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hunter last won the day on April 6 2023

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410 Excellent

About hunter

  • Rank
    3rd Gear

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  • Car
    2001 530i M Sport
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    watch this space....
  • Car 2
    Toyota Rumion TRD
  • Car 3
    2006 R53 Mini Cooper S

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  1. I have seen this car in person. it is really well done, no exspence spared by the sounds. But as others have said you'd be hard pushed to recoup all that cash on a restore. Take my E39 530i for example, all new M-Sport2 suspenion, new front seat cushion, restored xenon headlights, restored Style 42 18" wheels, factory or OEM+ every thing, new cooling system, new DISA, new Vanos seals, and on and on - i stopped couitng how much I put into it, the reason being, its the cost of ownership / hobby whatever you want to call it - never a cost recovery excercise. If i were to list it for sale, I'd be suproised if i got 10K given the market for E39s and what a little more can get you in terms of modern BMWs or other brands
  2. yep i did this - steering wheel and clock spring are the same. my car is auto though, so i also retro fitted the E46 M3 SMG paddle wheel and got those paddles working too The loom is slightly different in wiring color only, you can't get the E39 one for reasonable money. the E46 one is cheaper, and you just have to work out the wiring mapping for the colors. See attached BMW tech article and my mapping i used to map E46 to E39 colors You will need to splice into the LCM. Cruise & MFSW retrofit (1).pdf
  3. I have found chemical guys bare bones or one of their leather clesners and a microfibre towel soft bristeled interior bruch to be quite effective,
  4. hunter

    Project E39

    Hey man. Yeah it had a fluid change at Mosens probably about 4 years ago now. Maybe it needs another look at?
  5. hunter

    Project E39

    Has been a slow year on the E39, as my last post was just over a year ago! I have been focssed on a 2006 Mini Cooper S we bought back in Feb of this year. getting that sorted suspension and reliability wise in the eingine department, restoring some wheels etc etc. really fun little project. The E39 has had the usal annaul carclub drives and maintenance all the work carried out previously means its such a joy to drive and have in a well maintained reay to go anywhere state. however, recently i have been notived a bit, what i can best describe as a "whir" when in gear (D or R) particularly noticable in the garage or at low speeds, due to the fact it becomes the loudest noise inthat environment. if the car is in P or N and running it sounds totaly normal. but putting it in gear produces this "whir" it isn't audable at road speeds and the auto trans shifts as good as it ever has. the noise got louder this week and id really like to adress it. With the car idling in the driveway i cant hear any odd noises from the usualy bearing suspects like accessories drive pulley etc, im hoping it not torque converter or something heavy and expensive
  6. I have been followiong this build for a while on youtube. Interesting mash up of some cool BMW parts to make a unique vehicle. the "as you go" commentary style is really good and with design decisions, mistakes and corrections on show for others to learn.
  7. I hear you on the straight wheels. I took some to get the lips refurbished today and one was wonky as once it was in the machine. I hadn’t driven in them yet. Glad I got it checked before it sent me down a rabbit hole.
  8. Be good to get some sun to see the true colour. lol.
  9. on part 61120016012, i got one from Fabian at Coombes here in Hamilton. in fact i got 2, one for my E46 and the same for my E39 a few years later and mapped the wires based on different colors. Fun fact the E39 one does the same thing, but uses different colored wires, is NLA and cost a bomb.
  10. Can verify,have done this in both E46 and E39
  11. Watching with interest, I have a 530i I'm tempted to convert...
  12. hunter

    Miss BM V.3

    The upcoming Wenderholm cruise looks good. We'll be coming up for that one. good chancetoget out of Hams
  13. hunter

    Miss BM V.3

    Good to see you back, @MISS BM might see you and this beast ona few club runs? or Will your dad be stealing it for those
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