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Everything posted by Gaz

  1. Pm bellicose, he is the painting guru
  2. Correct if I am wrong but if it is a personal car that you have owned for longer than 12 months it doesn't have to meet emissions, impact laws and GST. Id give these guys are call as they could tell you http://www.mmnz.biz
  3. Gaz

    318i coupe

    What was that white car that almost stacked it in front of you in the first vid? Looked like a diahatsu? Also, needs more 'accidental power slides' cause isnt that is the whole purpose of having a turbo e30 right?
  4. I thought it was factory +/- 0.5 of a degree? Its all online somewhere anyway
  5. http://www.trademe.co.nz/763549549 Not too many of these around. Could ditch the tail lights though.
  6. An e39 on Serious Crash Unit that rolled off a bank and looking very sad.
  7. As per title, for a 6 cylinder if there is a difference?
  8. Just jack the rear up and put it on axel stands?
  9. We are pretty slack when it comes to meets down in Christchurch as we have around 10 active members now days. I need to get my wagon legal before I bring it along to any meets but can always bring the 330.
  10. Gaz

    Quick Questions

    Pretty much anything 5 series. I believe the rear of an e46 m3 is 18x9 et26
  11. Have a read through here. Not sure if it's covered off but should give you some inspiration.
  12. Did you scroll all the way down? There is/was an ad in the middle of my result
  13. Why not this one? All ready had the valve steams replaced. http://www.trademe.co.nz/747418629
  14. Awesomeness! Does this mean the s54 you have on trademe isnt for sale anymore?
  15. Gaz

    The Wishlist

    Exactly, 10k is no where near enough to build a 800hp boosted s54 for my wagon. For 10k I'd do full panel and paint, refurb my Hartges, and complete interior overhaul including leather vaders. Maybe manual coversion too if there was anything left over.
  16. Gaz

    Quick Questions

    E36 auto gearboxes - are they the same? Ive come across a cheap 328 with a broken gearbox and can get a hold of a auto box from a 320 but will it bolt up the same? I assume so as manual ones do but you never know.
  17. There is alot of dirt yes but also alot of sealant. I had the guy from Canterbury guard rolling come do mine and I'm glad I did as I would have missed it and completely stuffed it up.
  18. Here in Christchurch we just stick road cones in the holes, sometimes more than one.
  19. C'mon! I promise I won't send the worst ones.
  20. Looks good. Are you running 205s on the front? Id get the rears rolled asap before you start to bend the inside lip up and make it super difficult to get the sealant out of there. Trust me, I know.
  21. Gaz


    Yes correct
  22. The whole customer service thing is a very interesting topic. A lot of the time you see companies trying to entice new customers to the brand, just look at telcos. A lot of their deals are targeted to getting new customers rather than retaining customers and it probably relates to BMW dealers as well. My opinion is that most companies rely on brand loyality to hold onto customers. Talk to customers and all they want is some sort of recognition that they are respected customer. I went into Jeff Gray here in Christchurch for PPI and got invited to all sorts of events, nothing like a track day but sales stuff, unveiling of this new car etc.
  23. So no one is going to comment on this mornings game? I think blitzkrieg bests describes it. Germany does look good but have run out of goals? In South Africa they put 4 past England and then couldn't kick on. I hope they can.
  24. What is your purpose for going to coilovers? To get super low or to have a decent set up that can be used track and street?
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