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euroriffic last won the day on January 4

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622 Excellent


About euroriffic

  • Rank
    7th Gear
  • Birthday 07/24/1987

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    Dakar yellow M3 evo
  • Car 2
    e30 318i Coupe project
  • Car 3
    e36 316i compact club car

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  1. Those would be mine! And no. Going on my X5 with A/Ts until I get around to rebuilding them
  2. Didn’t have heated rear seats as well to steal? Is another diesel on trademe here currently. Looks like a high spec uk import, has 325k on it for 5k with heated seats, pano roof and possibly air bag suspension. Is very tempting to check it out and make flick mine on instead. Am also wanting heated seats for cold otago winters!
  3. Where did you get the mesh kit from? I also need to sort mine. But then again I was planning to build a big front bar for it as well
  4. Congrats on the new addition to the family! That’s funny about the steering being noted as heavy. Mines the same, the two pfl I briefly had were worse, but BMW always seems to have heavier steering.
  5. Seems to have gotten around the country. This was taken with mine about 8 years ago in dunedin when a friend had it. Only hand like 40k in the clock then I think.
  6. I’m hoping when I get around to doing the glow plugs it goes as smoothly as yours! Just did a quick trip last night to oamaru and back, 240ish kms, and now I know not to shift into 5th under load it never had an issue. Filled up and left with 850km of range, sat on 999 most the way until hitting the hills back into dunedin, and ended up with 970kms left. Was so much better this trip with no squeaky interior and having cool AC. Was going to take the m3, but the old soot box is just so much better to travel in!
  7. Turns out because it was slightly over $1000 $1036, plus $199 shipping, I had to pay duty on it. Even tho I figured that was already in the shipping costs like most places are. So an extra $312 later it’s finally on its way. Which seems far too excessive . Says it’ll arrive on the 31st, so another week to go
  8. That explains why I’ve had an Order from ECS stuck in Auckland for the last 10 days just being scanned everyday and nothing being done. Sent them an Email a few days ago but no reply yet.
  9. Yes that was my post in the x5 diy page. Yours sounds the same as my fault, as long as you go easy going into 5th it’s alright, otherwise will “miss the gear” and then go to fail safe. All roads seem to lead to rebuilding the valve body, which doing DIY will be about $1000 with Sonnax zip kit, upgrading the pistons and seals, new seperator plate and solenoids. If you do just the seal kit, get the separator plate number off the valve body while it’s out. I didn’t, and pretty sure I have to drop the pan again to be able to get it, so might be out of action until that arrives since I don’t wanna pay for another round of fluid again!
  10. Spent today fixing squeaky doors and door cards, and going over all the seals with gummi pflege, so now that’s all done is super quiet inside. also got AC working again. I was just retarded and didn’t read the instructions correctly
  11. So been playing around with INPA and did some scanning and came up with a few fault codes on the X5. First being the glow plug controller has gone since have a recurring faulty on all cylinder glow plugs. Transmission issues come up as 4F80, 4F85, 4F86 and 4E87. So did a reset, did a test on all solenoids and bits and came back fine. Went back out for a drive today to check if it’s doing it again, and was happening going from 4-5 or 6-5 under a bit of load, and has the standard rough shift 2-1, and even 3-2 it jolts into gear. So looking like I’m up for a mechatronic rebuild. also did some “soft roading” in it while out, and goes alright considering it’s in 19” road tyres!
  12. So took the X5 for its first decent drive from Dunedin to Timaru and back. Was a joy to drive, apart from finding out the ac didn’t work. So got a recharge kit in timaru but still couldn’t get it working. Was almost home, coming up the second last big hill before the decent into Dunedin, and went to accelerate into the passing lane, auto went to drop down a few gears, but seemed like it missed a gear and just went into neutral for like 5-10 seconds, then eventually found third while going into limp mode. Got to the top of the hill and pulled over, gave it the ol’ off/on trick and was good as new again, and didnt do it again for the last 10mins home. I’m wondering if one of the solinoids has got some crud in it after the fluid change, and yet to be able to get it scanned. So I’m tossing up weather I take the Mechatronic solenoids out and clean them and hope for the best, or do I just replace them/rebuild the whole mechatronic unit.
  13. That kit looks pretty good! I just got some cheap one off trademe as mine doesn’t have a egr cooler, so was just the blank and new front pipe I needed. and got a genuine zf seal kit off a UK place on EBay. Was pretty straight forward to do, just took a bit to get an end of the seals out enough with a pick to grab onto them and pull them out.
  14. Loved the first one I had, even if it was briefly, so knew what I was getting into again, which is why I jumped at it! intake wasn’t too bad. Just super messy. Runners on the head were a pain as couldn’t get right down into the tops of the valves, but is better than what it was, and no more egr pumping sh*t into it now atleast
  15. So sold the two pfl diesel x5’s I had, and was ideally looking to get a *cough cough* Touareg *cough cough* as seemed best bang for buck with hight adjustable suspension, hi/low range, locking centre diff and 3.5T towing to make it a good all rounder. I went and test drove a petrol v8 with 170k km on it. And was an absolute turd. Sounded good, went well. But everything inside squeaked, all the soft touch plastics were peeling off, and generally pretty rough, so passed on that to keep an eye out for a nice diesel one. But then found this Gem on marketplace a couple weeks ago and after a week it dropped from 4.5k to 3k, so went and checked it out and for the price was too good to pass up, so ended up with another diesel e53, but a facelift. Will hit 300k in 30kms, but you wouldn’t think so. Nz new, I’m the third owner after 2nd bought it off his wife’s boss, so well serviced and looked after. Have just finished up given it a biiiig service of new fluids and filters all round, replaced mechatronic seals, transfer case actuator gears, new front outer CV’s, polished headlights, deleted egr, had no swirl flaps from factory which was good. Cleaned all the gunk out the intake and runners, new T.stat, with water pump and belts on the way still. so now should be good for another 100k
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