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Everything posted by Gus

  1. what a pussy that IS why e30s are fun though..low limits, they are scum and of course their 4x4 ability
  2. Gus

    Wheel Ramps

    not sure...maybe? as it is at the moment, definately! found a starter for you..just need to change it to your pinion...what you could do is put a helicoil so its threaded, saves looking for e36 one?
  3. Gus

    Wheel Ramps

    instead of jacking your car up, these just drive on. rarely used as they dont work on a lowered e30..should work fine on stock ride heights though. $30 can get pics if you really want!
  4. Z4 M Coupe put rear seats in my car after not having them for months. took them out two months later after not carrying one person!
  5. Gus


    yeah that f**ktard sucked opening act chilis were great, being up front cancelled out any sound issues for me! would have liked more old stuff, but what can you expect, those tours have all been done...this is a stadium arcadium tour! glad i went to watch, bit annoyed about releasing tickets on the night as i had to be scalped to get hold of some!
  6. travelling by yourself is awesome..no one to hold you back and you end up meeting heaps more people and generally having a better time anyway....i know i did compared to people that were travelling with friends or in groups. for chicks its a bit diff for security and stuff but just go over and do it!
  7. Gus

    rebuild help info.

    might help if you mention what engine?
  8. my womans one has done around 190k now...really really good as far as reliability goes...nz new
  9. Gus

    Tranny Swap

    id do it if i were closer! even dropping the engine a wee bit is not that hard...maybe its harder as its an auto and has the cooling lines?
  10. i know of a nice 730i...no rocketship but its pimp special BS price!
  11. Gus

    How much oiL??

    ...and andys mum car haha
  12. Gus

    HB Tane

    HB brown man!
  13. Gus

    1994 730i

    since you guys are pussies http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...823&ed=true
  14. if you happy with 4 door, keep it and as long as you can do work yourself a 325 (or better) swap is worthwhile. if you want two door, sell and get a motorsport, but will cost a fair bit extra
  15. yeah you def need new head bolts..they are designed to stretch and be one use only. not too $$ if you get from somewhere like euro italian. HG job is pretty easy m20s rule..so tough
  16. arrow were good for straightening a bent basket weave...chrome cant usually be repaired?
  17. why is it too old? changing cars for the sake of changing cars seems pointless to me otherwise holden VE...f**king badass
  18. theoretically you could get fined for them, however everyone seems to get away with it. your call
  19. Gus

    E30 Touring

    the 10k for 320 (however mint) was a little too much..to me the realistic price was the highest bids..around 7k, maybe a little more. a 325i with the same body would easily be worth that much in my eyes. most tourings tend to be in decent nick however which prob adds to the price...5-7k for bog standard 325i manuals seems pretty good to me
  20. vice grips arent a pipe wrench..read the instructions. if you must take the struts down to a garage ya friendly with and get them to rattle gun them off. if your springs are low which they look like they are you shouldnt need compressors
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