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Everything posted by Michael.

  1. Hello, I'm seeking a stock E46 M3 muffler in resonable condition, tips and outlets need to be rust / dent free. Please post pictures & quote a price if you have one. Cheers Mike
  2. Have you considered getting new LCA instead? At least that way your replacing both ball joints at once as well as getting a nice new arm that is fresh and new. Although the cost of an arm is about 5x the cost of one ball joint so it is a bit more economical replacing a ball joint individually.
  3. Beautiful cars. The 5 cylinder diesel would sure pull it along nicely with an interesting noise!
  4. Indeed, presumably the lord saw those and dealt with the card accordingly. Good karma is out there it seems...
  5. This ^ Or have the right suspension related tools.
  6. Haha, classic. No one inside?
  7. I like it, but I like Estorial more....
  8. Michael.


    I 'rebuilt' my door cards with JB Weld. Everythigng else I tried failed. It pays to rough up the surfaces to get a good level of adhesion, especially on the plastics.
  9. Yeah like what Troy said, yes you do, but chances are very few people would pick up on it, unless they checked the engine numbers With the LVV cert it would require one as you've replaced the engine with a larger capacity / more powerful engine. Granted you'd be using factory parts it would be a pretty easy cert to acquire...
  10. That's brilliant. Good luck with the sale. Did you custom make some engine mounts?
  11. Michael.

    1989 325i e30

    You've certainly gone for the BMW individual theme!
  12. ^ Haha German efficiency and American efficiency are completely different entities!
  13. Michael.


    Ugh, yeah I believe the one I spoke of also had tired EDC suspension, I'd never driven anything like it! I got the impression it was running on 10 or 11 cylinders too, mind crashingly slow as a result.
  14. Michael.


    I've driven a average to rough one. A truly shocking experience, issues were as vast as you could imagine. I would hope this 118km in the TM listing would be a superior drive.
  15. Michael.

    MY 320i E30

    Wow, that looks fantastic. Good job!
  16. Looks fantastic. I've always had a soft spot for an E38.. not sure if I would buy one however (too heavy?) Those BBS RCs sure look the part on it! Speaking of which I saw an E36 M3 today with the same wheels... perfect!
  17. Sounds like a good result. Would have been a valuable learn curve!
  18. Hah yeah, older cars now I suppose... albeit they are just as expensive as a new car to upgrade / run / repair.
  19. Well, on Auckland roads it transfers all the little annoying vibrations and imperfections in the road with the absence of the rubber joint that the stock one has. Perfect for a smooth race track but a little too direct for a Sunday drive around town! The only reason I used the Vorshlag shaft was for the narrower dimensions allowing it to clear the restrictive stock headers on the V8. I've since removed these headers to be replaced with a custom 4-2-1 set I am working on which have been designed around the larger stock shaft.
  20. Quite possibly an air pocket has formed in the cooling system... perhaps check the level is correct and that the system has been bled of air.
  21. Generally you're just going to run into a bit of extra wear and tear on a car with this mileage... granted the leather seats have worn through badly in a few spots in indicates to me the car has been used a lot on short in & out of the car trips as apposed to longer motorway hauls. I bought my very E36 on the grounds it was driven from Torbay to the Airport daily so it had a good ~100km+ drive every day of the working week.
  22. I went to Beatty's Driveshaft Centre for my custom driveshaft.. $650, a touch pricey but they cut off the original front shaft section, replaced it with a longer tube section welding it to a Toyota input yoke.. so a fair bit of work and they had to get it balanced as well. I imagine a job like yours would be more around the cost of what Brent mentioned.
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