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Everything posted by BM WORLD

  1. yes have the gearbox, the gearbox does not have a removable bellhousing its the whole front 2/3 of the box , as per pictures
  2. some bits out ready for sale engine sold seats and cards sold exhaust sold body shell goes off to scrap next week
  3. that's if he can get traction maybe better to do a 50-150kmh
  4. na all 328i had dual mass . you will need to find out what flywheel you have ? whats it from ? WHAT SIZE DIAMETER DISC ETC , PICS WILL HELP CALL ME IF YOU WANT MORE INFO , MAY HAVE OPTIONS
  5. sounds like the dead lock is on and the locking actuator has failed , or the latch itself , try and clip the locking actutator off the latch and operate levers or the key lever to see if it unlocks
  6. have a nice m52b25 and manual kit from 97 323i coupe if that interests you
  7. some videos from today at pukekohe went better with the ASC turned off fully managed to knock a second of my quickest time from last time I was out.
  8. lots of these style 32 wheels get a refurb and all the casting numbers on the face get ground/sanded off etc style 32 have all there numbers on the front face . like this numbers became very faint when layers of paint go over them
  9. i just clean in there when the roof is half open etc wipe dirt etc , air hose blow the drain tubes etc . its a common issue on pretty much all convertibles have seen flooded e36 e46 models etc , except less electrics to damage in those models.
  10. yes common issue , have seen it before . try rapid radio see if they have a replacement , or try ebay etc
  11. BM WORLD

    M42 head

    have a mint m42b18 engine , looks like its had the head reco'd etc at some stage no point pulling a good head off a good engine. , if you don't find a good un bent un cracked head
  12. all e36 coupe have folding rear seats , some late model e36 sedans came with them all e46 coupe have folding rear seats , some e46 sedans came with them , just depends on spec ordered
  13. ok so you have spark , but still no start , ok so next you need to check is there high pressure fuel at the fuel rail , disconnect the fuel hose at the reg end and crank it over . if fuel is there , are the fuel injectors ticking when you crank the engine ?? you may have spark but is it in time ? check with a timing light ? is it being over fuelled ? black smoke ? when it stalls , bang the ecu box with handle of a screw driver ? so if it starts ? did you check the distance from the flywheel trigger to the crank sensor (the rear one) is the trigger solid mounted to the flywheel , not cracked welds etc
  14. you will have to try all these things , also , how good are your tyres? how quickly do they get grip etc . trial and era ,
  15. hi keep the chit chat for somewhere else please, this is a for sale thread .
  16. should return all the way when you release your finger
  17. have a set also , mk motorsports type 1
  18. easy enough to remove and see if they are broken , quite common
  19. these cars have a few common faults , give me a call some time
  20. like this in this 92 m5
  21. fuel pump dying ? , or bad crank sensor or ecu (dry joints) etc also check the dizzy cap and rotor etc when it dies and wont start , you need to check if you have spark at one of the spark plug leads ?? if you do then look into the fuel system , fuel pumps die these cars have a lift pump in the tank and a high pressure one under the car call me tomorrow if you want more info 021433600
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