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Everything posted by Herbmiester

  1. Yes they do very good off road not as nice as an X5 on road.
  2. I have offered him 18k he asked for my number but so far no reply.
  3. I just bought a 2008 VW Touareg for 5k. 114k 4.2 V8 with good service history, needed a tow vehicle.
  4. The more I look at them the more I like them.
  5. Having played with a staggered and square setup on my 330ci I preferred the staggered setup. as to the tires the PS4s are a much better bet if you dont mid the extra cash.
  6. I have to agree, slim pickings at present.
  7. Its back for sale, bid is 16k, seems like a familiar number.
  8. Looking to do a simple 300mm front disk upgrade on the 328i and need some E46 Caliper carriers (Rotor Cages). Could also do a complete 330i front upgrade if anyone has a set of calipers for sale.
  9. As above E92 Motorsport front bumper, wanted.
  10. This just emphasis's the need for a Radar Detector, not so I can do 130kph but so I dont get an unnecessary ticket for doing 106kph when traffic is flowing smoothly or I am on a clear road in perfect driving conditions. Mine has save me form this fate on so many occasions now it has paid for itself many times over.
  11. Vogtland kits are pretty cost effective. German company. Shocks are made by Bilstein or Alko.
  12. I have ordered a pump thermostat kit so will do that as required maintenance. I will check the charging system and battery (Only 18 months old). I will pull the PDC and replace as its not working anyway and finally check the DME for any water damage. Hopefully the DME is ok as I only had the MOSFETS for the injectors replaced a year ago, but opening it may have made it more prone to leakage, I guess I will find out. I will say the car still starts and will rev but after being on for 10 to 15 seconds the warning lights come on and it locks into park (but not if its moving).
  13. Well since my PDC doesn't work I will add this to the list of things to check. Thanks.
  14. Tell me more, is this a known issue?
  15. Well its not as dramatic as that but the dash did light up like a Xmas tree and I was locked in park. I downloaded the fault codes (below) and I dod supect my water pump has died as its the right km (104k) for it to happen. I also got a high temp light on the dash as well. Whats the thoughts fellas? - DME active codes - 2DEB - DME: Power management, vehicle electrical system. 2E82 - DME: Electric coolant pump, cutoff. CD95 - Message (operation, cruise control/ACC, 0x194) faulty, receiver DME, transmitter DSC / SZL / LWS / ACC. - DME shadow (inactive) codes - 2FDB - Crankshaft sensor, signal: Not plausible. - Misc. information - MHD build: version 2.21 Voltage 0V Last flashed file : v9.0 Stage 1+ 93oct_98ron b1AT_noALP VIN: WBAWB72050P052299 CAS VIN: WBAWB72050P052299 HW: I8A0S Factory software: 7573888 Current software: 7628428 ECU status: Normal operation - Readiness - Misfire: Complete. Fuel System: Complete. Components: Complete. Catalyst: Complete. Heated Catalyst: Not avail. Evaporative System: Not avail. Secondary Air System: Not avail. A/C Refrigerant: Not avail. Oxygen Sensor: Complete. Oxygen Sensor Heater: Complete. EGR System: Not avail.
  16. I am an Auto Electrician but have not been in the trade for a good while now.
  17. I would go KW, Boytie had a set on his E60 and the ride handling compromise was very good. He did find raising the ride height from Flat Peak slammed to lowish made a huge difference to how it rode with no effect on handling. I will say setting my E46 330ci super low was a disaster.
  18. I had Ohlins Road & Track on my E46 and they were excellent.
  19. Let me know what you decide as I am ready to purchase a unit as well.
  20. I had an endorsed licence for 27 years and had a number of rifles, machine guns and pistols on that licence, I had/have a strong room, wireless alarm and two dogs that dont like strangers. My security is/was top notch. I have been through 2 lots of vetting, and my background and who I associate with has been reviewed in depth. I have also worked as an advisor to Police for the past 5 years on appointment by members of the Law & Order Select Committee. I also worked on the team that priced all the firearms for buyback and am a registered police valuer and range inspector. I can tell you Police management of the Arms act is very poor. When road policing stats look bad the district commanders raid the Arms budget so they can try and bump up the road statistics. Arms Officers are overworked and vetting officers are paid a pittance. An incident like Christchurch was a tragedy, but if Tarrant didn't have a licence this would not have happened. He had no underworld connections to get guns so he would have really struggled to find what he wanted. Police were slack at Aramoana, they did not follow up when the Napier Gunman lost his licence and one of their own was killed as a consequence and they have failed to deal with gangs and guns. Saying that MSSA firearms are a bad look for Gun owners is a joke, it's like saying high performance cars are bad look for SUV drivers. I sold back well over $150k worth of WW2 collectible firearms in the buyback, the Govt trampled over democratic process and vilified firearms owners so they could promote the buyback (Paid confiscation). They banned ammunition that is far less lethal than many readily available hunting rounds and refused to pay for it, worse still they could not even clearly define what was actually banned. They worked on appearance and hyperbole rather than fact and rushed it so no once could argue. They are typical socialists who hate firearms on principle and I can tell you that some of the regulations (not subject to democratic process) are draconian, have been dreamed up by people who have no idea what they are doing and are totally ineffective. What you should worry about is when they turn their eye towards vehicles especial if there is a Labour/Green coalition. You can bet a tax on the type of cars we like will be in there somewhere and dont bet that they wont ban some things outright.
  21. Around here debates on suspension usually revolve around one member saying Koni is the only choice and dismissing other products. You will get used to it.
  22. I know that my 335i throttle is programmable and that moving from a low movement big opening throttle to a linear throttle map made a huge difference to drive ability. Is the lag just turbo lag?
  23. No it was an easy fit and looked to be well made.
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