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Young Thrash Driver

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Everything posted by Young Thrash Driver

  1. Tsk tsk Gabe. I'm sure the owners manual says to drive immediately you start the engine.?
  2. Given you have hidden the plate, are you able to supply the last 7 digits of the VIN? Also, pics of the damage to bumper bonnet and wheels would be of interest- the pics you have are very nice, but given this is a BMW forum, we have all seen a billion silver E39s... Cheers, and good luck!
  3. Funny how some people think low km is special, @hqstu has dropped some coin on my old one but nearly double this things km and probably as tidy. And it isn't silver ? Still, nice to see a tidy well looked after example.
  4. I wondered about this, there is a guy local to me who can refurb. It was cheaper to get new ones tho- Stabilus too, not eBay junk. Maybe someone in Welly has higher volume/ cheaper pricing?
  5. So because I hate coming across threads that have no conclusion: While the wiring to the door airbags is indeed damaged there was no actual fault (apart from an old "ghost" code) with them. After chasing codes that went from weird to outright spurious- culminating in "Passenger seatback not locking", a code that belongs on a convertible!- Tauranga Auto Electric found the whole mess was caused by a failed passenger occupancy sensor mat .
  6. You will get rid of the car well before the injectors are due to be serviced again, I'd say ?
  7. Heard much good about injectortech. They will replace all the o-rings and pintle caps and make sure the spray pattern etc is all correct. They are totally a serviceable item, no need to throw the old ones away.
  8. A few km away from us is an intersection where 150-200 boy racer types congregate every Friday night. It would appear- for them anyway- that tyres grow on trees!
  9. Wow- she's quite a looker! Welcome to your new addiction- I hope it treats you kindly
  10. I recently replaced two on an old shed and was around when three got put into a new shed- really not hard at all. Any pro should have minimal trouble.
  11. What is s928a "tire control"?
  12. I dunno. Reckon it would be alright at picking up gay blokes tho!
  13. What kind of a retard just goes tipping oil into an engine without first checking the dipstick? How did they know it needed two litres, or one or even five without checking the dipstick? And of course- with newer BMW's now having no dipstick at all, can we expect to see more of this kind of thing?
  14. What are the accident stats for tourists driving camper vans?
  15. Replace everyone's drivers airbag with a spike and let Mr Darwin do his thing. Seriously tho, you can't legislate against retardedness (I'd class most bureaucrats and politicians as retards) but you can attempt to educate. Refer to my comments re: bureaucrats however when you think on the fact that skills based training was rejected on the grounds that if people have better skills, they will just go faster and have worse crashes. Add to this most people in transport planning national/regional level jobs are greenie types who are only interested in getting us to take a bus or bike- cars are old hat, embrace the glorious transport revolution, comrades! Yes we have a problem with drivers- but we also have a very real, very dangerous bureaucrat problem.
  16. Oh cummon, get real. Setting that goal is the solution we have been missing all these years. All we need now is an inspirational slogan- Let's do this!
  17. Could just rip the flap out and be done with it. You wont notice any lack of torque or reduced response from a M44, will you?
  18. Your signature at the bottom of each of your posts contains a link to your TardMe listings- you have no listings.
  19. Mazda6 requires you to go thru the wheel arch liner to replace the low beam bulb
  20. Talk to your friendly local Rural Post driver, G. Mine is happy to leave everything I get from overseas on my porch, and I also have an "authority to leave" or whatever it is so I don't sign for anything either (could bite me if I ever need insurance)
  21. You watch. It'll turn up on your doorstep and the tracking doofer will still say "In transit".
  22. No good for you Ron, she's wearing snow tires
  23. Are these appreciating fast enough that putting it in storage can be justified?
  24. Young Thrash Driver


    sh*t story by stuff, driven has a way better set of pics. Anyone wanna speculate what caused the fire? Very sad about the BBS RKs
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