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Everything posted by leonf

  1. leonf

    Z3M Personal Plate

    Does this mean the recently acquired Z3m car itself is/will be on the backburner before long??
  2. And approx the same (circa $35k) for an e82 bodyshell??
  3. I have a keen interest in purchasing a Z3 M Coupe. Have had for years.....sadly. I know a little about importing cars from the UK (see my owned vehicles). A purchase price of $50k nzd for a UK based car will result in a total, vinned and on the road in NZ, price of probably $20k nzd over the initial purchase price. It's a nice car, for sure. But it makes the $80k nz new s54 sold by Duttons in ChCh a few weeks ago look like a better deal.
  4. I actually love $1 reserve auctions, and mucho kudos to HellBM for running this one under those conditions. IMO this kind of thing kind of sets a benchmark for a true market driven referable price point for these cars. Anybody serious about a 135i can now point to this (really nice) example and say, with confidence, that is what the NZ market thinks these vehicles are worth. And therefore the $20k (or whatever) you are asking may be a little optimistic.........
  5. leonf

    1990 E30 325i SE

    wow, sharp photography with a really nice subject!!
  6. Good advice, polley. And what you are suggesting is NOT actually illegal. Whilst it is illegal to not have an operating speedometer in NZ, it is not mandatory to have a functioning odometer - even in a diesel (ruc paying) vehicle. Something I learned from the VTNZ people when I recently vinned a US origin motorcycle with a digital speedo that nobody could get the odo working on.........
  7. Welacome, long time lurker. From a fellow Manawatu Touring owner.......... Get in touch if you are keen to get together at the Feb 17 Shannon show & shine.
  8. ok,,,,had a look at all the offerings from this TradeMe seller. Some nice, desirable, bits of kit here. The seller seems to have some good contacts (in Japan?). Prices seem very high though the cars on offer are presented well. Nothing exceptional in regards to collectability or really low km's imo however. As usual, the market will decide on the true value of these cars, and I suspect that, at these prices, these vehicles may sit a while before being sold at lower values.
  9. Gee -- fast or last in this world, huh? For those of us in the market for a Z3M (pref s54) in NZ I suspect this sale may well have signalled to other sellers that this kind of price tag (ie, getting up there toward UK prices) is becoming the norm........
  10. so, balancerider, you must mean THIS then............
  11. The Clio IS epic!! And you should see the Triumph locked away in the garage........us old fellas starting to accumulate $$ later in life desperately trying to re-live their lost youth!
  12. I must admit I love the M3 (clone), but I will die with the Clio for sure!!
  13. yep, that was me ....... guilty as charged. Had an away day from PalmNth. The m3 Touring is a HellBM build and one that has had its fair share of discussion on this very site. We dont get out much, but hoping to change that over the course of the summer.
  14. hey Phil "just got another Z4M Coupe" - you are a man of exquisite automotive taste (and humble with it!!). I reckon most of us would be happy with that..... Happy to say I have never come close to any v6 lift off oversteer, but probably because I am more of a Grandad behind the wheel than I should be!! cheers,,,,,,,,,,leon f
  15. hey Phil (OP) here is a couple of shots of your old car. Sold to me in 2011 and still in love with it!! cheers leonf
  16. Actually what sharonprentice on TM SHOULD be doing is contacting the buyer of the ex's (?) 2015 Lamborghini (ffs!) and offering the keys to him. You can guarantee he paid a not insignificant sum for the vehicle. Or at least allow him to buy it from her.....and not play silly games on an auction site.
  17. ok - full disclosure,,,,,,the 1 bidder for the M3 Touring was me. And a deal has been reached with Nathan (previous owner from Hamilton) and the M3 Touring will be making its way down the island to PalmNth in the next few weeks to take pride of place in the garage next to its little French brother. Can't wait.....
  18. Ex HellBM build. This particular car has received a fair amount of love from this site in its build thread of a couple of years ago. So is quite well known around these parts. Nice bit of kit that attracted 87 watchers and 4405 page views yet only 1 bidder at its first time on TradeMe. Relisted again at original asking price. Makes me wonder what will be different this time around. I guess time in the market is never a bad thing, but the real estate people would tell us that these 'listings' can get stale and that anybody who was truly in the market would have seen the advertising and responded accordingly. Again..........1 bidder. Group thoughts on value??? https://www.trademe.co.nz/a.asp?id=1644361303&cc=602&pid=788303371&hbc=&member_hash=&ct=title-link&tm=email&et=602&mt=729e11be-b8e5-4bcb-a7af-eacdc8acb2fd
  19. hey Euroless nah, man. Just a long time lurker here and NO ulterior motive with this vehicle. I am interested, as I said, in the idea of a repowered older BMW coupe. My love affair with hot French hatches is still alive and kicking, but I sense my time with the beloved Peugeot coming to and end (after 15 years!), sadly. End of story, really......
  20. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a.aspx?id=1629019781&tm=email&et=45&mt=729E11BE-B8E5-4BCB-A7AF-EACDC8ACB2FD anybody else noticed this (new?) arrival on TurdMe?? Really like the idea of repowering an older BMW coupe and this one may be tidy enough to actually look at? Rust is the killer here and although this has some, it may not be a deal breaker. Any ideas as to the ability to chuck a much more modern 3 litre 6 cylinder into this ol' girl?? Difficult? Or impossible?? A new lease of life would do her the world of good (purists look away!!)
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