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hqstu last won the day on October 24 2023

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About hqstu

  • Rank
    3rd Gear

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    1999 e39 540i Motorsport
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  • Car 2
    2003 e39 M5
  • Car 3
    2001 e38 740i Motorsport

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  1. I had a set powdercoated and they are flaking, possibly due to poor prep I had no control over. Guy was making excuses for not doing them and in the end was probably rushed.... Since then, I've had a further two sets gently sand blasted and then I painted myself with the wrinkle paint you can get from SCA or RIPCO. No primer. Good lasting results so far....
  2. hqstu

    E39 Taillights

    Correct on all counts
  3. As a e38 740 owner, and been around e39's and now e38's for a while I can't add to what Jared has said - at all
  4. I've just bought a 40d 2011 msport, UK import, 160,000km when bought a couple of months ago, now 166,000km. $13k. Buyers' market atm although had to offload the older X3 for nothing despite spending a sh$t ton on that refurbishing. Things to look out for; Shock mount bushes pulverised (easy fix), water leaks in rear of trunk (still looking for source of my small intermittent leak) can damage wiring loom / modules and unleash hell (caught in time and managing it)..., inner tail lights on tailgate can fill with water and fail (new off aliexpress - can't tell difference from genuine), sunroof drain blockages (not on mine), bad tail gate rattle (easy fix), surface corrosion underside (not a major), as good a service history as possible, watch for upper timing chain stretch on 40d, replace at dealer for $2.5k before it destroys guides etc, resulting in a much much larger bill... (planned). Do oil changes every 10k and replace all fluids, incl transmission (all in progress), Tyres will be $$$, get a space saver spare, jack etc. Mine has extras like full leather dash, soft close doors, full comfort sports seats, etc. I like it, tows a caravan as if it wasn't there. 950k on a tank if you're not stupid.
  5. To give them credit, at least it's $1 reserve so the market will truly determine... but yes it should be illegal to WOF tyres that old.
  6. These people in Manukau also do this, did my M5 cluster a few years ago. Auto Electrician | Thecircuitspecialist | Auckland
  7. Yes, this car is on our e39 M5 register. Typical erroneous dealer listing. It is not the very last of the 6 speed manuals for NZ (actually mine is lol) and it isn't at the low point of its future value, that was back in 2015-17. But I suppose you could argue they could only go up (hopefully) from here, well they arguably have been up, but eased back a bit.... Different spec with the basic comfort seats and chrome trim.
  8. Just the one spare for the two cars... yeah not great news. Hopefully someone might "own" the problem...
  9. hqstu

    Quick rant thread.

    Schmiedmann has the most randomly useless shipping calculator IMHO. One can add two items to cart and get a stupid shipping price, delete 1 item and the shipping actually goes up !! I have 0 trust in it, and I've never been emailed to adjust shipping.. and when I have them on about it - the response is less than helpful...
  10. Just installed B4's all round on the e83 X3, it's doing a fair few km atm so will be interesting to see how they go/last... I'm hoping they should be good for a longtime...
  11. hqstu

    e38/39 Central DHB

    Couple of shots of the engine tidy up, the headlights also got a tidy up, including removing the blingy aftermarket halo's, polishing the lens, sorting some wiring, and also new foglights have gone in. I have got new covers for the headlights but I was originally sent two of the same side, so will replace them when I repair and paint front bumper over summer.
  12. hqstu

    e38/39 Central DHB

    Well it's been quite a while so time for a bit of an update... M5 - driving it when I can and trying to get from A to B as "efficiently" as I can whilst doing so... 540 - going really well. Just done a couple of good trips including the BMW Car Club run to Whangamomona. What a blast. Just recently I've painted the instrument needles again. A PO had painted them red, so I just re-did them in red again, would prefer the white but needle changing is a nightmare, and cluster even worse... Also put on a new steering column leather cover (that was a mission) and a new cluster surround. Got it all back together to discover a backlight bulb had blown.... out it all comes... Still, it all looks great now. I've also decided to fully paint the 540 early next year so preparing for that, new rear MSII shocks whilst the interior is apart as well, rear parcel tray needs a re-cover. 740 - I've done a major gasket etc replacement on the engine and the oil leak has reduced considerably, it was the valve covers mainly, no surprises there. The engine was a real RTV special, why don't people just renew... But it appears there is still a minor weep suspecting the top oil pan gasket. I had thought originally rear main seal... However I happened to scan the transmission one day and a code for slipping lockup clutch is up on the torque converter. So I'm going to get my spare msport TC refurbed and sometime in the next few months I'm thinking an upper gasket, RMS, and TC changeout is coming up... I haven't really noticed any symptoms driving it, but now I know the code is there, my mind is playing silly buggers with me... Other items I've changed on the 740 are the rear door rear rubber trims, transmission mounts, trans fluid and filter (code was up before this), fuel filler hose, centre console rear controls, and a new LCD screen for the Bordmonitor. Being a newer screen it is compatible with polarized sunglasses so that is a great improvement, as well as generally looking heaps better. Will be looking to do a bit of paint on the 740 myself over Summer if I can find the time...
  13. I've had a weak battery bring up Trans Failsafe on a 5HP19 in the past. so fingers crossed... I'm getting a lockup clutch slipping code on the 740 5HP24 but no real symptoms I can detect as yet. I will get my spare torque convertor rebuilt I think... it's sitting with the spare trans under the bench... what every '24 owner should have... 😁
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