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Everything posted by BM WORLD

  1. fit the 8" on the front and 8.5" on the rear , easy , job done
  2. they normally run staggered 8.5" rear 7.5" front
  3. have 2 8.5" they can fit on the front
  4. low trans fluid level will cause that too failed trans oil cooler ? have spare trans if needed
  5. i have 2 rears from a e36 318is
  6. you want style 32 ? what offset type ? or wheels from a e32 7 series
  7. thats from a early e36 316i 318ti 318is 318i m43 m42 etc ,
  8. haha 16'' original alloys and much more! you mean 390mm metrics with 20 year old plastic tyres
  9. http://bmwfans.info/parts-catalog/E90N/Europe/335i-N54/R-N/2009/browse/automatic_transmission/automatic_transmission_ga6hp19z/
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=35311163882&rlz=1C1GIWA_enNZ599NZ599&oq=35311163882&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  11. was battery coded to the car , if not it will under or over charge it and stuff the battery pretty quickly
  12. battery , alternator , power conections
  13. have a e28 m5 clutch call me also ideas on engine upgrades ph number below
  14. count the turns , i have had green/yellow tag same as a purple tag
  15. i have to order one too for my e28 have a couple of places im looking at
  16. BM WORLD

    E24 project

    can call me if you like details below
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