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Everything posted by vtgts300kw

  1. I'll check pricing and stock tomorrow. Can grab a few samples ( 150x100mm ish ) of various darker colors if you like. Send me a PM if you want me to grab some.
  2. Keen if we can determine age/ specs etc. have they got a serial number on them or anything?
  3. If you want Black Macrosuede, a good place to get it from is a trade ( interiors/ upholstery etc ) fabric supplier. I'm actually using some for a job at the moment and I think it's about $17 a square meter wholesale. I know a couple of weeks ago they were out of stock but had more arriving from Australia. Spotlight etc don't usually carry Macrosuede. The suede I'm using is as black as you can get and a lot of others I've seen ( looked at pretty much all the commercially available suedes ) look black in isolation, but aren't truly black. If you want I can find out tomorrow how much it is, and whether or not their stock has come in. If it hasn't it would be 7 days away.
  4. Looks like the previous owner sold it. And man, that is an ugly numberplate combination.
  5. I remember seeing this ( or an identical car ) for sale down on Stanley Street, Auckland about 6 or 7 years ago ( May have been longer ). Would see it everyday going to and from uni.
  6. Can't say for sure, but I THINK so.
  7. Pretty, pretty, pretty sure I saw one of these drive past me in Parnell.
  8. Nowhere near as desireable as the one a member from here was selling last year. Plus it's more than a guy in Hamilton wanted for his M635 that looked in great shape.
  9. How can they (wrongfully) charge him with drink driving, only to withdraw it months after the accident? Surely your either over the limit or under. And I have a feeling even if he doesn't wind up getting an insurance payout, he could cover it.
  10. I'm with NZI and have agreed value for my Touring, but it's still going to be an absolute sh*t show should I ever need to make a claim ( god forbid ). Agreed value unfortunately means diddly squat, as a member on here ( I think anyway ) recently found out after a no fault accident.
  11. Took the temperature of the coolant this morning after driving it to work and it was sitting bang on 80 degrees.
  12. 1990 320i Coupe in Northcote missing it's front bumper. Doesn't look like it's moved in the last week or so. Sitting bloody nicely on Style 5 type wheels. And a criminally stunning 'vert. Anyone know it's suspension specs? It has Bilstein in the rear.
  13. Driving home just now, the temp needle sat just over the first line on the dial where it has been sitting recently. I was then in traffic briefly and the needle rose to about 2/3 between the first and second ( 12 o'clock ) lines. When I got moving again it dropped. I never noticed it move before when the needle used to sit almost at 12 o'clock. This mean anything? It has a new thermostat and the system has been bled with no air bubbles.
  14. It's a 1 pin connector. Temp sensor on top of the thermostat housing. Is it just the plastic connector piece you have? I'd need to test both the sensor ( gold ) and the plastic ( coloured ) connector wouldn't I? Or is it just the connector that goes bad?
  15. Before I spend anymore money on the car in parts or labour ( after changing the thermostat and it not fixing the under heating problem ) I want to test to see if it's the Coolant Sensor ( browny/ purple/ mauve one ) that's bung. Anyone have one they can spare briefly? I literally just need to plug it in a see how the gauge reads. I'm in Central Auckland. Cheers.
  16. Installed the new thermostat, bled system etc and nothing changed. Temperature sensor faulty? Going to take it to an auto electrician tomorrow and get them to quickly test it for me.
  17. Picked up my car from where it's been parked for the last 2 weeks. Everything went wrong, but I finally got it home and took out the thermostat ready for a replacement tomorrow.
  18. Figured this would be the only explanation. Any ideas what thermostat I need? I understand there are a few options?
  19. The temperature gauge in my 88 325 has started to read lower than it has in the past. It would always hang just shy of the line at 12 oclock ( 2nd line ). It now hangs just past the 1st line. Heats up as usual, but just doesn't move past that point. It doesn't fluctuate when idling or cruising. Fuel mileage is the same ( crap ), although I haven't accurately measured ( don't want to know ), just rough KM's per fill up. Thermostat?
  20. The previous owner ( Graham Rahal ) has said he didn't change the tyres when he owned it.
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