. Aren't the spindle and bearing sizes different as well? Hence, the usual method of using E36 struts and E36 Compact trailing arms to make the 5-stud swap.
  21. Which M20s are they out of Jules? I probably have a few kicking around if B20s. Will look to see if I can find some that look like the photos - might need a bit of a clean and free-up but were working before engine was pulled.
  22. Might be taking a short cut? He's a bit crafty like that! Hope the car came through unscathed.
  23. Hmm, I think that means you're poking around somewhere you shouldn't and a big red warning light has gone off in Munich! Possibly a system access issue, or it could be a "security" option fitted on the car. PM me the VIN and I'll have a look here see if I can get any more out of the system.
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