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smiddy last won the day on May 1 2020

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76 Excellent


About smiddy

  • Rank
    3rd Gear

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    2009 E91 LCI 335i

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  1. Jon, i will take the oil filters, turbo kit, drive belt. Advise bank details and total with freight. Thanks.
  2. I have a set of F30 403M 19in wheels.
  3. Yep, Adam owner of Mtech is my guy for work/ service, hands on, Rover, Audi VW BMW, honest and fair with prices, Hi qual oils, filters etc.
  4. smiddy

    1M Clone Build

    All sounds good and your on to it. I have hybrid twins on mine, put a walbro 350 into exsisting bucket. Ran into overheat problems with pump control unit, which shuts down at around 22A draw. Was getting really hot, even to touch, around 80 deg C, added heat sinks to components and heat transfer padding to circuit board and mount area, did the 40mm PC fan modd also. Down to 30 deg C and smooth fuel pump ramp up now, unit was not happy hot.
  5. Reason for all of that cost and work?
  6. smiddy

    1M Clone Build

    Great build and nice work, does this pump system come with relays and wiring to control current draw? Stock EKPM will fry its self while idleing with this array. Who are you looking to for tuning?
  7. Great nick indeed! First thing to go is wheels, would not put those on a horse float! Does zero, for what is not a bad car shape for the time.
  8. smiddy

    N54 waterpump

    Had a VDO unit on mine for nine months, goes good. Was about NZ$ 550.00 to my door.
  9. smiddy


    What milage has car done, burn/ consume much oil? Maybe a oxygen sensor gone out, scan can test them.
  10. Yep, Eagle describes the safest/cost effective formula. You describe the groove in rotor wear, which is common, maybe not more than wear limit. Or, rotors front, pads only rear?? Around town driving, no pedal pulseing, pads only, maybe enough???
  11. As an X mechanic, allbiet from late 70s to late 80s. Brakes while, not that technical in many ways, are of course very, very important! If as stated, you are 'overwhelmed", this is not the job for you to tackle. As a DIY, this is certainly a risk, to yourself and others, if you lack confidence.
  12. smiddy

    Elias' 135i project

    Nice combo, great looking car.
  13. Brake line ring spanner, has cut out, which is one flat of hex, to clear brake line.
  14. Yes, is a domestic USA product plan. Freight on returns and exchange rates, inhibit any gains down under would think. Click on link of Hazzy's post, link, posts to FCP are blunt from many longtime customers.
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