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47 minutes ago, Harper said:


You have to book well in advance and have them fitted\balanced? How much cheaper were they compared to the usuals?

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Got my last set of Michelin PS4S's from Costo in the states, was about $2K NZD all-in, although I had some very favourable shipping rates (ie: free).

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1 hour ago, Eagle said:

You have to book well in advance and have them fitted\balanced? How much cheaper were they compared to the usuals?

Fitting and balancing is included. Filled with nitrogen.

Last time I was there ps5(?)s were about $270/tyre for 215/45/17 and re003 were $288.

For the X5 fronts, they were $142/tyre cheaper than I could find elsewhere for ps4 suv.

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Costco tyre shop hours. 

Opening Hours

  • Mon-Fri 10:00am - 8:30pm
  • Sat 9:30am - 6:30pm
  • Sun 10:00am - 6:00pm

I can't even get any shop down here to do anything after 2pm. Let alone on a Sunday... 

I miss Costco. 

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17 hours ago, Driftit said:

Costco tyre shop hours. 

Opening Hours

  • Mon-Fri 10:00am - 8:30pm
  • Sat 9:30am - 6:30pm
  • Sun 10:00am - 6:00pm

I can't even get any shop down here to do anything after 2pm. Let alone on a Sunday... 

I miss Costco. 

Sunday? Saturday late morning - 10.00 - on is difficult, assuming the tyre place is open at all at the weekend. (Could well be a non-urban centre thing, of course.)

And yes - the 'discounts' now being offered are a pale imitation of what we saw only a few months ago. 25% max, whereas 40% was usual. And when buying a new tyre there is a 'Tyrewise Stewardship Government Fee' applied at checkout which should cover the cost of disposal of end-of-life tyres, yet some places are still charging a tyre disposal fee, too.

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Been doing quite a few trips in the dark recently and noticed a hell of a lot of cars with stupid aftermarket lights bolted on. Many of which would be illegal / WoF fails.

Including - utes with LED light bars across the bonnet and above the cab - it’s Auckland FFS not Nevada. 
Old Toyota with “line” style white lights around the rear boot and bumper?

Lots of people movers with blue lights at the front for headlights and fog lights?

Good old retro “neons” lighting up the road under the car - many so badly fitted you can see the actual light under the car!

Half the drivers in Auckland are confused if it rains let alone if it’s dark and there’s what looks like a UFO coming at them. 

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1 hour ago, E30 325i Rag-Top said:

Been doing quite a few trips in the dark recently and noticed a hell of a lot of cars with stupid aftermarket lights bolted on. Many of which would be illegal / WoF fails.

Including - utes with LED light bars across the bonnet and above the cab - it’s Auckland FFS not Nevada. 
Old Toyota with “line” style white lights around the rear boot and bumper?

Lots of people movers with blue lights at the front for headlights and fog lights?

Good old retro “neons” lighting up the road under the car - many so badly fitted you can see the actual light under the car!

Half the drivers in Auckland are confused if it rains let alone if it’s dark and there’s what looks like a UFO coming at them. 

coloured park lights and angel eye rings piss me off so much. Blatantly illegal, very obvious, owners DGAF and nothing happens to them. I use cold white leds as park lights and get told to remove them by an officer at a checkpoint, and then fail a wof because of them.

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Caravans and sh*t old motor homes.

Why has this become popular again? I guess there is nothing like parking up a few meters from your neighbour and sharing stories of who was the bigger a**hole by holding up the most traffic the longest. 

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3 hours ago, Driftit said:

Caravans and sh*t old motor homes.

Why has this become popular again?

Folk can't afford to pay someone else to make their beds.

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4 hours ago, Driftit said:

Caravans and sh*t old motor homes.

Why has this become popular again?  

Wait for a long week-end to hold up the most people.

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4 hours ago, Driftit said:

Caravans and sh*t old motor homes.

Why has this become popular again? I guess there is nothing like parking up a few meters from your neighbour and sharing stories of who was the bigger a**hole by holding up the most traffic the longest. 

You forgot Wangers (Ranger Wankers).

Pass everything in sight on the straights, then hold everybody up while struggling to negotiatiate corners and STILL endanger the oncoming traffic, spending half their time over the centre line.


Edited by Allanw
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34 minutes ago, Allanw said:

You forgot Wangers (Ranger Wankers).

Pass everything in sight on the straights, then hold everybody up while struggling to negotiatiate corners and STILL endanger the oncoming traffic, spending half their time over the centre line.


Have you driven one? There’s no way it’s passing anything on the straight unless it’s a bicycle.

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22 hours ago, Allanw said:

You forgot Wangers (Ranger Wankers).

Pass everything in sight on the straights, then hold everybody up while struggling to negotiatiate corners and STILL endanger the oncoming traffic, spending half their time over the centre line.


Plenty of them on my way up to the coromandel on Friday. Had a cRaptor trying to prove he was faster than an old 1 series auto. Had to back right off as he was crossing the center line on blind corners. Turned off to Pauwanui (of course he did).

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On the Raptor, what is the deal there ... they seem to have some type of 'exhaust' on them to highlight the fact they are auto and just sound like complete ass ? Twin pipes out the back looks like it can take some extensions to make it into a wheel barrow ? Then there is the alternate (unsure which pile of sh*t it is) which has a massive plastic cheese grater on the bonnet for ... well I'm not sure actually why, but it looks terrible when new I'd hate to see how it ages !!

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17 hours ago, Cement said:

On the Raptor, what is the deal there ... they seem to have some type of 'exhaust' on them to highlight the fact they are auto and just sound like complete ass ? Twin pipes out the back looks like it can take some extensions to make it into a wheel barrow ? Then there is the alternate (unsure which pile of sh*t it is) which has a massive plastic cheese grater on the bonnet for ... well I'm not sure actually why, but it looks terrible when new I'd hate to see how it ages !!

I was surprised to read they are a twin turbo V6.... how did they manage to make that sound so bad? Its a real weird sound, not like a V6.

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The new Burn Your Dollars Shark 6.
A 2700kg EV Ute with a GVM of exactly 3500kgs to avoid it being a Light Commercial Truck.

It will pay the same RUC as a Nissan Leaf.

They arrived in country this week.

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I think this might be peak "trying so desperately hard to be cool"

Fake plastic Wilwoods (in Manukau)


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At an event someone parked their Model 3 next to my M3.  Lets just say all the kids taking photos of the cars were not taking any of the Tesla.

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18 hours ago, Jacko said:

I think this might be peak "trying so desperately hard to be cool"

Fake plastic Wilwoods (in Manukau)

Swasticar drivers in a nutshell 🤡

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