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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. Updated E: if anyone here is mates with Ricky (frashn88) outside bimmersport can you give him a text about this buy, dont think he comes on here much. have sent him a PM. Cheers
  2. sounds good, you will have to take it to a non-euro specialist mechanic, they hopefully won't notice its been engine converted! because have to have a cert to get WOF. Might have to swap cars for a turn at some stage a huge fan of this shape, came very close to buying a red one a few years back
  3. no sir, not a fan of them really, especially at that price.
  4. but then why does it have a tech2 kit and facelift smiley headlights etc etc i should stop stirring and accept it for what it is haha
  5. Looking good Allan! Is this certified yet? looks like your nearly completed
  6. @ Tristan and Molehole1308, Yes I can get inspection seals, but they are extra $4USD which is roughly $5NZ. I dont get discount on those for you. so will need you to put through a bit extra for what ones you want. They are sold for one plate, so if you want inspection stickers for both front and back plates, it would be $10NZ all up. hope this makes sence. Have a look here and tell me what type you want. http://www.germanplates.com/accessories.html Alternatively, i have the ones in the bottom right hand corner of this photo you can see, they just say Deutschland at the top, and germanplates.com at the bottom, i can send you these free of charge http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....st&p=484281
  7. Cool guys looks like this is going ahead, so get as many orders in as you like while its open! I understand some may be waiting for payday so will make 24th May the cutoff so youll have to pay that night or before, must see payment at the 25th morning at the latest. Remember to get addresses in too via the PM service here Andy
  8. meh, locknuts just give you one more thing to loose, the key. i dont park my car anywhere the wheels will get stolen... need the BMW centers rotated so same orientation the same as the ///M badge IMO, that would just annoy me the way it is ha
  9. the top one needs more E34 M5 Touring. imho.
  10. yep other than having to wear sunglasses when driving or anytime outside in summer now, no other issues. i was quite lucky. My prescription worsened last time i got my eyes checked too so had to get another set of glasses. not sure if related.
  11. Okay Best thing to do i have written them down in OP and will open this order up. I think Julian should get some for his new 540i as well
  12. you going to buy this one too??
  13. Used to just risky it without safety gear, but a few years back chopping up and E30 i got a piece of metal in my eye that flicked up from the blade. straight to hospital and had to wear eyepatch for a few weeks. Cant stress that safety enough now.
  14. i suppose there is no point even asking if he still has the E30 AC Schnitzer wheel then?
  15. well if a few more folk are keen now i can do a round, just seems to be we dont get the numbers when you do two quickly. i need a set for my 318i, so we have 4 sets. need at least that again and ill do it. just cant offer the low price for only 4 sets because shipping is pretty much the same whether 1 set or 10 sets
  16. Only do it once every couple months, next one will be at least 8 weeks away
  17. your car is a prefacelift that been made to look like a facelift. on a prefacelift the switch isnt on the centre console all the time, its very often above the radio in that HVAC panel, you should see 4 rectangle slots one will be your hazards, and then you will have a few others depending on your cars options. one of them will usually hold the window curcuit breaker. you may need to remove the stereo and you will find it. i assume you mean override it like at the fuse box or something? as far as im aware, there is no way to override it that i am aware of it. if you want to delete the switch, you will still need to locate those two wires and solder them together hope this helps
  18. depends what you mean, from a sports perspective: E30 M3 2002tii Tie between E46 CSL and E92 M3 X6M up there too. But from a DD/gentelmans perspective E38 iL E60 5er
  19. no rush to get jack back, i got another one anyways. next time you out this way
  20. you can try those ebaichs i got here if you want. id rather keep them as a set, but if they sit right you know what to look for. up to you bud.
  21. Saw a Megane RS today in the basement of a building i was doing some work in today, assume its the same as Grahams one? but a very cool looking car indeed centred exhaust tip looked very boss Edit: nearly forgot, a V8 MG in the same street, that sounded very nice too!
  22. yep definately is a very cool car!
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