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Everything posted by vtgts300kw

  1. Some sort of Hyundai, probably an i30.
  2. Yeah. I drive through it everyday and see some absolute idiots.
  3. The code will be 4 numbers somewhere on the sidewall. ie: 0312 which means 3rd week of 2012. When I got my car, the tires were old ( like 6 or 7 years from memory ) but were still warrant able. They had laughably bad grip in the wet. It was fun, but got rid of them pretty quickly after I drifted across 2 lanes heading southbound just after the bridge.
  4. Was it sold second hand by Team McMillan around 2007?
  5. Enjoy. http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=23&t=1412996&nmt=The+BAD+PARKING+thread+%5Bvol3%5D
  6. I think there is some form of issue around his car being an import. If his car was NZ new, they would have likely replaced the engine at BMW's cost.
  7. Couldn't think of a better place to stand on the road and take some photos than Tamaki f**king drive.
  8. Fuggin love the shape of these with the windows down.
  9. Yep, any direction you head it's a dangerous u-turn, or a trip around a block to turn around safely. Or you do as plenty of people do in the mornings and wait to turn right up Parnell Road, and pull a u-turn there, nearly causing collisions by people behind you rear-ending you.
  10. That makes sense. But it makes getting into that business park a pita.
  11. All the roads in the area are a cluster f**k. Why on earth, when they were upgrading the intersection outside the Caltex over the last few months, did they not allow for a right hand turn into Caltex and the Carlaw Business Park ( coming down the Port motorway exit ). Madness. There is certainly room for a right turn lane.
  12. That was the plan a while back ( they were going to demo the building opposite Caltex that has the gym on the ground floor ), not sure if that's still on the cards. Makes no sense if it is.
  13. Say no more.
  14. sh*t hot. Those tips are laughably bad. And his poor taste extended not just to the tips it seems, why on earth would you repaint it from the original red???
  15. Then yep, would have been me, I work in Parnell.
  16. It could have been me! I just don't go to Ponsonby very often. Here is the other Touring. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/motoring/news/article.cfm?c_id=9&objectid=11188153
  17. I see you found a Touring. What model? That was probably the other black Touring ( has aftermarket mag wheels, horrible imo ), I think they live in Ponsonby.
  18. Plastidip'd the chrome Kidney Grill and the chrome headlight rings. Didn't make sense for them to be chromed as the car, being a touring, has the shadow trim.
  19. I did read who the original owner was, can't remember his name now, but he was a very, very wealthy guy ( billionaire iirc ). His sons had no interest in the cars. Think there were some Sierra Cosworths as well.
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