qube 3570 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 (edited) So a few days ago, we had a robber enter our house at around 1-2am and steal about 3 pairs of shoes (as far as im aware) from our house and ran off. They entered through a back room which was empty at the time and left through the front door leaving both doors open. I was awake but upstairs at the time and realised what had happened soon after. Amongst the shoes, was a pair of nikes which are very rare and basically impossible to find in NZ now (its a few years old but still like new). Anyway, i didnt report to the police at the time because i knew nothing would happen. About 2 doors before my house (which is a new style house about a year old newly built) is a little block of pretty ghetto houses with gangster looking people living there. Not real gang people but those wannabe gangster kids/yound adults. I was just driving home and i saw a dude wearing a hoody, a blue bandana around his head and wearing my f**king shoes. Now, if i didnt see the shoes, I wouldnt care so much as I had already accepted the fact that they were stolen, but to see them worn by some dude just literally 100m down the road is real annoying. So.. I could call the police and I still have the box of the shoes with photos etc so I can definitely prove that they are mine.. but I am worried about him or his friends causing further trouble to my house like stealing or vandalizing or graffiti etc.. We rent this property and its not our house.. The last few days me and my family have considered moving because of this but its a real hassle to find another house to rent given the current rental prices etc etc lots of other factors. I am having a big dilemma about what to do.. any suggestions are welcome.. really frustrated and not too sure who I can ask for help Edited September 1, 2015 by QUBE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSPYZ1 1 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 My experience with burgs is that the cops won't do f**k all. I've had numerous incidents where after having either shops, offices and warehouses I'm associated robbed / smashed and grabbed / ram raided have provided the officers with very solid leads received from those in the know and no action has ever ensued nor follow up down the line as to where they got in their investigation. The best you can do is bail the guy up with and film it for evidence if needed down the line and also report it to police before you do so that there is something in the system in case it all goes sour or in the unlikely chance that the cops are willing to help the community. I'm sure a possibility of the police involvement would make the lil thug give up ya J's but he probably knows that he's gotta be caught in the act for persecution and even then he's going to be able to worm his way out of a charge. Surely you wouldn't wanna wear some stank feet hand me rounds after the fact? No doubt you'd find a 10k per knee cap offer on silk road from some dicey dude if they are anything super collectable. FTP. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qube 3570 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 (edited) they arent jordans but nike flyknits I wouldnt even wear them anymore knowing that someone else has had them on their dirty as feet but its just the fact that I actually saw the shoes and being worn by someone who lives just down the road like 2 houses down makes me really mad.. and its just as I imagined, the cops probably wont do sh*t. and it would most likely cause more trouble for my house than do any good... Its just way too easy for criminals to get away with petty crimes like this and no real punishment or persecution since there is no proof etc Edited September 1, 2015 by QUBE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kulgan 1042 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 As much as it sucks I would let them have them. It just isn't worth the future aggravation should they choose to be dicks about you calling the cops on them. And you can guarantee they would. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KwS 2434 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 drive-by paintball gunning in an unknown car, with balaclavas 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qube 3570 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 As mad as I am about the shoes, Its really my fault for leaving them in the main doorway. But the main issue is the fact that something like this might happen again in the future as I still dont know how they got inside. I duno if someone in our house left the back room door open or if the lock was picked.. It is 100% certain that they entered through the back room's slider door but there is a very small possibility that it was left unlocked but even then, why would they climb the fence to just randomly try slide the door open? doesnt make sense. also thinking about it now, its possible that the robber doesnt actually live at that house but is a friend who came over on that day and again today.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingkarl 136 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 get out of there. sh*t areas rarely improve Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zero 1162 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 I would get all your evidence and go to the cops. For me, it would not be about what was stolen, but the principle of the matter. And you are unlikely to get any stick from the thieves as they will vent any aggression at the cops. Stand up, and do what is right. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qube 3570 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 that was my initial plan but me and my parents have both agreed that nothing good will come out of it for us or our house, which is more important than going after one petty thief who probably wont learn his lesson after being slapped on the wrist, if that. btw i still have your hex key, which i still need but if you need it back let me know, i should probably go buy me own haha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nobimmer 694 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 Do the world a favour and run the c**t over and say it was self defence. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
e30ftw 425 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 I'm not racist but......... 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zero 1162 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 that was my initial plan but me and my parents have both agreed that nothing good will come out of it for us or our house, which is more important than going after one petty thief who probably wont learn his lesson after being slapped on the wrist, if that. If you do nothing then you become part of the problem. Now that you let him get away with it he is much more likely to rob you or other people again. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSPYZ1 1 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 f**k that's intense the price people are trying to huck the Racers for! Resellers and there pipe dreams can save it as can little hood kuntz and their pipe dreams. It's probably the best option not to dwell and instead hope they get their come ups with upper cuts. Like they say it's just material goods at the end of the day and not sure worth the worry especially with how unpredictable some seem to be these days. Robo Door you're points of entry and always check shits locked, it's not just the hoods that have the hoods and opportunists find it everywhere so do all you can not to give them a reason or an in and hopefully that's enough to keep your feet looked after. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Young Thrash Driver 1021 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 Kyu, you need friends in low places 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E30 325i Rag-Top 2976 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 Keep an eye out for the dude wearing your shoes.. find out if he lives at the house up the street. If not follow him and find out where he lives.. Then have some fun with him, pizza deliveries, plumber call outs, turn the power off, turn the water off, etc.. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qube 3570 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 thanks for all the replies Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_ethrty-Andy_ 2142 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 Kyu, I will send you a PM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
euroriffic 620 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 That sucks dude! I would go to the cops about it, more so that they can see what's been happening in the area and the guy is probably known to police. And remember it's not just a simple theift, it's breaking and entering, and pretty ballzy what he did! What would of happened if you were down stairs at the time or the missus or who ever? Could of been shanked or anything, you wouldn't know how they'd react. Could also do some door knocking around the area to alert your neighbours of what has happened and go to the guys house as well and see what reaction you get. And say you do go to the cops, get the shoes back, and is a retaliation, you know who's door they're going to knock on first! Also, some cheap wireless recording cameras available these days if you worried Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BreakMyWindow 1899 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 Get a rottweiler puppy also. Future insurance. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoKer 58 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 (edited) I have a wee story that says YES report it This might help explain an outburst of mine yesterday Jan 5th Sunday 2014 : I notice a Block of Cheese goes missing, I blame the cat, Post it on FB (maybe he nicked it off the table/I left it out) Feb 27th Thursday : I notice a Box of Tui goes missing from my fridge, "very funny haha put it back, no-one gets hurt" Post on FB (nothing happens), I spent an afternoon looking in my house and even in the bin to find receipt from night before when I bought it April 3rd Thursday : Another Box of beer goes missing (I stay quiet and consider options that someone is more than messing with me/Someone has a key/Someone stealing) April 7th Monday 11am : On advice I contact Police, suggest someone is gaining unlawful Access and Petty thieving from me, perhaps keep an eye on the street April 7th Monday : return Home and notice coins (roughly $3-4 in gold and silver NZ$) missing from coin jar on table from between 3pm and 5pm, English (from London) pound coins and pence left behind April 8th Tuesday : Get camera's, return Home and notice coins missing from coin jar on table from between 3pm and 5pm wet footprints on back and front doorsteps April 10th Thursday return Home and notice coins missing from coin jar on table and I collect Motion detected stills of a suspect from between 3pm and 5pm April 11th Friday : Police man hides in bathroom, nothing happens between 3-4pm April 18th Friday : knock on my door at 4:45 in the AM, young Chap looking for someone, send him on his way (collect stills on camera, which Police can identify and Neighbour who saw him on the 10th concurs is same person, I suspect checking to see if i was home etc) 22nd April Tuesday : get told to check my cameras as someone saw someone near my house 3:15 PM, Bingo, a Box of Piss gone and coins, return home, trawl around streets with cops, no one around but good images 23rd April Wednesday 11am : tiki tour past my house, see suspect at end of street, casually drive past him and straight to cop shop, hop in car, within 5 mins had him sitting in back seat, me in the front boom charged with 7x counts of Burglary (that we know of, no denial) person unknown to me Only facts and no names/images until convicted (courts are chugging along) I'll update this OP one day with more details, but even feel uneasy about this post as I don't want to jepordise any future proceedings etc and if anyone can see any legal reason why this should be removed please report to moderator So I dressed up for court this morning he got 10 months for My Place, and 2 months for previous offenses, minus 25% for attending alcohol & drug counseling (while locked up last 3 weeks LOL handy) His lawyer suggested 4 months Total 9 months, his mum was sitting on other side of court giving me looks LOL oh and I get 62$ repatriation for the two boxes of beer he stole (I had receipts for that) of course I couldn't claim for the third because I PISSED IN IT, and I'm not talking 50/50 mix, 100% my own home brewed brand of Urine topped up with Sodastream water to make it fizz (which it did, I nearly Bear Grylls'd myself and was quite proud of how it turned out it takes 3 goes to fill a 1 liter milk bottle in case your pondering it imagine a box of 15, 1st row removed (as if I had drunk them), next row Beer, next row PISS and the rest are plain tap water that's my Justice for now so who wants to come round my house tonight and get on the piss? /proceed with puns he got 9 months (12 with 1/4 off peading guilty) Edited September 1, 2015 by JoKer 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamez 2147483647 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 Got two dogs, not a problem , they bark at any strangers that even look at the property, then crazy neighbor calls noise control and they are on site within 15 min. Meanwhile she yells at my dogs and chucks rocks and canned food over the fence which makes even more noise and commotion. Best security system ever and I don't even pay for the addons so am getting really good value from my rates bill. I know it's been said already so I will give my experience. I reported it once when someone tried to break into my house (unlucky for them April works so for a lock company so every entrance has double security locks) and ended up marking the window frame with a flat head, community cop thanked me for the details and tied it to a case against two youths that were targeting the area, both known to the cops. If no one reported anything there wouldn't have been a case at all. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allanw 1073 Report post Posted September 1, 2015 Dog = Great Pyrenees: If that face appeared at the house window, You'd have nothing stolen, but a small mess to clean up outside 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmarco 56 Report post Posted September 2, 2015 That sucks dude! I would go to the cops about it, more so that they can see what's been happening in the area and the guy is probably known to police. And remember it's not just a simple theift, it's breaking and entering, and pretty ballzy what he did! What would of happened if you were down stairs at the time or the missus or who ever? Could of been shanked or anything, you wouldn't know how they'd react. Could also do some door knocking around the area to alert your neighbours of what has happened and go to the guys house as well and see what reaction you get. And say you do go to the cops, get the shoes back, and is a retaliation, you know who's door they're going to knock on first! Also, some cheap wireless recording cameras available these days if you worried I think technically it called a home invasion as he was home at the time.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Matth5 471 Report post Posted September 2, 2015 Entering someone's home is pretty damn serious, I'd report it. Can't let people get away with something like that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M3AN 4017 Report post Posted September 3, 2015 Set up cameras and entice them back with another pair of shoes. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites