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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/23 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Timely thread - I picked up this LCI Interlagos Blue E90 M3 last week. I specifically wanted a sedan over the coupe - the E46 isn't going anywhere, I wanted four doors for the practicality, and I actually prefer the look of the sedan over the coupe for the E9X generation. @lbo99 would the E46 make way for an E90 or would you keep both? I don't believe there are significant differences pre-LCI vs LCI - depending on the service history, the car may be on original software and I understand this makes a slight difference to the way the DCT performs. I just had all the modules and software updated at the dealership as this is an ex-UK car with limited NZ dealership service history.
  2. 6 points
    Yes absolutely. But in my opinion, that market is slightly different in how it is presently compared with the Euro market. Because prices jumped up so severely and so quickly on almost every turbo manual or fast & furious featuring JDM car (Skylines, Supras, Silvias, Evos, STIs etc), that trickled down to almost anything "JDM" with people feeling "FOMO", and that if they didn't get a JDM car right now, they would miss the boat, and ALL JDM cars would be unobtainium!! Coupled with cheap money + easy finance, and the social media "hype" around almost anything JDM, dealers had the best market to buy undesirable cars in Japan, and flip them to idiots in New Zealand under the guise of it being a "JDM investment". People saw the "desirable" turbo, manual stuff like Skylines & Silvias go from sub 10K, to "$30K, $40K, $50K" cars, and then expect their slow slush box N/A Toyota Chaser to do the same. The business model was simple but effective: buy something less desriable in Japan, like a naturally aspirated Toyota Chaser, for a couple grand, , ship to NZ -> Lower it, "New Mags & Tyres" + easy finance and put it up for $19,999, and have people lining up to buy. This created almost a perfect storm, where people thought they could buy a presently overpriced JDM car in the present, and it would be worth more in 6 months time. And for lots of people, this worked. If you bought a manual Silvia at the start of 2021, you would have made money selling it at the start of 2022. However, that time has now come to a close. What I feel this means is that the JDM market currently still looks somewhat strong, with prices not really seeming to drop. But barely anything is actually selling and there is SO MUCH supply. It seems people are being hopeful trying to get out of a boring car they paid WAY too much for at the start of 2022, and are not willing to take a big loss. Just look at how many WRX STIs are for sale for example..... The Euro market by contrast I feel that sellers, like me, are more willing, and more used to losing some money on their car, and are realistically dropping their prices to actually sell their car. I also feel maybe it's because for a lot of niche Euro cars, particularly ones that avoided the "investment" hype, my 987 Boxster for example, aren't really a car you'd find in a classic "Easy Finance" car yard, and appeal to a vastly different demographic to a Toyota Aristo. As a result, I think sellers can actually afford to take a bit of a loss on their car, and that is reflected with seller's realistically pricing their cars in a market with few buyers. It is on this "allusion of investment" premise that I think cars like an E46 M3 have such a wide price range now. I think a lot of people bought them as an investment. I remember when that Laguna Seca blue NZ New manual one, sold for $51K in early 2021, which at the time seemed like a strong result. By the end of the year people were asking north of $50K & $60K for SMG cars... If you look right now, there's dealers still asking $60K for SMG cars, and a dealer also asking $60K for a LHD manual. Realistically, who would be buying these? I don't think there's buyers even at $45K, proven by the fact that there are SMG cars available for $45K!! However, as a final point, I do think lots of cars, like E46 M3s have appreciated in value. BUT, the idea that cars supposedly "doubling" or "tripling" in value in the span of 18 months was/is ridiculous imo. Essentially I think that any car that was zoned as an “investment” (GT Porsches are another example) have huge price disparities, and people trying to get out what they were told it would be worth… Anyway, that was a far bigger write-up and brain dump than I anticipated. That's just my 2 cents worth and my opinion on what's been happening and what will continue to happen.
  3. 3 points
    Looking at your fixed ownership history, I believe the crystal ball is telling me that you will be buying not just 1 but 2 E60 M5 soon! (chatGPT/Bing Chat) does seem to agree with me:
  4. 2 points
    @Kees pretty much! Anyways - E92 M3 would be a great choice for a daily GT car with an epic soundtrack - one of the last 'pretty' BMW's IMO, would expect to pay $40k plus for a good one.
  5. 2 points
    Black e34 525tds this morning going past the Meadowbank Pony Club. Rare sight...
  6. 2 points
    Note that at Euro Italian Car Parts NZ LTD, we are now open Saturdays, 9:00am - 1:00pm.
  7. 2 points
    Not really, the M4 is a 2-door M3 anyway. The fact that they are the last NA M3 is more desirable to some. There are some versions that could appreciate over time if looked after, but not a reason you should really be looking for one of these.
  8. 2 points
    Yep, no more cheap money means no more toys. I'll likely have to give away my Maserati. Personally if I was getting an E9x M3 I would only get a manual. Sellers are asking too much at the moment I think.
  9. 2 points
    That car seems to be a sign of the dwindling car market. Guy really wants to sell, and granted its high ks & no rod bearing history - but he started at $40K which wouldn't have been awfully unreasonable exactly 1 year ago. Now down to 28K ONO, haven't seen an E9X M3 that cheap since 2020! $25K would probably own it....! Personally I would wait, car market only seems to be getting worse and worse with interest rates on the rise, and people being cautious about spending. I think things might return to pre-covid levels. Porsche market is cooked, basically gave away my manual 987 a couple weeks ago despite all the "interest". There's 14 different GT Porsches for sale (I haven't seen that many for sale at one time ever!), 4 812 Superfasts etc, heaps of cars are getting dumped. B7 RS4 another good example, cars with ks returning to the 20K region instead of mid 30s....
  10. 2 points
    Properly maintained you won't loose money on a E9x M3 in the near future. Nor probably the far future. Very few cars are good investments but the E9X does return many grins per mile, even when not being "thrashed".
  11. 1 point
    Having driven both, the F80 would be easier to use as a daily, but the E9x provides the more special experience, something to look forward to driving. Plus for $47k you'd be getting a ratty F80 compared to a rather better E9x.
  12. 1 point
    My one was significantly less than F80 money, but yes looking at the rest of the E9X stock on the market they are priced around that level. Don’t think many would be changing hands at those levels in this market.
  13. 1 point
    Lmk when you want to sell them, I might be interested to get them if I manage to find a suitable M3 soon
  14. 1 point
    @lbo99 I will probably sell those wheels. They’re replicas, and aren’t the correct width/offsets. The paint condition is average too, so I would prefer a set of the standard 18’s or genuine comp wheels if they came up for sale. Interesting points re: E46 vs E9X. In terms of modern tech features, the only real advantage my particular E90 has over the E46 is CIC with CarPlay retrofitted (granted the spec of mine is a little on the light side). Very handy for everyday use although the base audio system is pretty lacklustre. EDC is also a nice feature but I haven’t done enough k‘s yet to really test it out.
  15. 1 point
    I was referring to the Cayenne. Should have been clearer.
  16. 1 point
    Fixed it haha! looks like I do need professional help 😢. Proud to be in similar multiple car ownership company aye @Jun bahaha 🤣🤣
  17. 1 point
    1989 Mercedes 500SE. 8.5km per litre, almost regardless of how it is driven. Almost... Some spirited excursions can see it drop considerably. Never going to be as bad as my old Jensen though. Got that down to well below 2mpg. About 0.76km per litre. 🤣
  18. 1 point
    That's ^ a good looking car, well done.
  19. 1 point
    Small update, car has been doing well still. Some minor issues, some very rare occasional glitches likely electrical related. Replaced battery, someone here had a 55DIN AGM Varta battery for a $100 bargain that is still in very good condition. Powerhaus can’t replicate the issue or find anything wrong. I had A1 tech check all electrical of car, no issues but I did get A1 replaced with the updated IBS. @Olaf suggested this a few months ago, so finally did it. Aaron of A1 needed to buy a few harness, old IBS is not sold anymore. Only odd issue he saw the car only had 2 days electrical history. So maybe the IBS is breaking in weird ways. Diff is still grinding when car isn’t getting used much. New Liqui Molly + Redline FM oil probably not good enough, slightly worse than OEM oil binds after more than a week not running the car. Anyway after getting the IBS changed got all stats reset and a quick squeeze of the pedal got me 2.5km/l… oh well about right when you run it fast 😅 @treone your old E31 is still there at A1, Aaron still hasn’t sorted it yet 🤣
  20. 1 point
    Does the fact that these are the last 2door M3 help make them more desirable in the future?
  21. 1 point
    Haven't been looking, but wow! Lots of e46 m3's too, with a wide price range now. I assume the JDM specials are in the same boat?
  22. 1 point
    As with any downturn, great time to be sitting on cash. Terrible time to be sitting on toys you love and in need of cash. I didn’t realise the E92 M3 was a V8. If they did an E91 I’d probably call it my dream car. Could be a cool project one day.
  23. 1 point
    <Ahem> Me, sir! Had a couple of 222s. Loved them.
  24. 1 point
    Found this on an FB page if you’re interested: https://www.facebook.com/groups/792622097429141/permalink/6643124639045495/?sale_post_id=6643124639045495&mibextid=S66gvF
  25. 1 point
    Is an E9x M3 comparable in the 'genetics' sense to an E30, E36 or even E46? Maybe not. Is it a lovely car to drive? Definitely. In 2008' Car and Driver' suggested it bordered on perfection. It's a great car. DCT or manual? Personal preference. PFL or FL? Just get the best one you can.
  26. 1 point
    Well, they were selling for low 20's a few years back... buying one now is not a good investment. They're the first of the big, heavy M3's which is not a cool thing, and is an M3 really an M3 if it has a V8? Bottom end is bad, but so was the S54's and that's still iconic. If it's an emotional purchase and you have the coin go for it, if it's an investment it's a terrible one, if you want to thrash it then yes, if you're not going to thrash it then there's no point in owning it. It's not likely to appreciate with the same trajectory as an E3/4 series M3 because supply is not an issue.
  27. 1 point
    The coolant leak was sorted, seems to have had a touch too much fluid in it and held pressure as expected, thanks @Eagle for testing at short notice. Last Thursday, 18th May, I returned from a 3600 KM round trip from Hamilton to Aarow town and surrounding locations as part of the BMW Car Club NZ South Island tour. it was fantastic and the car ran flawlessly the whole way. With 21 cars and nearly 40 people it was a trip to remember I even did 3 laps of highlands park with no issues except some hot, smelly brakes afterwards. Needless to say, even the longer drives 8 or 9 hours stretches were no trouble given the refreshed seat base and brilliant ergonomics of the E39 platform. Kaikoura E39 Park up just outside Fairlie Arrowtown morning briefing, Club Touring day 1 Classic little general store Ida Valley-Omakau Road, Otago E39 trio, Oamaru.from left to right; M5, Alpina B10 V8, 530i MSport Ohau Church of the Good Shepherd, Sunrise, Lake Tekapo, 3 degrees and dropping. Temp hit -4.5 between Tekapo and Fairlie
  28. 1 point
    Need to replace it and then reset it via the cluster should it not clear
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