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Everything posted by lord_jagganath

  1. Bit the bullet. I will soon own a Q7

    1. gjm


      Keen o hear how you get on.
      Q7s haven't appealed to me, but I know people who have been very happy with them.

    2. lord_jagganath


      absolutely! it's a 2008 model so prefacelift, but post engine upgrade. i have tested a few, just a tall riding A6. 

  2. Rewatching some Bond movies, and thinking some of the songs are just so good,
  3. I've always wanted a pair of BMW sneakers...
  4. https://www.youtube.com/embed/34CZjsEI1yU
  5. is her income greater than 0 for most of the year and she pays tax usually? that could have been taken into consideration.
  6. Yes, the risk is far too high, unless there are the types that would throw caution to the wind. Dormant companies may take advantage of this. Additional to that, Murphy's Law strikes! The Drivers window on my borrowed Airtrek decided to fail while fully withdrawn down. on Day one of the Lockdown. LOL
  7. was under the impression you need to prove that you would lose more than 30% of your turnover to qualify for that? https://www.business.govt.nz/news/coronavirus-information-for-businesses/#e-20169 and then laying off staff would be bad juju imo. the employment office would probably come down hard on them.
  8. Considered essential as we service the dairy/wine industry. (that is how my boss interprets it) Edit: What is pissing me of now is that they (owners) are now talking about doing DIY stuff when they will be staying at home and we are still unsure on how things are going to work for us, the "workers" .
  9. family owned, same number of employees as there are owners. not union. and in theory I can work from home. that is what puzzles me. will update once we have a sit down tomorrow.
  10. Was given three options at work: - 1. Work from office some days, and use annual leave for some 2. work at office some days and use govt paid leave (which doesn't cover rent) 3. take entire 4 weeks off but either annual leave or govt paid. so, am I screwed or what? this is still early days, will hash it out tomorrow and hopefully sense will prevail, not the greed for money (HAH)
  11. https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=2558681234 I am interested in this ML320 and it seems to be good value for what it is, is there any one down that way who could check the car out for me? there's a case of brews in store for you. would like to know how it drives and if the interior is as perfect as the photos seem? be as critical to it if possible.
  12. https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=2563723510 A lot of car for not very much money IMO. Tested one a few years ago in North Shore and felt nice, but the gearbox felt like it had better days, as it was a Hotel Taxi.
  13. Flipping Cars, Like Flipping houses ,Should have a capital gains tax on it. 

  14. lord_jagganath

    Holden out

    Chevrolet has a manufacturing base in South East Asia, where they make the Isuzu and some Korean derived SUVs for the SEA market, we may be getting those, just branded as Chevy? maybe? Edit: OOPS. GM is pulling out of Thailand too.. ?
  15. have seen the car about 6 months ago, considered it and decided against is being a Japanese import that has been sitting at this guys yard for close to 2 years, plus the leather had splashes of paint. just didn't feel right to me. engine sounded smooth though.
  16. 5 o'clock customers turn up in  Range Rovers and Q8s....

    1. gjm


      They could take you to dinner!

    2. lord_jagganath


      i wish, they just spent a few grand and disappeared :lol:

  17. is the guy who runs it called alan? and its Shore European? they are pretty good though usually.
  18. Rent is going up again. This is insane. AUGH

  19. Sometimes I feel I'm the only one working in this company lmao. 

    1. gjm


      Welcome to my world!
      I have one member of staff on long-term sick leave, and she plans to  move to a new role immediately she gets back but until that is formalised, I can't recruit.
      The other member of the team is very pregnant and on leave from 6 weeks time (assuming nothing happens before). She may be out for 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months... And I cannot recruit to replace her. She is also very specialist in what she does, and works part time. So finding someone to fill that role - temporarily - is incredibly unlikely.
      In the meantime, the business wants more and more from the IT and IS function!

    2. lord_jagganath


      you should get paid double Graham. Hold the company to ransom. (I am trying to but I am very replaceable :LOL:) 

    3. gjm


      Paid double? I work at a council! Probably lucky to be paid at all! ;) 

      Actually - I do like my job. And I'm fortunate enough that I can make changes to the way things are done for the benefit of everyone.

  20. checked the lot, book is full of continental stamps, property dev so shuttling between auck and Taupo almost everyday. tyres, rotors and pads are new, was done at last WOF ( failed last warrant due to these I gather) I like that it is still like brand new on the inside.
  21. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a.asp?id=2458569106 that's a lot of miles. anything to look out for?
  22. First word Problems, but the bosses are hogging the Veuve Clicquot... 

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