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Everything posted by antil33t

  1. I have many things, I do not mind people coming over if it suits me to have a beer and a play with their car. (conditions apply)
  2. the one below it? connects to the t-stat housing and then to the lower radiator? meant to have a metal part, wouldn't fit behind the fan otherwise. and yes, needs a thermostat to work properly.
  3. BMW rotors are not very thick, you get like 2mm of wear on them before they are out of spec, I've had no issues with aftermarket rotors on any of my old BMW's... I got the last pair for around 60+GST each. (could even look at Brembo (bros) made OEM rotors?) But since your 540i is really nice, Genuine might be a good idea.
  4. In dunedin the motorway is dual lane, and is never particularly full. but you'll get one idiot going the exact same 80/90 as the person to their left.....
  5. Unfortunately in bundy New Zealand, it's legal to drive in any motorway lane, so, passing whilst using a lefter lane is legal, except retards always pull back into the left lane without checking, it's happened to me so many times... driving slightly faster in the left lane and getting cut off by a f**khead driving too slow.
  6. We got one recently asking if we knew the whereabouts of "FULL MIDDLE NAME" and if so, call the number, ask for Alex and there was a reference number. Wasn't Baycorp, but a credit control company. Full middle name is, currently in a rest home with dimentia... they may not use a letterhead because if you were hiding from them... why would you call them?
  7. ask how much the spray cans are then they were more than $20 each when I purchased them last.
  8. Even a petrol one has an 80L tank.. I bet the 525tds is day and night better than a 525i however.. Perhaps a 540i would be better in realistic terms... Nobody is going to do extremely big k's in an Old E34 these days.
  9. Sweet, hook us up. It's only pricey because Rainbows buying power will be pretty small compaed to somewhere like Repco stocking it
  10. They sell it at rainbow paints. Kinda pricey though...
  11. I had some 18x8 in 20p from an E39. Problem is the reps have sh*t paint, crapy clearcoat ect.
  12. I've seen it around before, it's got a fairly rough body, noisy as f**k diesel... and I know for a fact that it drives around... must just risk it with no reg/wof. Probably worth it at 1700 bucks, but no leather ect I couldn't be f**ked owning another Touring without at least leather.
  13. lol I use to see that at Paknsave all the time haha.
  14. Oh f**k up, If you have nothing f**king useful to add, don't bother posting.
  15. Always ask for the IMEI, too many f**kheads with iCloud locked devices and blacklisted IMEI's.
  16. That page irritates me, so many idiots... so much wrong advice. Althought I did just tell some guy on there to come around to my house so I could fix his car
  17. I still have that Febi Blisten Keyring you sent me years and years ago with some keys that I bought.
  18. His actual fine was "operating a vehicle in a manner that could cause /injury/loss/annoyance" the round-a-bout he was on is a really stupid one, which you have to turn VERY Sharply as it has a protruding corner (you actually can't pull into your first lane without taking it wide) tbh, he probably didn't kick the back out until one of his wheels hit the white lines. Cop was a complete agro though,
  19. As someone who does 15000+KM every 3 months in a absolutely rubbish XC Holden Combo, I even take it on farms, drive it in paddocks... end up in the middle of nowhere, has no traction control, and sits on 185's Please get over yourself, Yes you're right but there is a point which nobody really cares.
  20. I still stand by my slap a used trans in it comment.
  21. Dad wants one to replace his Falcon. I think they are nice. Bloody well priced for what you get too. I wonder if there's a reason for that though
  22. antil33t

    5 Million

    5 Million $1 Hookerbots.... or one $5,000,000 hookerbot?!
  23. I don't see why you would need to use a specfic output you just need an M52 alternator. unless you wanted a huge stereo or whatnot, whatever the standard size is will be fine.
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