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Everything posted by KwS

  1. lmao, what a knob. good work putting 2 and 2 together Glenn, forgot about him posting here.
  2. THe front bumper of my swift wouldnt even clear one of those parking things.... i learn quick
  3. Just a note. On my 3.0 with AC i used a spanner to change my tensioner. was easy with only a couple of small things removed to make space (fan shroud wing iirc). Details are in my old project thread.
  4. Yup, stop rolling so far forward is the easy answer. Have you still got all your under trays?
  5. Reinforcements would be fairly down on the list in terms of priority, unless there is already signs of cracking or tearing (or youre going to throw all mechanical sympathy out the window and thrash the pants off it). Bushes, joints and suspension would be my priority.
  6. I really like the blue and tan personally, but yeah i agree those wheels do it no favors. Would ditch the "dtm" tips too. Would be a nice summer cruiser with the auto.
  7. As mentioned in the turner link i posted, only guaranteed from 96 onwards, anything older may not. have seen a couple of posts on other forums with damage done.
  8. its either been for sale for ages, or its been up a couple of times. Certainly seen it on TM before with that sort of price.
  9. yup, shes fair f**ked
  10. good lord they are good looking cars. Saw your one when it was listed, seemed like a bloody good deal. Very jealous!
  11. KwS


    If we could get all the old early 90s diesels off our roads it would be a small help, those things are terrible and even though they smoke like buggery they are still on the road. Its certainly not the bulk of the issue, as already mentioned, but its one thing that bugs the sh*t out of me. Old Hiluxes or Hiaces, light commercial trucks etc.
  12. You local Mercedes dealer will have it on the shelf. A001 989 52 03 10
  13. In which case its probably in good condition still. wouldnt expect issues from a new unit for many years. Some good reinforcement kits here, http://www.turnermotorsport.com/BMW-E36/c-87-bmw-reinforcement-kits.aspx
  14. The tensioner is always a good idea on the 3.0, so would definitely install that. You already have the Z3 rack so might as well chuck that in too. I would also reinforce the boot floor and front cross member mounting points as they are prone to failure, and while under there i would do all the susp bushes and ball joints as normal maintenance. Vanos is a hard one, its a decent size job and would be very labor intensive if you didnt do it yourself. If you cant notice any signs or rattling, you could still be down on power.... or it could be in good shape. Was it your one that was advertised as having a new vanos unit by the previous owner?
  15. until it has the inevitable terminal failure
  16. KwS


    Should get a plate frame, so much easier to mount euro plates with them.
  17. Anything with a dual mass flywheel is going to be expensive to replace.
  18. i must be sick in the head, i love seeing photos of vanos rebuilds. Vanos units are such cool pieces of engineering. Excellent work.
  19. s2000s are amazing little cars. Very reliable and a great engine and box. Only real issue with s2000 is that they hold their value so you have to be damn quick to pick one up for cheap. I wouldnt touch a merc either, but im very biased (which is funny considering my current employment).
  20. KwS

    Work Experience

    Asking way too much from them there Glenn...
  21. KwS

    Work Experience

    This is disappointing to hear. A great opportunity for someone. The state of youngsters these days is terrible.
  22. try opening the sun visors and vanity lights and see if it changes anything.
  23. Congrats on his new car, good choice.... but i cant help but think the whole show sounds ridiculous and over the top wanky. Mind you, im the kind of buyer that would rather tell a salesman to get lost and deal with no one.
  24. This topic was already being actively beaten to death in another part of the forum... didnt really need to dredge this up.
  25. The E36 in the OP. Non-Msport, stupid wheels, stupid suspension, horrible stretched tyres. Its a fail in my books, even with the stupidly over inflated price. Buy Brents.
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