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Everything posted by E28E30

  1. @Ghost Chip buy this? https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3142565637.htm certed… no rust
  2. The Henna Red 320i is gone, did you buy it @Ghost Chip? Harm @leichtbau. that sounds intriguing…
  3. Sign says Carbase on dash and isn’t on their website 😕 https://www.mdecoder.com/decode/wbaab12040aa61816
  4. Hey @Ghost Chip maybe start here instead and change the gearbox out? 😹
  5. Olaf continues to be the experienced voice of reason be great to see some photos of your 318iS tribute/replica on its journey
  6. Think that makes sense where did you source the manual bits and bobs from?
  7. Or this for $2k as a real project https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3012129891.htm
  8. A tidy sedan @Ghost Chip https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3116586572.htm
  9. Thank you @_ethrty-Andy_ so the Facebook one iS a facelift, but has the smaller rear lamps? May need my glasses on... I think your auto to manual swap, if anything, adds to the value of yours as it comes with all the parts to return it to factory issued spec, a great approach imho.
  10. Noting good; noting bad? I think I recall that the convertibles had a delay in applying the LCI, or at least tail lights wise, is that right? So is this essentially a pre-LCI or?
  11. @_ethrty-Andy_ for the marginal if any cost in premium go for $30k. You won’t be able to replace it easily anyway but having more money in your hand if the worst happened might help you feel better? Who do you insure with and who did the pin dent paintless dent repairs out of interest? Calypso Red is suuch a nice colour on an E30
  12. Wow that’s awesome thank you Harm. Something must’ve been wrong with my TradeMe search as definitely looked at least 4 times that morning. It would only have made me sad anyway as sunk way deep into the sedan I bought. But wow it looks awesome in white
  13. Thanks Harm, never saw it on TradeMe and refresh that all day haha
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