I've had my E34 540i exactly one year. Thought I would put a few photos up showing the before and after on the car and how it's changed over the last 365 days.
At some point I might make a proper thread for the car detailing everything I've done, I'm the iPad generation so Forums were a bit of foreign territory for me so I've got a messy collection of discussions instead of one big one.
Anyway here is the before and after from the day I picked it up (17/11/20) to today (17/11/21),
this is correct.
if you want to just get the same plate/style remade you go thru licensys and it costs next to nothing.
If you want it restyled/diff combo then kiwiplates and it costs a lot.
Unsure about surrendering @Kees but I am just as OCD about plates too. I got lame personalised plates for my E30 as it was cheaper than having the original 1991 plates (PS2040) made into a personalised plate (the only way they’d “re-issue” an old plate), as it had had a few personalised plates over the years and lost its original ones. Hated having meaningless M-reg modern plates on it. When the personalised ones arrived last month I had to return the MBP520 ones for destruction, but that’s a different scenario.
I’m about to sell mine with 220,000km on the clock, I don’t know if it’s going to sell quickly or if the KMs mean that much to a buyer, full service history 05 NZ New M3
About to find out!
@Sammo that’s really funny.
When I looked there were a few interesting ones left. I toyed with a few, using 0 instead of Zero helped with some too, but then I got over it and noticed the cheaper “three plus three” price so went for that one.
Not legal and not sold as such, but I'll just leave this here.
Pressed aluminium, correct flag and fern, correct font, correct colours and reflective.
Since I got my car exactly a year ago, I thought I would give it a decent wash and then attempt to go take some half decent pictures of it with my DSLR.
Here are some of the photos I got with the freshly cleaned car:
@E28E30 That just reminded me - also had someone (in Wellington as well) contact me who has a very nice 4 door manual 325i SE in silver - same as @adro car but stock height / no front lip and cloth interior - garaged / full service history / AC etc.
I didn't enquire as to price or anything as I'm not looking at 4 doors (well, not yet) .
A milestone today, one side of the headers completely tacked up and ready for finish welding !! So much work ... can't wait until they are completely done. Onto some pics ... pretty self explanatory, the first is all of the pieces for the last tube on this side.