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About Cale

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 07/29/1990

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  • Car
    E30 328i Touring
  • Car 2
    E91 335i
  • Car 3
    E36 318iS

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  1. Ran into this beaut M325i at Continental Cars BMW today - couldn't resist reversing in next to it and getting a couple of pics.
  2. Something about that car looks weird; between the rear wheel placement (wrong offset?), exhaust tips and double spaced '1 3 0 i' badge it looks, well... odd. Or maybe it is just me.
  3. Yeah they definitely seem to be the ones that screw down into the roof as opposed to clipping onto the existing roof railing. @Bennyboy Once I pick them up from CCBMW I'll check them out and get the exact part number and we can go from there.
  4. I grabbed them... however subsequently I believe that given I have the rails on my car, I'd need the railing carrier not the racks themselves.
  5. Cale

    WTB Wagon

  6. We've got a thing like this; https://www.trademe.co.nz/pets-animals/dogs/kennels-crates-pens/cages-crates/listing-2589810337.htm?rsqid=1a77e3ea81a846c2bcb77260c0c5332b-001 Seems to contain the hair/dirt pretty well, and we use a towel to protect the bumper. Whatever size we have it fits nicely into the back of the E91 with the boot cover taken out.
  7. You're right, I came across that a few years ago. Venus has her own YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXcmXjZE2Iu-MT0oMxWG2OA
  8. They do make brief mention of the wheels being "made of carbon fibre reinforced plastic...". But agree, more pictures would be nice - annoyingly most of the pictures just effectively repeat themselves.
  9. Browsing the BMW M site and came across the below article published early March 2020. Some great pics and info on the the beautiful red M8 prototype. Lots of neat articles on other M cars too. https://www.bmw-m.com/en/topics/magazine-article-pool/the-bmw-m8-e31-prototype.html
  10. Not sold personally, car still looks outstanding though! I am battling with the same big questions today - smoked or orange indicators?
  11. And now for sale for 8k more just 3 months later... 'reduced' by $5.3k also because NZ lockdown deals! For that they could of at least cleaned the engine bay and door sills I would have thought. https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=2588348660
  12. Yeah, relevant threads; http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/21131-rampant-phase-iii/ http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/54436-seriously-for-sale-my-supercharged-tech-ii-e30/
  13. Tidied up and installed some Bosch smiley's in the wagon today. These replace the bullseyes which were a touch faded and some of the adjusters a bit rusty. Made me happy (excuse the pun). Will have think about whether I put the washer system back in also but it does look cleaner without it.
  14. Ah I see, all I could remember was that there was an alpine white M3 with those decals. I suppose that give all ~125 are LHD US cars none will likely be in NZ anyway.
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