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Everything posted by zero

  1. zero

    e46 v8 wagon

    Thanks Frank. And thanks again for the engine.
  2. zero

    Refurb - bolts

    Bin Inn will be cheap for baking soda
  3. zero

    Refurb - bolts

    Soda blasting would be even better, as you are likely to do less damage to the bolt threads than using a tumbler. You could get all the 140 bolts zinc coated for around $50.
  4. zero

    Refurb - bolts

    You can make a home made tumbler with just parts from the shed. Use a container of sand attached to a drill on slow speed.
  5. Is the Triumph a TC or a PI? I love these cars, both mark I and mark II.
  6. Thanks for all the help Glenn. This is a huge loss to the forum. I hope the forum owners are listening.
  7. Have the vanos seals been done? Because now would be the time to do it.
  8. zero

    Airbag recalls

    Cars had them since the 1970's though.
  9. Sorry to hear about your brother in law, and welcome to the community.
  10. 500kw We need to have a sweepstake.
  11. zero

    e46 v8 wagon

    Sorry no, but saw some interesting stuff on enginemasters about it.
  12. zero

    e46 v8 wagon

    Having a box would be great, but I just don't have the finances yet. This will be a very slow project lol.
  13. zero

    e46 v8 wagon

    Something will be done there to protect those important items. Most likely the ecu etc will get moved, but thats a fair way away. The exhaust manifolds will be ceramic coated and heat wrapped anyway, as I want to keep under bonnet temperatures to a minimum.
  14. zero

    Airbag recalls

    Yea, it makes me wonder how accurate the claim of airbags having a 10 or so year life. If it were true, surely WOF would require them to be replaced seeing as they are such an important safety item? Some cars had them in the early 70's, although I dont know when BMW first had them.
  15. zero

    e46 v8 wagon

    UPDATE I got given a m62b44 non vanos by forum member @francoisv, so huge shout out to Frank. I disassembled the block and cleaned it with degreaser and the water blaster. Then I took the block, heads, pistons, crank and cams to Taylor Automotive to be thoroughly checked. The bores in the block were out of round by 7 thou, so the block is no good, but I will keep it to use as a dummy to test fit in the engine bay. Then maybe a coffee table The heads, crank, pistons, rods and cams all passed with flying colours so I'm really happy about that. I put the block in the engine bay to get an idea of fitment. I made cardboard mock ups of the cylinder heads to scale, and taped them on. This is just a rough mock up stage and I don't want to risk damaging the good heads. There is a metal piece on the passenger side of the engine bay that fouls the passenger side head. So this piece was cut out. It will be tidied up later when I smooth and paint the engine bay. The cardboard engine now fits. I got a bellhousing for $30 from Zebra wreckers today, so I will bolt that on to the dummy engine to help with the placement in the engine bay. I want the engine as far back and as low as possible. This will make it even harder, but its what I want. While this has been happening, I have been slowly progressing with the rear axle. Forum member @BatMansWilly was a great help with removing all the suspension from the car, and now its time to put it all back in. Once again its all been sandblasted and powdercoated. The difference between the old, and the sandblasted and painted part, is displayed really well by this next photo. All new rubber bushes were pressed in with my homemade bushing tool. I took all the suspension and underbody bolts to the electroplaters and it only cost $40 to have them all zinc plated. I'm really pleased with the result and with the price. This is a budget build after all. Then I spent literally hours with the tap and die set, tidying up the threads, on the lounge floor in front of the tv. My wife, who is not at all interested in cars, volunteered to help with this process so it was really cool to do together. Here is an example of what the zinc plated bolts look like in the rear upper control arm.
  16. Has the clear coat come away? Can you put up a pic of the car?
  17. That sounds awesome. Do you get a performance improvement on 98 fuel?
  18. Yea, its not cheap, although I dont remember paying quite that much. Are you painting the whole car?
  19. zero

    Airbag recalls

    "The three Japanese executives, Shinichi Tanaka, Hideo Nakajima and Tsuneo Chikaraishi, allegedly concealed deadly defects in the inflator inside the company's air bags. In emails, they allegedly referred to submitting false reports of test data to automakers that were using their products, even after initial news reports that the inflators were failing and injuring people." http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/13/509665912/takata-to-pay-1-billion-over-airbag-fraud-3-executives-criminally-charged https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/926066/download
  20. zero

    e46 v8 wagon

    I'm planning to use an aftermarket ecu. I have been looking at Link, but its an area I know very little about so open to opinions and advice.
  21. zero

    Airbag recalls

    Apparently they did know they were faulty and tried to cover it up.
  22. zero

    Airbag recalls

    So the vehicle manufacturers get stung for millions for something that was not their fault? At least they get some money back from the airbag company, but I cant imagine it covering all their losses, especially when you consider the damage to the brand.
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