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Everything posted by lord_jagganath

  1. we've not been having too many life is choice moments, for good reason, I guess. I sold the Pulsar today. admittedly way less than what I wanted for it, but one has got to be realistic. it has been a Pyrrhic victory, in that I didn't sell it to those chaps yesterday. Gotta love being petty like this
  2. Just gave up a sale of the Pulsar, because the guy who came with the buyer to check the car out, got a little too snake oily on me, and tried to talk me down on our initial agreed price. I don't mind if you bargain to start with, but not after we agree on a price.
  3. in my experience, they do and will pay out. just don't expect them to insure you again ? (they didn't insure me again)
  4. Feels like this is the bottom of the bell curve for this platform, with the newer cars going FWD. just that perception would ensure the pricing will eventually head for the hills.
  5. the Aero work must be functional, not just for the looks. I'm loving angles instead.
  6. looking forward to looking at it this Sunday, tbh.
  7. you're lucky they didn't scour through parts finder and decide to write it off.
  8. So, we think that the car needs a new Aux battery, which is a 50Ah unit that sits in the wheel well of the boot. (yes this car has 3 batteries (4 if active steering was optioned) and have found that Battery works supplies a 50Ah gel unit for about $350. would the spares department of BMW be any better? Would this battery need specific coding? (like the main battery unit/Hybrid units)
  9. LHD shoe that isn't an M Coupe. not sure if want?
  10. now that is some solid advice. been disheartened for a while, but you have definitely put it back on track.
  11. I guess it is now seen as a "nice-to-have" due to age and type of vehicle. it will now be more of a toy rather than a workhorse. i have been trying to flog my cousin's old pulsar for the past month and a bit, while there are tonnes of low ballers and punters, have only had a few viewings. it's just a poor time to be selling anything tbh, it is a buyers market with no one wanting to buy.
  12. Had the car at @BMTHUG this morning, for a health check on the F10, and there are a few things that need attention. They are not critical, but it is precisely at this point that things will need to be sorted out. Car had relatively new looking Ignition Coils, but were still on the original BMW plugs (!) . Rear diff mount and diff guibo are starting to crack, just one crack on each of them, otherwise they all look sweet. Aux Battery needs replacement, but all systems are working for now, but has some oddities like the 360 camera disconnected, will need to research and figure this out. this is going to be so fun! ( no, really.)
  13. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/car-parts-accessories/bmw/accessories/listing/2790127455?bof=DUek5Nnc
  14. ^ even the E60 looks better.
  16. ^ finding that well maintained 535d is the golden ticket IMO.
  17. I have the next day to figure out if I am going to pay $150.00 for a warranty transfer that barely covers anything mechanical in the car, or to say Auf Wiedersehn to the 9 months worth of MBI and get a new MBI from a different company, to start afresh.
  18. Autosure has come back, saying they can process the transfer, but :- We confirm receipt of all required transfer documentation. Please arrange payment of the $150 transfer fee to complete the transfer. Please note that servicing related claims may be declined as we cannot confirm, the servicing of the vehicle has been maintained. Am I right in assuming that this means I cannot make any claims with respect to service which is almost everything on the Autosure list? what's the point of it then? EDIT AS OF 4.40PM: YEP Please note that any claims linked to or caused by any serviceable items, like but not limited to transmission, engine, cooling systems etc. may not be covered if servicing invoices cannot be provided.
  19. Thank you! scenario one has yet to occur, as they would probably not accept the transfer. so most likely, I will need to do scenario 2, but that depends on how the Autosure helpdesk interprets things,.
  20. ^ rear section reminds me of a Volvo C30
  21. So I'm up sh*t creek without a paddle. The amount of expletives I want to yell out is so profane. So the first service centre prev. owner sent the car to is now closed, and the second one has only one service done there. so it is wasted, I can only ask Autosure to be kind (but that is unlikely to happen) and for the want of the extra 9 months....Sigh
  22. I can tell you why, but it won't be PC.
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