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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    It was up on tm when I bought my 540i 13 years ago. 🤣
  2. 2 points
    Listed longer than the infamous P. North E39 540i ‘Schnitzer’ with low kms? The one that is slowly decaying on the dealers yard? It must be close 😁😁
  3. 1 point
    So good news. Only 80% of the sh*t jobs they did last year need repairing this year..... You should see the roads in the Wairarapa already. Only after a few hot weekends many of the roads are just bleeding tar. The logging trucks have absolutely rooted the roads that have had fresh chip dumped on them out toward castle point. I am glad that muppet Twyford is gone. But I bet it is just "Here's the new boss, same as the old boss". https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/433287/motorists-should-expect-delays-travelling-to-holiday-hotspots-this-summer
  4. 1 point
    Want to buy intake manifold for m20b25 asap. Im located in aucks. 02041494522
  5. 1 point
    As some of you may recall, I spent a good amount of time deciding on my ideal car back in 2017. After advice from some members here, and a lot of test drives of different makes and models, I decided on an NZ new 2003 330i M Sport sedan. What a car. It was my first BMW, and it was a lot of car for a little money. Quite different from the Starion, Galant, and Diamante I had owned before. Fast forward about 8 months, and she's sitting outside parked on the street, nothing doing. The punishment? Getting totaled by some genius speeding through a tight windy road at midnight, while drunk: 😭 That's a two car park, and it was in the back space with the handbrake fully engaged... look how far it ended up from position one. Weitz Industries ended up parting it out. After that I wasn't active on the forums for a while, starting different jobs, doing some travelling, family stuff, etc... A few years on and I'm in need of a car again. After a lot of time-wasters, morons, and liars tried to sell me their vehicles, I was getting royally pissed off! 🤬 Anyway, long story short, I found my second BMW. The handsome twin of my earlier chariot; another NZ new, 330i M Sport sedan. The first two hours of my trip home, I put it to the test on those long winding roads between Hamilton and Turangi. She didn't disappoint. The silky smooth inline six delivered when asked, and took to the corners beautifully. After that it was starting to get late and tiredness was starting to settle in, so I took it relatively easy for the remaining four hour drive. Overtaking was never a problem, and cruising at 100kph is incredibly comfortable for a sports sedan. I could ramble on, but I think most of you are familiar with what great cars they are. It does need a few things, but that's part of the fun right? Yeeaaah... it was a good day.
  6. 1 point
    Hi guys, good morning to your side of the world, I am sorry for my late reply. I thought I would get a mail whenever there is an activity. First of all, thank you for discussing, happy that there is a feedback, even it is not a good one for me though except a better pricing than FCP EURO from the US. Thank you @E30 325i Rag-Top (admin) thats true, I guess they deleted it because I didn´t know that I have to introduce myself before, I made this after I got informed and it was my mistake, thats true and I am sorry, could have know this better.. I am new to this (forum)- thing, but I do like it. Thank you that you didn´t delete this conversation here, so I might have the chance to reply to it without seeing my company name gets burned for no reason because I still work / and worked hard for it. Thanks also to @M M and @Driftit, @KwS, @Matth5, @M3AN, @qube, @zero, @Eagle, @andrewm, to at least discuss this and not all words turned out bad for me 🙂 @Cammsport thank you very much for your enquiry and your trust / try, you are right, no google ratings yet, as I told you might something to think about in future. I do understand that it is might a bit risky to buy far away from a unknown dealer, and yes one of you was right, it s a one- man show (for now). But how to start please? Buy google ratings? Ask friends to rate 5 stars? Not my way. (instagram @partsfriend, some of my recent work whenever it s worth to upload + time making a picture) Happy for a follow if you also use Instagram and I am not burned as the "bad scammer guy". say "hello" please if you follow so I know who it is, I like it personal, because I like my job and try to find my own way in this business) Regarding to my english, sure you are right, not that good as yours for sure, as a native speaker or someone you are dealing with in the US or in the UK and I also notice when it comes to several mails a day and a bunch of work, that my english isn´t the best and getting worth, still learning, still growing, don´t like that too as it looks not that professional, you are right. Will put more work into it. Cam, let s do it the other way around, let me know what you need please out of your latest enquiry, I will send the parts and you pay after you have received them? (as a special because I usually need to pay my dealers within 2-3 days and I would run out of money and couldn´t order more parts offering this in general) (I know I am late to reply to it, so maybe your order was already placed at FCP, but like mentioned I thought I would get any notification and well also my fault not checking it before, busy days getting all things done) And no, I am not from Nigeria or something, I am from Germany and raised in Berlin :- P I do speak German very well ;- ) and English as best as possible, learned in school, never spend longer than 2 weeks in the US or any english speaking country but it should be good enough, to understand what my customer is looking for + explain the steps from enquiry, order and shipment. Thank you again guys, appreciate that there was a response and this forum looks like to have a good and helpful community, if there are parts in future, please give it another try, even if you only would like to compare to FCP or any other dealer you use to buy parts from, maybe in future someone gives it a try. Would be happy. And why can´t a one- man company beat a big one from time to time?... in service + pricing... (please use [email protected] if there is something might interesting to check) but I will check this site now every day to see if there is someone interested and willing to try / or any question. Cheers and stay safe (hopefully without a bunch of mistakes, I put in some more time :- ) ) best regards David
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Thats had an LCI lower dash swap like mine, dont recognise the headunit. Could be an android like mine, or just a generic double DIN in suitable fascia.
  11. 1 point
    A local shop changing an OEM screen will cost plenty and leave you with 2007 tech. A new android unit will be much cheaper, have a better screen, be much faster and have the ability to run 2021 Android Auto / Apple Carplay with an OEM look.
  12. 1 point
    Sell your Bitcoin and buy E30s https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/listing/2946929933?bof=mR1FVzUq
  13. 1 point
    In this case I'd suggest getting a written reference rather than just listing their details on your CV. It gives them less options to screw you over as you have a written version of what they think of you. If they contradict that later over the phone and cost you a job then they are opening themselves up for a PG. If asking in person is too uncomfortable then asking over email is perfectly reasonable in my opinion. Also remember a reference doesn't just have to come from a direct supervisor to be useful. You can make use of colleagues or higher levels of management if you have those relationships.
  14. 1 point
    Yeah I would never fly that distance in the US. We had a rule that if the drive was less than 8 hours on a normal weekend we would drive. DC to Detroit takes the same amount of time as Auckland to Wellington. But is 230kms further. And that is on roads that are not that straight and through the Blue ridge mountains.
  15. 1 point
    I miss the highways in the US so much. Smooth. Straight. Quiet. Drove from DC to Austin, TX (25hrs of driving) in my E46 and I only stopped because I got bored at night time. I just drove to Wellington from Masterton and back and I feel beat. See below. Forced to go through small towns x 3 at 50kph Chip seal nearly the entire way which is brutal noisy Followed a truck and a horse float up the Remutaka's at 20-30kph Windy shitty blind corners Single lane the entire way to Wellington means passing is a waste of time The motorway in Wellington has f**king traffic lights in the middle of it. In multiple locations....Utter madness.
  16. 1 point
    I drove SH2 to Napier, and SH50/SH2 back to Welly after xmas. Apalled at the state of the roads, I've not seem them in that state of disrepair in more than 30 years! Crumbling small quick-and-dirty patches, breaking surfaces, drops/compactions... I guess the govt is spending elsewhere?
  17. 1 point
    I went on the new CHCH Northern Motorway twice when I was down there last week. Once two days after it opened... fresh seal but all well stuck down, and a nice smooth surface. The second time about 5 days later, and the tar was starting to bleed, stones were already flying around (apparently broken windscreens are on the rise in that area now) and it wasn't looking good. I still cannot understand how after all these years of making roads, and the advancement in technology, we still suck so much at building them. We have got to stop paying the lowest bidder, it makes no sense.
  18. 1 point
    Was in Henderson Sunday, Lincoln Road made me tramline, thanks to the melt and displaced sand.
  19. 1 point
    Well the pulse was up thats for sure.
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