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Everything posted by kulgan

  1. Turns out the PDF I have is the E32 manual. 88-94 7 series. Will pm you.
  2. I think I still have the Bentley E38 manual in PDF format if that helps? Can send it to you when I'm home from work.
  3. Rebuild? It's never been in the water mate. Practically brand new that one.
  4. I'd contact TM too and let them know because TM will put a message in your feedback saying you were the winner of an auction and the sale wasn't completed. Also the seller will have the option of leaving you a negative feedback. TM are pretty good about it if you explain your side of the story and will remove any negative feedback should the seller go down that route.
  5. With the glowing exhaust and the way it's running I wonder if the timings out. Might pay to put a timing light on it and make sure the PO got it right when they changed the belt.
  6. kulgan

    Quick rant thread.

    Wish I had a steel beam that with a push of a button I could eject onto tailgaters. How close would you have to be following a truck for that beam to go through your window?
  7. Yup, that pic just nailed it for me. Exactly what I'd want to do. Sell a Gallant and keep the 7. Do the mod's and enjoy it for years to come. It's the perfect weekend car.
  8. I really like this. But. Not only do I have enough already you probably wouldn't want to sell it to me..lol I'd want to lower it 2 inches at the front, put and nice set of mags and wide wheels on it and tint the windows.
  9. Oh, yay. A proper introduction thread. Welcome Barry. Lots of great folk here with a good knowledge base. Sounds like with your experiance you'll be adding to that. Post up some pics of your cars when you can.
  10. kulgan

    MissBM V.2

    Looks good. Cant wait to see it with the new wheels. How's your patience holding up??
  11. Considering I'll be driving a tank I guess I wont be too fast..lol I better hurry up and get the brake upgrade done on the 740i.
  12. I see they have 4 speed groups. Does the driver decide which group or is it based on the car?
  13. kulgan

    99 E38 Parts

    They where a optional extra. If you want them you'll need the door handles as well as the wiring looms from all the doors. And it's a massive PITA as I've discovered trying to get them to work on the 750.
  14. This would do nicely to go get the groceries.. ha ha.
  15. kulgan


    Get it, fix it and drive it.
  16. kulgan

    MissBM V.2

    Any before and after side pics Amber? Curious to see how much the initial drop is. Then again in a couple of months when they've settled. I know the Jamex springs I put in the 740i dropped another 5ml over a couple of months.
  17. I had planned to get stuck into doing a suspension rebuild on the 740i but got a ph call yesterday telling me that the shed I'd been renting has been sold and the new owner wants it cleared out. So here's my old boat seeing the light of day for the first time in 4 years, now sitting in my fathers back yard.. ha ha, lucky for me he's into cars as well(you might guess from the size of his garage) and doesn't mind my toys in his back yard while I work on them. He is asking when the green 735i will be going though..lol I've owned it for about 15 years now and it's seen a lot of use in that time and for a little boat served me well taking me out fishing on the West Coast. Time came about 4 years ago to upgrade to something a bit bigger so the little boat(Rusty Reel), got put in storage till I could find the time to redo the paint and varnish. And then it just kind of got forgotten. So, my hands been forced. Time to paint the boat and get it up for sale. Actually, selling this may free up enough money to fund a supercharger.. Woo hoo. On that thought I'm feeling a bit more enthusiastic about getting this done now.
  18. Good news about the coolant leak not being a coolant leak. And loving the work you've done on the paint. The clouds reflecting in the bonnet looks very nice.
  19. 750i-il brakes are the same. The front disks and calipers are larger than the 740i by quite a bit so theoretically more stopping power. It's been argued on other forums that it'll make no difference and at the end of the day ABS and tires will have the final say but if that was the case why would BMW have bothered making them bigger. Beyond all that I do drive the 740i hard at times and bigger disks and calipers will mean less heat and less brake fade under hard consistent braking,.
  20. Picked up a few parts while I was in Auckland. One of which was this. So glad to finally have this off the boot. Old. New and much improved. Also picked up a rear bumper so I can now do the tow bar delete without leaving a hole in the bumper where the tow bar goes through and got the 750il disk and calipers to upgrade the brakes on the 740i.
  21. Cheers Jooles. Was good to meet you all too. Nice to finally be able to put faces to names. Good meet you to Kyu. Gotta say, I knew your car was super nice from the pics but to see it in person. Wow.
  22. kulgan

    MissBM V.2

    Did I see you at the meet today? Really friendly guy with really bloodshot eyes?
  23. Having seen how good yours looked Brent I'm thinking I'll have to get the tints done in the 750i again.
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