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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/15 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 4 points
    Winter. I can gain 5kg, grow a beard and wear the same thing 6 days a week, black Levi's and a black jumper, just swap out tee shirt and briefs. Rally Whangarei this weekend, come say hi, I am in the Manukau Auto Centre red 1995 STI RA, unless I get a seat in Ken Blocks car. Here he is, testing yesterday. Rally is the sh*t.
  3. 4 points
  4. 3 points
    All I can say is thank goodness for awesome brakes... and second to third gear power pulls with no mufflers past the f**kers. WHHHHHHHHSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BANG! Eat my flames!! And, why do you all shave your legs? And wear lycra, especially the fat blokes, and thats a lot of you. You know what will make you faster?? Less f**king food, you look like a bald sausage. Motor Cyclists are not much better on back roads, the amount of fast on the straights and then slow on the corners riders is phenomenal. News flash, you can't corner, so get out my way, speeding up every straight so I can't pass you is stupid and you look like a pussy who can't use your toy. Drop a knee, be a man... actually, apply that to most motorists in fast cars also. I think I just need a more powerful car. Yep, that my problem.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    reach under dash and remove offending buzzer, throw it out the window.
  7. 2 points
    Thought I would start a thread to track progress of the 316ti race car. The bulk of the parts are coming from the e30, I'll have a rolling e30 (as per my sig) shell left over at the end of it if anyone is keen. Here it is as it stands currently, looks average and is the most uninspiring car to drive with a mighty 100hp at the fly.
  8. 2 points
    How not to f**k around on a build. epic.
  9. 2 points
    This is where my motorway bulldozer idea comes into play. Stopped for more than 5 mins an motorway bulldozer sorts you out good and proper.
  10. 2 points
    Missing the point much.... I have negative attitude to cyclists, but that doesn't mean that I go around trying to knock them off their bikes. Quite the opposite in fact, I give them a wide, wide berth - as they wobble all over the road and I really don't want to deal with their guilt tripping on me. I do ride a bike quite often, and if you're worried about a motorist, try cycling to work along a narrow open road with stock trucks on the way to the sale yards sqeezing past. I'm sure I got licked by the cows on more than one occaision. The BIG difference is that I realize that being on the moral high ground doesn't help in an accident, so I think about when and where I ride (to keep out of the way basically) and ride defensively, not in some kind of angry vigilante attack mode. Only last week I had a wonderful interaction with a cyclist in Napier - wobbling his way down a narrow street with cars parked both sides, and traffic in both directions. No helmet and trying to shield his younger son (also no helmet) from the traffic, causing him to swerve all across the road. Realising what an accident waiting to happen this guy was I made sure I got nowhere near him so that it wouldn't be me that he finally managed to throw himself into. When I came across the same two guys later in town and I suggested he should be setting a better example and wearing his helmet the response was "those rules dont apply, I am my own god"! The words on his T-shirt "I am unstoppable". I really hope he has a DNR notice on him when he is taken into A&E. There needs to be much better education of cyclists (and more emphasis on policing them, rather than making money from speeding fines) any idiot can jump on a bike and pedal off along the road - whether they are a driver and know the road rules or not.
  11. 2 points
    When I look for cars on trademe and it gives you the option to choose manual or automatic, and I choose manual. I would like to assume everyone thinks as I do. That by choosing that option, the vehicles that will appear will have a clutch pedal and a gearstick in which I will choose to use in conjunction with the aforementioned clutch pedal. We all know this is not the case, and I do appreciate others opinions on what they consider to be a 'manual' vehicle. I think most of us would agree that there is some interpretational license going on here when selling cars. What I cannot stand though, and what I am only assuming to be going on are people putting 'manual' on their adverts in the knowledge they will be getting appeal to their cars more so than if they had correctly advertised their car as an automatic. rant over.
  12. 2 points
    9/10 cyclists I see are being c**ts, compared to the 1/10 cars I see being c**ts, and there is a lot more cars on the road than cyclists.
  13. 2 points
    This rarity. Countdown Grey Lynn.
  14. 2 points
    Well..he who is without sin can cast the first stone.. Like most cyclists I'm also a motorist. I cycle for fitness on weekends (early in morning before anyone is up) and daily commute to work. I've had car door flung open, busses overtake then stop instantly at a bus stop, busses nearly complete the pass before they pull into a lay-by, bottles thrown and drinks squirted. My kids have been knocked off their bike by opening car doors.. my 13yo son was thrown into the path of an oncoming car.. Yes I see some cyclists running Orange / Red / Ped X- UNACCEPTABLE - just like motorists that run Orange / Red / Ped X, block intersections that they shouldn't have entered in the first place.. We all need to share the road and obey the road rules, else someone gets hurt, likely a motorist on a bike.
  15. 2 points
    Replacing all the stereo capacitors. Done half of the receiver unit. Then it will be time to do the pre amp, then the amp, then the sub amp. Fun!
  16. 2 points
    Another cyclist here (and a law abiding one). Honestly going through this thread reading some of the attitudes towards cyclists on the road scares the sh*t out of me. I've been hit by cars more than once, and have lost a friend in a bike accidents caused by motorists. As douchey as some cyclists can be, realize that any altercation that might happen on the road, the cyclist is going to be the one that comes out worse off. Just like motorists, there are good cyclists and bad cyclists. For the most part, a bad cyclist is just risking their own neck. Maybe go out and ride a bike to see what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a bitter motorist clipping past you at 100kmph and screaming out the window with 15cm of clearance. Most cyclists are drivers, but most drivers aren't cyclists. 'Flesh hitting a metal car' is still somebody's brother, father, sister or mother.
  17. 1 point
    Birthday cards, presents, wishes, pay rise and a bonus... all on the same day. Choice bro.
  18. 1 point
    Make sure he wears the right shoes but eh...
  19. 1 point
    I have bib shorts... stops the chaffing... but hide them with rugby shorts over the top, t shirt and maybe a polar vest if it's cold, sports sandals, a hi-vis vest a helmet with a camera... ... and look like someone to be given a wide berth, because I'm clearly not clever enough to be allowed a car licence.
  20. 1 point
    I must ask then, do the spandex bandits not understand this fact? If they did, surely that would stop trying to be a statistic. Im of the opinion that anyone wearing spandex can GTFO as the ratio of a**hole:good cyclist when it comes to spandex is 100:0, whilst the ratio for cyclists that arent wearing spandex is about 30:70.
  21. 1 point
    Found an after sales training document on the e60 M5. Engineering at it's best... Enjoy : http://www.midia.nl/diversen/bmw/E60_M5_Complete_Vehicle.pdf
  22. 1 point
    Maybe a 2 speed fan controlled by the switches? Not sure how temp would work? Not keen on the multi-function wheel a bit "new" for the E34 for me. With those massive rims and some flares you may need to cage it, force feed it and put it on a severe diet, then you won't need the aircon
  23. 1 point
    You have a centrifugal blower don't you? The most limp wristed form of forced induction you can have, mad max wouldn't approve.
  24. 1 point
    So... just like car drivers then...
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    If the only reason I was buying it was for track thrashing, absolutely, 100%, however, I want to make bad decisions on back roads also.
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    Yeah, I have some other plans for this ... and instead of painting it .. im replacing the whole wiper assembly with the below DTM wiper motor I have stashed away. Once thats done im going to cut down an e39 wiper and will be able to finally do my single centre wiper conversion + = Whats slowing me ? see that plastic cover behind the firewall .. I have to remove all of the wiring behind that ... *sigh*
  31. 1 point
    I had a friend like that, I stuck it through a 7 wire fence for him.
  32. 1 point
    Changed the intake pipe colour. + =
  33. 1 point
    Prefer the netflix model where they release the whole season in one go!
  34. 1 point
    I have a 550 with slight panel damage and one lady owner...
  35. 1 point
    No 98RON petrol available on your travels through smaller towns of NZ ?
  36. 1 point
    I hate those guys too... and I am a cyclist - just a commuter, not a lycra. I DO follow the rules, like we're supposed to, but I think people STILL think I'm like the wanker ones who don't bother with the rules, but think everyone else should! PLEASE don't think we're all the same!
  37. 1 point
    Loving this thread! Nice to see some fussy buggers like myself out there. For what it's worth, common causes of snapping rocker cover bolts are, Oil in the threads, hydrolocking Alloy and metals having dissimilar heating rates and locking on the threads (stainless is absolutely horrible for this) Dirty threads Not super accurate torque wrenches. It pays to have a few bolts lying around with grooves cut in 'em to chase your threads with It's always gay when a thread decides it's time to strip! The steering rack mod excites me a lot, keep up the grouse work man
  38. 1 point
    on alloy threads do it by feel ... you can feel when youve tighten it enough. Never had a problem with a bolt backing off using this method, even on an engine environment. Beats stripped threads. Most factory torque settings are for brand new metal. Something to keep in mind. Also especially on alloy, thread surface deformation is a real issue if your bolting and unbolting a lot. If youre having issues getting a bolt to not seating itself you can always glue the bitch in with loc-tite. Its better than a busted thread. You can use the weak sauce loc-tite for this.
  39. 1 point
    I may be in the wrong place... but what a car!
  40. 1 point
    The coupe is rare, rarer than an E-Type! Look up Harrys garage on Youtube, he has a nice blue one that he did a video on recently. This Touring inspired me to buy mine back when I had one, still love the colour and wheel combo.
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