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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/20 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    People who just refuse to see anything positive and nitpick everything.
  2. 6 points
    Excellent points. I find as a guest in this great country that there is a somewhat fatalistic outlook on things here, that everything seems terrible and poor, but in reality compared to even 'advanced' places like the US and the UK things are on the whole pretty good here. I wish more of us would stop to reflect on that a bit more.
  3. 6 points
    I had an endorsed licence for 27 years and had a number of rifles, machine guns and pistols on that licence, I had/have a strong room, wireless alarm and two dogs that dont like strangers. My security is/was top notch. I have been through 2 lots of vetting, and my background and who I associate with has been reviewed in depth. I have also worked as an advisor to Police for the past 5 years on appointment by members of the Law & Order Select Committee. I also worked on the team that priced all the firearms for buyback and am a registered police valuer and range inspector. I can tell you Police management of the Arms act is very poor. When road policing stats look bad the district commanders raid the Arms budget so they can try and bump up the road statistics. Arms Officers are overworked and vetting officers are paid a pittance. An incident like Christchurch was a tragedy, but if Tarrant didn't have a licence this would not have happened. He had no underworld connections to get guns so he would have really struggled to find what he wanted. Police were slack at Aramoana, they did not follow up when the Napier Gunman lost his licence and one of their own was killed as a consequence and they have failed to deal with gangs and guns. Saying that MSSA firearms are a bad look for Gun owners is a joke, it's like saying high performance cars are bad look for SUV drivers. I sold back well over $150k worth of WW2 collectible firearms in the buyback, the Govt trampled over democratic process and vilified firearms owners so they could promote the buyback (Paid confiscation). They banned ammunition that is far less lethal than many readily available hunting rounds and refused to pay for it, worse still they could not even clearly define what was actually banned. They worked on appearance and hyperbole rather than fact and rushed it so no once could argue. They are typical socialists who hate firearms on principle and I can tell you that some of the regulations (not subject to democratic process) are draconian, have been dreamed up by people who have no idea what they are doing and are totally ineffective. What you should worry about is when they turn their eye towards vehicles especial if there is a Labour/Green coalition. You can bet a tax on the type of cars we like will be in there somewhere and dont bet that they wont ban some things outright.
  4. 3 points
    It must be. One of the most common questions I get (usually from those who have not been overseas) is "Why do you like it so much here?? What's so good?".... I usually say as a small example like..not only do you have beautiful public parks everywhere (they have reduced over the decades in the UK), those parks almost always have public toilets/changing facilities etc (they were mostly all closed in the UK some 25-30 years back) and those facilities usually actually have TOILET ROLL in them (this was unheard of in my lifetime in the UK). This usually prompts some laughter and a reaction that surely I must be joking....because all of those things are "just normal right?"....no. We are very lucky here.
  5. 3 points
    Perhaps that's it. I've lived overseas for over 8 years in two stints, including continental Europe for 6, that's only increased my appreciation of just how lucky we are down here. It's easy to take for granted what you have already.
  6. 2 points
    I think body-colour mirrors, bumpers, and some foglamps... we just need to set up a paint booth, I'm game for the painting ?
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    Unused as new. Solid rubber so will outlast oem fluid filled. $OLD
  9. 1 point
    I'm not sure how quickly I'll move but keep me in mind and feel free to send me a PM if nothing pops up and you want to discuss it further. I have 2 x full Vader interiors and only one M3.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Try unplug the air mass sensor then road test. Its easy way of eliminating a component that can cause the fault your experiencing.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Can say 100% that amping the factory subs is definitely worth it. Whole thing just works better, unloaded the 50x4 from headunit and everything just goes louder and stays clearer. Can actually feel the subs working in the trim now
  14. 1 point
    If it has nothing on the options list it is probably base I'd guess. Mine also has Nav/idrive but is base audio. Also, having tweeter pods on the A pillar doesn't guarantee having tweeters inside. My pods are just filled with a foam insert! Makes the tweeters easy to add if you want to though
  15. 1 point
    Have to call you on that one. 5m masks released from central repository yesterday, all rest homes locked down and no staff movement between them, 16 new fixed and mobile testing stations in the last 24h fully staffed with trained teams, 9 effective roadblocks sealing a city. All of that is an improvement and in many cases they've hit the right standards. Perfect? No. Better? Yes.
  16. 1 point
    world wars will be over fresh water supplies in the not too distant future
  17. 1 point
    Difflab in Australia do both Wavetrac helical and MFactory 1.5/2.0 way diffs for the E9x, they also do OS Giken if you're feeling flush.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    How many terrorists and gang members hold a FAL in NZ? How many firearms offences are committed by FAL holders yearly? How many firearms offences are committed by gang members yearly? Perhaps we can reflect on how licenced firearms owners must be one of the most law abiding segments of society. And how, just maybe, targeting them with more legislation and restrictions will change none of society's problems... Because they cause none of them.
  20. 1 point
    Well, I am gonna get the ball rolling and take the piss in the Q&A.
  21. 1 point
    Looks like a rolling Aliexpress "this fits your car" catalogue.
  22. 1 point
    Usually pretty easy to spot NZ New isn't it. Old man color combos like Green with Cream comfort seats and a towbar. ?
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