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Everything posted by allan

  1. allan

    'THE' M3...

    Or do this http://www.ronpatrickstuff.com/
  2. Google it here are two of many http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCMQtwIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DbTzahFnF7wE&ei=gkVFVZbjF4HcmgWVqYGYBA&usg=AFQjCNG-_ceuG_TAbGzfLRB6P8f8JSf-pQ&sig2=sBv4cwu6p7YinKqos7sLUA http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCAQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D6OOoSyJ-L0w&ei=gkVFVZbjF4HcmgWVqYGYBA&usg=AFQjCNGlADFq_viF6XwvcloyPqun_pnBHw&sig2=xcGqCJ4rezlp7hv35vWLFw
  3. how does that work Andrew,being dead sometimes dead is dead isn't it? haha
  4. Their is a thin line between sane and crazy he just removed that line that's all nice looking car.
  5. Did you have to recode anything when you did the engine swap?. Although an e46 I used the original cluster and had no problems when the engine was changed from the N42 B18 to the M54b25. As Brent mentioned the 4 cylinder clusters can be tweaked to suit.
  6. allan

    Quick rant thread.

    Good on her no I was meaning Mr Jeckle/ Hyde
  7. allan

    Quick rant thread.

    ^ But cyclists don't have brains so it rather goes hand in hand. confirm it or not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA-84SIFnSo Where's the other half Hyde
  8. Hi Chris, If you are good with tools and wish to take this on in your own garage go for it . But make sure you have the correct tools and plenty of patience I have only done the one myself at home and it was a bitch of a thing. Talk to your local mechanic about it and what it would cost you for them to do it then decide if you want the peace of mind as it is done or gain the experience and what ever goes with it to get it done at home. If I had another one go I would cough up the coin and get the professionals to do it just my opinion.
  9. Any of these helpful http://www.apra-europe.org/dateien/downloads/APRA_Birmingham_Hans-Peter_Bach_ZF_Transmissions_with_Mechatronics.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbCpJocZJQo http://www.europeantransmissions.com/Bulletin/DTC-jag/6hp_trans.pdf http://etereman.com/blog/ford-transmission-2/common-problems-associated-with-the-zf-6hp26-automatic-transmission
  10. 318 sedan front 286 x 22 rear 276 x19 325 sedan front 300x22 rear 294x 19 330 sedan front 325 x 25 rear 320 x 22 the 316,318 rears also could be solid or ventilated I believe the rest are ventilated only plus cross drilled one's may be available.
  11. On a slightly different track and with your 15k budget/limit have you considered importing a car from Japan yourself. Their have been a few come up and they have been around the 10, 11 thousand mark for 05 06's with K's ranging from 60 to 90 thousand k.
  12. Thanks Glen bit quick and hit the wrong key.
  13. Not sure it's an article that arrived from Pelican thought it might be of interest to some. Must be having issues with the BMW connectors wearing out.
  14. Any help http://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/BMW-E60/85-FUEL-N54_Engine_Charge_Air_Duct_Replacing/85-FUEL-N54_Engine_Charge_Air_Duct_Replacing.htm?utm_source=pelican_bmwnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20150325 Should be turbo hit the wrong key
  15. allan

    DINAN M5

    http://forums.pelicanparts.com/bmw-5-series-e28-e34-e39/764747-dinan-s3-m5-closer-look-beast-bmw.html Try that sorry missed some of the address
  16. allan


    Well well Well!!! could you ask for more in a match rain, collisions, dropped catches, run outs, top bowling, fielding then when it comes to 5 from 2 and he hits a six good on the kiwis' feel for the South Africans that is sport though. Who will they meet in the final the old foe or India?.
  17. Have a look at this it might be of some help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoCED1jyfL4. Looks like you are going to have an empty wallet no matter which way you move with your problem best of luck.
  18. Dave, No it has happened many times. They go through the court system are fined etc and some pay $5 a week if they can afford it. In one case $28,000 odd was owed in traffic offenses and went unpaided. The police finally track him down and was taken to court and convicted it was either a time in jail or community service of so many hours I believe he took the community service of about 300 hrs. A good result for him considering all the trouble he had coursed.
  19. This is one of those personal opinion issues either hate them or love them. The clears give it a not so Gordy look but the flat lense surface just doesn't match with the style of the car maybe if they had been frosted it might blend in.
  20. People will always look for a easier, convenient, cheaper way to purchase items it's human nature this just happens to be one of them. Some one will come up with a scheme to get round this wait and see.
  21. As Dave has mentioned have a look here might help solve your problem http://bmwfans.info/parts-catalog/E36-Coupe/Europe/328i-M52/1999/browse/seats/single_parts_of_front_seat_controls_3/
  22. allan

    UK M3

    Wooo I had better get come pop corn this could get interesting and has stirred the pot so to speak. As some have posted their are alternatives and each to their own opinions was interested in peoples thoughts on the price, age and general items etc to do with the vehicle.
  23. allan

    UK M3

    If anyone is interested http://www.turners.co.nz/Cars/Search/BMW/M3/13150037/
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