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C-130 Hercules

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C-130 Hercules last won the day on October 19 2024

C-130 Hercules had the most liked content!

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572 Excellent

1 Follower

About C-130 Hercules

  • Rank
    3rd Gear

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  • Location
    Tamaki Makaurau
  • Car
    E28 eta
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  • Interests
    Science, photography, cycling, swimming, music, lego

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  1. This should be a sticky. This IS Bimmersport 2024.
  2. Was mentioned before, I still like it: RODBRG - a playful reference to rod bearings...
  3. Picking up on paint subthread on here again - did you find a paint shop yet. After the storm this week, we have found ourselves in the unfortunate position needing panel and paint work. My trusted panelbeater has recently sold up. Going to Ray Hasler I worry the cost might blow out for insurance purposes.
  4. Morning all - long shot, but does someone have a C4 diagnostic (MB) unit I could borrow in Auckland?
  5. Trying my luck here. Do we have someone within our esteemed community that could help me to virginise and Programme a 722.9 Merc tranny? Got a new control unit for it but don't have online xentry.
  6. Probably a high ranking Mason.
  7. Most important is that you get a good feel for the place and talk to the owner / senior tradesman and explain what you are after. If they are proud of their work they should happily show you some recent / current work. If if starts to feel like you are taking up their time its a bad sign. My 2c
  8. They have done so in the past.
  9. My first place of call would be Ray Hasler. Might pay to check them out?
  10. Head for the hills. There are many more good looking fish in the ocean.
  11. Interested in the business head unit. The top one. Do you the code for it?
  12. This on the Southern this afternoon...
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