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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Costs fall squarely onto the dealer then imo. A bit sh*t the warranty wont cover it, but those bastards will weasel out of anything they can.
  2. 3 points
    Like i said, good on the seller for taking a punt on a dollar res auction and good on him if he makes a buck. I think its kind of funny how if you buy a house for 750k and flip it for a mil youre a legend and no one bats an eyelid but if you buy a car and try to sell it for a bit more because you found a deal everyone loses their minds.
  3. 1 point
    https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/wrecked-cars/auction-1748477589.htm?rsqid=f9fcab827af545b1b5e44b98655452a9 I dont know the seller, but may be of interest to a member.
  4. 1 point
    It says in the listing its not certed, but "done to cert standards" whatever that means
  5. 1 point
    Hard to tell with near zero information. From what I can see from the pics all the parts are cheap stuff. I would want to know what has been done to the engine to support the turbo. That stock radiator doesn't give me confidence. Also if it is certified or not. Doesn't mention it and that is a pretty important part.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Depends on the car and situation imo. Something like that, where anyone could've bid, and its not really that special, go for gold on making a profit. But it sucks when someone looking to make a buck (ie: a car dealer) on an uncommon car snipes out legit people that would own and enjoy the car, just to flick it on for more and put it out of the grasp of the people that actually want it. Even worse when they decide they can make more money selling it out of the country instead, too. I like the look of the F10 M5, especially in white. There is one i see locally that gets regularly fanged, and have seen it drag people off at the lights before, and it looks and sounds great. I'd skip the shitbox (flamesuit on; its ugly, sounds bad and unreliable) that was the E60 and save/wait for the F10 to depreciate into grasp.
  8. 1 point
    ^ well, in a normal world one of those assets depreciates and the other appreciates.
  9. 1 point
    The clip goes on the outside
  10. 1 point
    I'd have thought you'd fit it over the OUTside. About 90 degrees around from where you have it. The narrow part of the clip protrudes INto the slots and holds on to the inner part (not in your picture)
  11. 1 point
    I wish people would install the side indicators on these things on the correct side.
  12. 1 point
    Originally built by Jason and then after the accident swapped into the saloon by my mates younger brother. Insane car
  13. 1 point
    I want to like them.....but they don't quite tickle the senses like old school.....fast but remote. Any car that pumps synthetic engine noises through the stereo is also a challenge to my ideals!. When I gave one a serve at Hampton Downs it left me cold....and disappointed. If I had $50k spare I would buy a daily duties e60 LCI 530i motorsport for 15k and then use the remaining $35k on something interesting......e30 with a heart transplant......
  14. 1 point
    Keep it stock and get a very good mechanical insurance policy, keep a stash in the bank for maintenance and you’d get a good run out of it imo. But it’s a modern M car and I suspect the temptation to upgrade will be too great. And so a cycle of depreciation and buyers remorse continues on in the back of the owners mind....
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I would be inclined to get the cooling system checked / pressure tested first. The coolant has gone down for a reason - that needs to be determined.
  17. 1 point
    Where's this project page? I looked at the end of the thread, not the beginning.
  18. 1 point
    I remain sceptical about the "only use BMW coolant" message. It stands to reason that there are millions of BMWs out there that aren't using BMW coolant and aren't falling apart as a result. But I'm a bit of a fence sitter also, I use BMW coolant in the M3 and regular green coolant in the 328.
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