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Everything posted by hybrid

  1. hybrid


    Mean dude ... congrats!
  2. Another race project who had surplus. Ray found it for me.
  3. hybrid


    sad to hear ... but glad its all sorted now!
  4. hybrid

    The bastard child.

    might pop up for a perv in the weekend if youre around
  5. Nah its fine (after a bit of machining and sleeving) The oppertunity to buy a second one came up which was more complete so I took it. Will decide later what ill do with the other engine. I have a grand plan for everything. Its just not cheap so will take a year longer. In the mean time, this one can go in and I will run the car on the road. So expect it around soon
  6. Bought a new toy today. 37k's .. basically only run in
  7. was going to post ... however jadedness kicked in.
  8. He probably found out it wouldnt get certed with the external bug catcher.
  9. hybrid

    The bastard child.

    Here is the thread on it. http://www.r3vlimited.com/BOARD/showthread.php?t=89712 Its all in the heating and rolling as not to A ) crack the paint and B ) help the metal bend. The trick is not to overheat the metal so the paint burns/boils. If youre not confident then I would get an expert whos done it before to look at it. otherwise its not rocket science. The guys who did my e46 used a hydraulic version of this with heat gun. Only cause e46 rear gaurds are solid as sh*t.
  10. hybrid

    The bastard child.

    I reckon you have scope for doing this. Heated and rolled and slightly pulled. Do this with some more fitting tires (non flat side wall) and a bit of negative camber and I think you'll find it will fit.
  11. Yeah, not worried about actually doing it, More pissed I have to stick some NZ backyard certifier bodgy mod on the car to please some tick box. Specailly when im using an e30 m3 grp-a drive shaft.
  12. Sounds awesome, I'm pretty amazed at the low end pull to 100kph. Would be a dream to drive around town. Oh and welcome to the BBK club. Just becareful, until you get use to it, Its _really_ easy to lock up from high speed down to 0. Personally not looking forward to this drive shaft loop thing :|
  13. Nice first rims When you can afford it or whatever go for something with more agressive offset and fills the guards a bit more. But otherwise :thumb:
  14. Current BMW BT compatibilty chart. http://www.bmw.co.uk/bmwuk/bluetooth/compa...1312___,00.html and have bought quite a bit through bimmernav .. great to deal with, I wouldn't stress to much on the fact they are taking a while to get back to you. They will no doubt when they can. They have a very good reputation and compeditive pricing I've found.
  15. hybrid

    Big Boys RC Cars

    I reckon the top gear radio controlled cars looked a lot more responsive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQVH5rrqkFY
  16. hybrid

    New E92 M3 GT

    it will sell well in the states. they need to concerntrate on the cancelled CSL instead.
  17. The trick is (as with all e46 parts) is not to look in NZ. orrrr phone Ray from HellBM. 99% sure he still has one for sale
  18. I doubt anything wrong. I added cruise control to mine (New MF Steering wheel) and it made a world of difference to my gas consumption. See my write up on it here i did a year or so ago. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=13689
  19. I have a friend with one for sale for around $500 that was 1 month a go .. can ask him if he still has it for sale if your keen?
  20. konis in both e46 and e30 = awesome.
  21. hybrid

    Cameron v. Tua

    knocked the f*** out. that is all.
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