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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. oh right, i thought you were trying to pick a fight or something. in that case ill give a bit more detail have been working quite a lot lately so i havent done any physical work on the car since forever and a half ago bar dropping off and pickiing the car up from exhaust. Mostly have been researching/playing around with the wiring for the car. I believe EWS is all taken care of now, and i just have a few other bits and pieces on the car to finish off, like for example the engine does not want to crank over like it did when it was first wired up. the starter tries to turn the engine over, but for some reason is only getting about 5V. as you (probably) know, it cranked happy as Larry before. Theoretically, once i can get the engine to crank, it should start. I also have a drain in the car somewhere which im pretty certain is on my ACC circuit as thats the only E30 circuit i have tapped into prior to the conversion, so i have to investigate that. Have always had it (caused me to get stranded in Aucks when i was up there for BDO), but its gotten quite bad now to the point of a fully charged battery going flat within half a day it creeps (slowly) ever nearer
  2. work mostly. trust me glenn, you will be the FIRST to know when i finish this conversion why do you ask?
  3. Hutt City European are a good option if you are in the Hutt area. i dont know of any late model BMW specialists in Welly itself apart from JGBMW though
  4. This doesnt have a tech2 valance AND iS Lip. it only has the lip
  5. check Mr Plod's new whip Was outside/opposite VINZ so possibly a prototype? Cant see the point the police having this though, they have Commodores for the road and Rodeos for offroad... none the less, i dig it
  6. They can be hard to come across some times.. depends if you need one
  7. did they not realise the jap surround could be removed to fit a europlate? Love the plate! and that is some serious low in the front!
  8. Chur. Though i did it more because it was the only thing on my car that wasnt black or silver and stood out like a sore thumb
  9. true of pretty much all the manufacturers these days
  10. _ethrty-Andy_

    1985 318i

    looking good. +1 on the rake dont after a spare spoiler just in case? haha
  11. as soon as i saw you were running this on OBD1 i wondereded what you were doing for Vanos but looks like you have that sorted. this should go pretty well in an E30 allright! cant wait till the end result a few months down the line!
  12. ^ yeah like i said (or did i?) mine are totally blacked out and i still get away with it. the loophole to use is that the tail lights have to be visible from 100m (more or less, i usually brush up on the actual distance before warrents). Ive got two VTNZ warrents on them. but the law is still the law. its just up to you to find holes to get through the law. follow this at your own risk
  13. it logged me out and i forgot my password and the reset tool isnt working (saying the code word doesnt match the picture). i remembered my password though so its okay. may not have resulted from this time it crashed, may have been like that for a while?
  14. If the ones on ebay are advertised as 13% then theres a good chance that they mean "my" 13% as thats the standard measurement (for want of a better word) around the world. May look lighter in pictures though, quite often Ebay uses use a blanket image for all the different colours and shades the stock
  15. you know that 13% are virtually black right? or do you mean 87%? either way, GL finding a shop to do them. best bet if you dont want to use tint spray is to go for the ebay ones edit: links not working for me. You can get those films in the states because thier laws are a lot less strict than ours
  16. no ways! those 175 tyres actually got grip? haha
  17. id be surprise if you would find a shop that would do it. they dont want to get a name for themselves doing illegal mods for customers. be like going to a mechanic and asking them to cut your springs. i did them light enough that they still pass warrents
  18. Pretty sure thats a different car. ive seen both listings you are talking about a few times over the last couple months. may be wrong on them not being the same car though
  19. congratulations mate! cant wait to watch the vid when i get home from work!
  20. hes using a g260 from his old M20
  21. both of you wellington boys have seen my car.. does that look burnt to you? lol. Couldnt care less if the OP decides to do something different, but it worked for me with a result i couldnt be more happy with. Experience > heresay
  22. _ethrty-Andy_

    e30 318is

    Also factory in E30 320i Automatics. I have one available too Thats an M42
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