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No name user

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Everything posted by No name user

  1. depending the power your after its a 800hp turbo it is the better of the smaller gt range and normal retail is 2700plus
  2. mine looks just as abandoned if not more so, get the block back tomorrow so its all go
  3. now your talking hanging out to try mine
  4. you have good taste my friend :lol:
  5. Ill add a little insight to the article regarding my sh*t box e34 it was done as a parting piss take based on what was going on at the mag and the direction it was taking, the two main people that created the mag and its direction over the years myself and the editor could see it was turning to crap so when i left so did he 3 months later as with his right hand man and started his own mag. So any comments i made in that article were done to get an reaction and to show how people take themselves and their cars way to seriously but the the reference to Britten and Munro was true we have a become sheep in many ways following trends not setting them and due to the net no longer have the ability to think for ourselves or outside the square so the way i see it is "dont just do things to make others happy do what they will remember" or let results speak for themselves. sorry ray for my dribble now lets see that 36 v8 make the jappers look stupid
  6. his boy Timmy has taken over that roll now in between crashing the NZV8
  7. tried that but i don't know crap thus why i tell those who really want to know not those who think they know as im sure the net is always right despite someone that's be doing it coming up 30 yrs( thus why Ive been writing a book), so i guess you could say im a tad over up start little.......you fill in the rest but best of luck all the same at-least the BMW will add some class to the drifting scene
  8. close was over 12 and for free and dvd's and other mags i left when the mag turned to crap as you see it now, its now targeted at 12-22 year old caps on backwards wana be car enthusiasts.
  9. hahahaha thats funny 14.7 at any boost equals a dead engine and 100psi fuel pressure blows the pin-tile needles of their seats anything past 85 psi is a bad idea !! great program......not it also shows you buying all the best bits to build an engine doesn't guarantee you results
  10. the calculator never decides what you get your engine does ive used many software packages and the outcome isnt close to what it said some arent bad for head flow and cam spec like performance trends but the last program i tried with a twin turbo nissan v8 it said at 10lb boost it would make 380hp.....in real life it made 890hp and 900 ft/lb of torque im sure you can see the problem.
  11. looks good and if you get sick of them would look just as good on my e34
  12. hes a good guy Tim hes one of my customers
  13. gets pretty tight for the turbo setup have you got room to stand the motor up? i did it on mine and gained a heap of room
  14. a lot of bmw guys have used them and had success and if its the right price then go for it just make sure the unit works ok before wiring it in theres a guy on trademe that sells them maybe worth talking to when the time comes
  15. im a big fan of diy builds so if i can be of help just ask, with the ecu thing and what to run it can be at times easier to go aftermarket and there's been some cheap ones on trademe of late which would make it a ton easier to tune when you strap the turbo on.
  16. i made my own flywheel getting it down to 5kg and even with the big cams and same car as yours i didnt losse a lot of down low pull but i would suggest getting your rebalanced with the pressure plate.
  17. No name user

    Av Gas

    correct me if im wrong but i thought it was a banned fuel by MANZ
  18. sits pretty much in the same place as with gearbox just wider due to the twin cam
  19. its a t3 flange and you have a lot of work to do before you use them its chinese gem and not too flash on the inside ive spent many hours cleaning them up before use they also crack so weld extra tags around the pipes to the main flange to the head, but they are cheap around 100us and you couldnt make one for that
  20. No name user

    e36 racecar

    look and you will find
  21. No name user

    e36 racecar

    it would pay to shop around they will charge you top dollar theres other places a lot cheaper, try ebay
  22. No name user

    HMS E30

    that i wouldnt worry about until its tuned just run gate setting of whatever the spring is do the frilly bits after
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