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Young Thrash Driver

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Everything posted by Young Thrash Driver

  1. Traded the Titansilver 530 touring on a 2011 Mazda 6. 3 E39s had me tearing my hair out, looking forward to not hearing from the wife what isn't working today. Wondering what all the new car reviewers were smoking back then. Seriously, it is a fridge on wheels.
  2. Put the 520i back together- new viscous fan hub, fan, thermostat and housing, waterpump, belts and its pulley and a few other bits. Spent a long time chasing a coolant leak- I had forgotten to put in the o-ring that seals the thermostat Gave the Titansilver 530i touring a check over, heading up to Northland tomorrow so don't want any surprises.
  3. @jom valve cap spanner for the cheap TradeMe type. Doubt someone who likes ricer stickers knows what a carb jet is...
  4. I reckon it would be cool to buy 20m and vandalize your mates cars with it
  5. Two SD1's... hey @KwS, how do you clean up all the oil off your driveway??? PS that blue one looks quite pretty
  6. If you spit, does it bounce? Trying to get some perspective of it here
  7. @hqstu she's looking beaut! Those shiny clear headlights look spectacular.
  8. Yeah but low. And stance. Bro.
  9. All I know is- if you can see the mountain, it's going to rain. And if you can't, it's already raining!
  10. To be honest, I am surprised it took this long!
  11. Today the 520i spat out it's fan blades, taking with it both belts. This to go with the Topaz 530i having no WOF (airbag light) and the Titan 530i is missing a window (stone from lawnmower) Merry Christmas, I guess world peace is too much to hope for, can't even have 3 complete BMWs...
  12. I thought this thread would be about the 120d Ray is selling...
  13. It's a truck, it is supposed to be dirty. Stop being a poof! Parked one of mine in the rain to rinse some of the dirt off it.
  14. It isn't relevant to the sale but it is certainly of interest to anyone else with one of these engines- what were the issues and how were they caused? Good luck with the sale. It's a lovely colour!
  15. Worth noting also that an E39 or E38 unit may physically fit but the viewing angle will be all on the p1ss, you will find it hard to read Did you figure out if it came from factory with a cassette type unit or a screen and nav type?
  16. Much prefer the look of this stereo setup to any of the screen types, even with your wire doofer hanging out. Screens are a bit too Xzibit "Pimp my Ride" for me
  17. Doug was kind enough to stop by and give us a drive on his way back down. Can confirm is is "alright"
  18. Wasn't me, I refuse to eat and drive Blame Smith & Smith for the windscreen, every time they touch one of my cars I am upset with something they have or haven't done. Some kind of weird synergy going on here because I am looking at dealing to trim which has just started lifting in the Topaz Touring's cabin too!
  19. That is solely petrol or diesel powered cars- if they are hybrid or whatever they will still be allowed to be sold new after 2040. At this point, anyway... The really retarded thing about that situation is it was introduced in response to an EU directive to have a cleaner car fleet- after the UK voted for Brexit!
  20. Bah,the research is flawed- it doesn't need to be either/or... I'll take a 3.0d X5 and an i8, thanks
  21. Slightly NSFW, just so nobody gets in trouble... fashion, you fickle beast- all these people thought they looked cool, once!
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