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Young Thrash Driver

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Everything posted by Young Thrash Driver

  1. in b4 Ron you still don't own the plate- the govt does. You just own the right to use that combination of numbers/ letters. I prefer the US term for these- vanity plate- sums it up well I think
  2. @polley you made one of these up, didn't you?
  3. I recently replaced mine with Stabilus brand struts ex Germany from Ebay. Note you will have to do the glass hatch struts before the main boot struts, there just isn't the room doing it the other way around.
  4. When RealOEM tells you the part you just pulled off your car doesn't fit it and doesn't belong there And then you look over to its sibling and it has the same 14 year old part on it too
  5. Aren't they on their summer holiday at the mo?
  6. Might be some helpful tidbits here use the forum search function
  7. Some things I have learned recently, relating to the Topaz touring I picked up: -if you break the remote positive terminal bolt on the intake manifold, BMW will want to sell you a new manifold as they do not stock the bolt. -when replacing the boot struts, the glass hatch struts must be installed before the main struts -when replacing the CCV gubbins (cold weather version), lots and lots of Vaseline is the only way to get it in And now for a quick question- I sent the silver touring to Coombes Johnson for a WOF and it came back riding very high on the left hand side, what gives? I am assuming the fault lies with the front shock and the rear airbag/ SLS system is just copying the front. I thought maybe the spring had twisted off it's seat but nup.
  8. Good on you if you can stick it out longer than 6 years. As someone who lives out of town, range is important. Also, I have never owned a car that long.....
  9. So Gabriel- you are looking at 6.25 years before the Leaf makes financial sense, in terms of money saved on petrol vs 10K for the Leaf( 10K car vs . $1600 p.a saving on fuel) You might have to buy a battery (or cells) before then, which will push any payoff even further out- car will be about 6 years old at time of purchase. Am I missing something? The 2.7 years relates only to the battery pack- does not include the environmental impact of building yet another car to use the battery with. My theory is that if we all keep driving our old(ish) BMWs, it does more good for the planet than buying a tree full of Leafs. Even if the Leaf is faster off the lights.....
  10. Was reading part of a report from Sweden today that stated a petrol car produces the same CO2 in 2.7 years as one Nissan Leaf battery. Clearly there are some assumptions here, but it is clear any environmental payback requires you to own the vehicle for some time. What's a Leaf worth anyhow? Seems like an odd way to save money!
  11. Cor blimey. Got the heater pipes which sit under the intake manifold out this evening- I knew they were poked, but the gunk inside was horrific. How all these aging M54's are all still on the road is beyond me.
  12. Camry man says what? No, sorry- just kidding, I'm aware your car is a special bit of kit. It's just... it's a Toyota
  13. Love it, SC430 man over here dissing BMW driving dynamics Seller is extracting the Michael, but credit for sneaking what looks like a 355CS into the background
  14. A decent 530 Motorsport with 200km sold on TM a couple of days ago for $3k... there's also a very nice 540 Motorsport here on the forum absolutely begging for someone to grab it, a steal at 4.5k!
  15. If the car has been parked up as long as he says it has been, it's current state would have been at Peak Cool back then.
  16. Just curious, what does the dealer want for one?
  17. Oh how surprising Hah good luck with the sale!
  18. It's all the same, I just use diesel as it's cheaper
  19. Good grief, how has this not sold? If I hadn't already saddled myself with that blue Touring I'd say sod it and grab this one!
  20. Test function, the one you access via the OBC?
  21. I just buy Samson 20W-50 from the Warehouse. All oil is the same, its a scam and marketing that says otherwise Kidding. I love Repco employees, they make me feel clever.
  22. Bought the world's most expensive cupholder for one of the E39's. The cost of the new cupholder was enough to have Customs pick up this latest package for GST etc- added $150 to the cost of the package- package duly arrives with a left hand drive cupholder inside So will have to pay return shipping to FCP Euro- then buy the correct one! Rookie mistake
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