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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/15 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    The rear rep has a slight unwanted curve. It's not awful and I've seen worse stock ones (when they've not been looked after) and is a big improvement over a half red wheel well. That said, the bow will bug me so I'll be keeping an eye open for a decent OE one.
  2. 3 points
    http://www.trademe.co.nz/Members/Listings.aspx?member=2386401 Almost all the auctions are tyres well out of date, many produced before year 2000 4 or 5 year old tyres, i dont have as strong opinion as some people here, ahem Ron ahem, but i think we can all agree 15 year old tyres are well overdue, surely it is/should be illegal to profiteer from these deathwishes?
  3. 3 points
    People that ask on your V12 listing "hows the fuel economy" serious the next guy i might just link to the prius section.
  4. 3 points
    That's exactly what you want in a BMW mechanic though isn't it? Especially when getting a PPI.
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    So in the entire time that I've owned this car I've never detailed it. The paint is very good considering its now 20 years old but was a bit dull. So I decided to give it a wash and cut and polish. .
  8. 2 points
    I'm sorry... I did miss something off the list... the used condom in the rear ashtray Who removed it ??
  9. 2 points
    At last the collection of underneath bits is complete. The clutch & flywheel took nearly 4 months to arrive ex USA via kiwishipping. The nzd was a lot stronger back then so buying this lot now wouldn't be as fun. Major surgery carried out next week including : - clutch - flywheel - rear main seal - driveshaft guibo and centre bearing - engine & trans mounts - new exhaust fasterners and mountings - gear shifter rebuild with all new bushings and fittings.
  10. 2 points
    I remember getting my e39 528i ppi'd @ glenns. Impressed to see the right rear speaker listed as not working. That's pretty thorough!
  11. 2 points
    Simple really, it is what it is...
  12. 2 points
    The quality of driving by parents picking their kids up from school. The only thing on their mind is getting the best parking spot so their kid doesn't have to walk 1km to home. The Oteha Valley to Constellation Drive stretch of motorway. They spent all this time building what I thought was a new lane to smooth out the 2 lane cluster f**k. It was a bus lane. Which I have yet to see a bus use. There is now also no shoulder now. So if someone breaks down.. It is even bad on the weekend. NEVER put a salesperson in charge of a company. The direction of the company changes for every bloody sales opportunity..
  13. 2 points
    Maybe you should write an open letter.
  14. 1 point
    Hi all, Have just put my parents' car on TradeMe. Please get in touch ASAP if interested. Cheers. Link: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=927488137&ed=true
  15. 1 point
    My E34 528i factory manual.
  16. 1 point
    6 Weeks left of work Yeow!
  17. 1 point
    I would bet a penny to a pound that most of the warrant places that I have had the displeasure of dealing with would not have seen that, they only look for bits to fail the vehicle on so they can make money, e.g. tie rods, ball joints, play in rack etc etc etc etc. Also, double that bet the AA would have missed it too.. Unfortunately, competent mechanics/workshops are very much an (almost) extinct breed, profit/turnover is the modern name of the game...
  18. 1 point
    If he's so eager to get somewhere in a hurry a Great Wall probably wasn't the best purchase. Lucky it didn't melt with the weekend's rain.. Got no time for idiots like that.
  19. 1 point
    This c**ksmoker who tailgated me all the way up Wellington Street, then sat on his horn when I didn't take off at the lights in under a millisecond. I slowed down to p*ss him off so he overtakes me on the motorway overpass then does a cop style blocking manoeuvre just so he can jump out of his cheap truck to eff and blind at me in his f*cking stubbies. My six year old was in the back crying. What a c*nt. Plus he was about 60. I'm not a violent man but driving in Auckland could change that. EDIT: had a good laugh when he missed the filter light on Pitt Street because a fattie was crossing too slowly.
  20. 1 point
    Agree totally on what you are saying but i am missing something - where are you seeing the date stamp?
  21. 1 point
    Ahh, yeah.........."for the kids"........... Have seen your car a few times in the New World carpark but never took a closer peek, had no idea its got a proper gearbox!
  22. 1 point
    Might have been guilty of sitting in it making brumm brummm sounds on occasion (for the benefit of my kids obviously.....) I still have my ace card to play, she wants the new 2016 YZ250F when its released and her old one won't be worth much now.
  23. 1 point
    Look, if worst comes to worst bring it to my place (I'm about 10 minutes from you) and we'll hide it under some blankets in my shed for a couple months. She'll never see it past the stack of E36 and E39 parts so it'll be nice and safe, and I solemnly promise not to sit in it and make brum brum sounds (though my toddler might!) After a few short weeks she'll have forgotten all about it and you'l have the new daily and the E34. Win-win!
  24. 1 point
    sold, will pay and collect tomorrow .
  25. 1 point
    That means bugger, as I need the 3-pin version!! Thanks for checking.
  26. 1 point
    Sold one and got the other back from the paint booth! And putting her back together!
  27. 1 point
    Yeah think I took one of those photos - again down sized phone pic so it would fit on this site... I see this most days at work - very nice!
  28. 1 point
    Im more inclined to question the skills of the E36 driver that can't get out of there lol, i put my hi ace through spots tighter than that
  29. 1 point
    ^picking up a 4x4 bmw or toyota i could understand the slip up, but virtually every subaru under the sun is 4x4 surely its in the training manual!
  30. 1 point
    not the woman with the kid I'm guessing
  31. 1 point
    Back up for sale and now the start price is at $7500 - http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=927095492 Looking for only cash
  32. 1 point
    Do you use security cameras to take your photos? Awesome car by the way! Love it
  33. 1 point
    Never put a salesman in charge of anything in my experience
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    That's my car ( mrs pom) I spent all sat cleaning them.
  36. 1 point
    And just picked up... OE front was easy to fit and fits beautifully, the rear rep not so much. Looks pretty good but I'll definitely be looking for an OE one in the future. The hooks on the rear bumper were all broken so the diffuser is glued. I'll take some pics of it when the glue has cured and the tape's off. Edit: And no problems navigating our drive. Sweet!
  37. 1 point
    Saw this just now. 2004 330d manual on csl style wheels. Nice!
  38. 1 point
    Taking shape!! csi front on and managed to repurpose the standard license plate base... Rear diffuser will be be fitted by the end of the day, then I've got to start work adapting the E36 M3 mirrors I have while I'm still waiting on the new radiator Will take proper pics soon.
  39. 1 point
    ^yeah man. It's like, I am choosing not to end your life by slowing down and not running you over, the last thing you should be doing is swearing at me.
  40. 1 point
    Clearly it's a write off and needs to be parted out.
  41. 1 point
    ^I hate when you flat with people who put like 2 plates a cup and one f**king spoon and turn the dishwasher on a heavy cycle.
  42. 1 point
    Sorry, Josh, that should be "a bit quicker than STANDARD E30s", yours doesn't qualify for that statement!
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